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January 26th, 1954. <br /> <br />which is hereto at~ached. From this conviction he appealed the case zo the Court of Hustings for the City of <br />Portsmouth and on January 14, 1954, he was again fined $50.00 and cost and paid to the Clerk of the Hustings Court <br />the sum of $63 00 on the Hame case. <br /> The Clerk of the Civil add Police Cenrt' failed to tranpmit the $54.00 that had been col- <br />lected by him to the Court of Hustings and therefore GFimes was required to pay twice. He is therefore asking for <br />a refund of $54.00 which he the Civil and Police Court." <br /> <br /> M~tion of Mr. Howard that a refund of $54.00 be granted William R. Grimes,was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-38. Motion of Mr. Wilson that a permit be issued for a cleaning and pressing establisP~ent <br />401. Pearl Street, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-39 ~ion of Mr. Howard that the City Manager be requested by the Council to investigate and <br />bring in a report of the advisability, feasibility and approximate cos~ ~o acquire the vacant lot on the north <br />side of Glasgow Street, lying on each side of ScorE's Creek ~o extend the presen~ culvert in Scott's Creek from the <br />north side of Glasgow Street ~o. approximately 250 feet tofthe imaginary ex~ended line of the north side of North <br />Street, ~o build a bulkhead across the creek along the imagiqary extended line of the north side of North Street, <br />to fill in the creek area and make a parking tot out of the total area of vacan~ lots and filled-in creek for the <br />use of the Municipal stadium, aiso that the City Manager be requested to use his best efforts to have_the Federal <br />Government dredge a channel in the creek, was adopted. <br /> <br />On motion adlourned. <br /> <br />Clerk. <br /> <br />Approved - <br /> <br /> President. <br /> <br /> <br />