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January 26th, 1954. <br /> <br /> 54-27. "I submit the attached budget for the Department of Public Welfare of the City of Ports- <br />mouth, Virginia, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1955 and recommend that the City Manager be directed to incor-~ <br />porate the said budget into the City budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 955. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Bilisoly that the City Manager be authorized to incorporate the~said bud- <br />get in the City's budget for the fiscal year beginning July l, 1954, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-28. "I submit the attached letter from F.J. Bergeron, City Engineer, and recommend that the <br />amount of $10,120.00 for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Bradford Terrace be added to the other sewer <br />projects and to be financed by a future Bond mssue and _that the appropriation of the above sum be placed on its <br />first eadmng. <br /> <br />reading, was adopted. <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Smith to place an appropriation of $10,120.00 for said purpose on first <br /> <br /> 54-29. "I submit the attached amendment to Chapter I Section 12 of the License ordinance and <br />recommend that it be placed on its first reading." <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE TO AN~ND AND RE-ORDAIN SECTION 12 OF CHAPTER I OF THE <br />LICENSE TAX ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, REIATING TO THETRANSFER <br />OF LICENSES" <br /> <br /> 54-30. <br />mend that it be placed on <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Lawrence to place said ordinance on first reading, was .adopted. <br /> <br />"I submit the attached" amendment to the Code of the City of Portsmouth 1951, and recom- <br />first reading." ~ <br /> <br /> ORDINANCE TO A~END AND RE-ORDAIN SECTION 7-30 OF TME CODE OF THE <br />CITY OF PORTSMOUTR, 1951, RELATING TO INSPECTION FEES FOR ELECTRICAL <br />WIRING" <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Warren to place said ordinance on first reading, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-31. "I am submitting the attached letter from the Portsmouth Retail Merchants Association. <br />This is for your information." <br /> <br /> '~he Board of Directors of the Portsmouth Retail Merchants Association at their meetmng <br />on January 14th, 1954, unanimously resolved to request you to investigate the Newport News Municipal parking plan, <br />with a view of adopting the same system in Portsmouth as the opportunity arises. To that end, we believe that <br />enabling legislation will be necessary, and we request that }he same be brought to the attention of the Legislature <br /> It ms not our intentfon to by-pass or conflict in my manner with the present Redevelop~ <br />merit Plan, but to,supplement same, so that when the opportunity presents itself for the purchase or condemnation of <br />suitable lots, the City will be mn a o~sition to do so, thus relieving the present burden on the merchants. We <br />thank you for your kind consideration. <br /> <br /> On motion filed. <br /> <br /> 54-32. "I submit the attached resolution and recommend its adoption." <br /> <br />'~HEREAS, the City of Portsmouth has been advised that the House Ways <br /> and Means Committee of the Congress of the United States in approving <br /> a substantive addition to the proposed Revenu~ Revision Bill of 1954, <br /> subjected the following types of municipal securities to Federal taxation - <br /> 1. Municipal housing authority securities to be issued in the.~ture. <br /> 2. Municipal revenue bonds issued for industrial development purposes <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, it is reported that the above-action was taken by the Committee <br /> in closed or executive session without any Governor, any State Attoruey <br /> General, any Mayor, any County Commissioner, or any non Federal official <br /> being given the courtesy or opportunity of bringing testimony, and <br /> WHEREAS, in the opinion of this Council, the action of taxing municipal <br /> securities violates the Constitution of the ~nited States <br /> THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: <br /> <br />That the Council of the City of portsmouth: <br /> 1. Protest this closed-door action. <br /> Respectfully requests reconsideration of the action taken. <br /> 3. Respectfully requests that those duly elected officials of <br /> States, Counties and Cities who are desirous of so doing, be <br /> given an opportunity to present testimony mn public hearzng, and <br /> <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be spread upon <br />the minute book of the Council. of th-e City of Portsmouth and that copies <br />of the Resolution be- forwarded to each member of the Ways and ~eans <br />Committee of Congress." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Hawks that the resolution be approved, and that copies be sent to all of <br />Virginia's representatives and Senators, as well as members of the Ways and Means CoF~ittee of Congress, was adopte~. <br /> <br /> 54-33. '~t the previous meeting of the City Council, you authorized me to advertise a jib of <br />land-adjacent to the new Woodrow Wilson schOOl site for sale. The parties interested in this property no longer <br />need this site. I recommend that a resolution be adopted rescinding the action of the Council offering the <br />proper~y for sale." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Reward that this p~epmrty not be offered for sale, was adopted. <br /> <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS - <br /> <br /> <br />