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January 26th, 1954. <br /> <br />54-23. <br /> <br />At a~regu!ar meeting of the City Council, held on January 26th, 1954, there were present: <br /> <br />Fred A'Duke, Frank H. Bilisoly,Jr., R.'E; Hawks, C~C.'Houghton]Jr., Jas. N. Howard, <br />Edgar W. Lawrence, R. Irvihe Smith, E R. Sturtevant, C.E. Warren, Pearle J. Wilson, <br />I. G. Vass, City Manager, and R. C. Barclay, City Attorney. <br />The following notice of zoning changes, deferred from meeting of December ~2nd, 1953, was <br />read: <br /> <br />"Clara S. Hunter to rezone lots #9 thru #24 block ~113 Westhaven, beginning at <br />the southeast corner of Airline Boulevard and Brighton Street, fronting 280 feet <br />on the east side of Airline Boulevard, then 240 feet on the north side of Henry <br />Street, then 217 feet north to Brighton Street, then 60 feet on th~ south side of <br />Brighton Street tolthe point of beginning, from Two Fa mily Class Z"C" to Commercial' <br />Class "G"." <br /> <br />The following letter relative to the above ~zoniag change was read: <br /> <br /> "We have been notified that the zoning and planning commission has approved a request to <br />rezone the area between Brighton and Heury Streets od the East side df Airline 'Blvd. for commercial use. I am <br />very sorry that this matter did not come to our attention before the decision of the commission. Had we known of <br />it we would have requested that zoning for that~area remain unchanged. At the time· that a suitable location for <br />our church building was sought, s~ecial ittention was given to finding an area where, we would be protected from <br />business properties. We rexognize that some business would not be ~oo great a problem, but once the zonefis <br />changed, anything might happen. <br /> Our congregation has invested about $60,000.00 in property in what they considered to be <br /> geod residential area and~.they would be very sorry to see anything happen which would bring business proper~y any <br /> closer than it is at the present time. <br /> ' The Church Board has ask~ me to request the City Council ~o turn down this reques~ for re- <br />'zoning for the above reasons and others which might be given, t would be very happy to present our feelings be- <br />fore the City Council except that at the time of your. meeting which I believe is Tuesday evening, I shall be in <br />Washington at a coD~ferehce. I trust that the reasons stated here will lead you to reach ~ decision in our <br /> Sincerely yours, <br /> <br />G, S. Sharman, Pastor Seventh Day Adventist <br /> Church." <br /> <br />Mr. E. E. Matthews spoke against rezon~ng this property. <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Houghtqn that this request for rezonxng be denied, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-24. Motion of Mr. Bilisoly to suspend~the rules to hear from Robert L. McMurran, representing <br />the Citizens Protective League, w~s adopted. <br /> <br />Mr. McMurran presented the following resolution: <br /> <br />"WHEREAS, it is common knowledge that the City of Portsmouth needs'a larger <br />courthouse and a larger city hall, or municipal building, to provide adequate <br />space under one roof for all departments, agencies and bureaus and to eliminate <br />the expense of the scattered quarters now rented for municipal purposes, such <br />as the C~ty Collector's~office, the Social Service Bureau, City ~egistrar's <br />office, Veterans' Office, Department of Public Works, etc., and <br />W~EREAS, there is evidence or'conflicting opinion among the citizens of Ports- <br />mouth as to whether a new courthouse and city hall ~should be situate on the <br />present site or on some other site, and <br /> WHEREAS, the selection of such site is the exclusive prerogative and duty of <br />the Portsmouth City Council and the City Planning Commission. Now, Therefore <br />BE IT RESOLVED that the Honorable Mayor appoint a committee of five.members of <br />the City Council to conduct a study and a survey of this important subject and to <br />Bring specific recommendations to the City Planning Commission and the City Council <br />as to a suitable site, the size of the building or buildings required, and an in - <br />formed estimate of the overall cost of such project." <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Bilisoly, said resolution was adopted. <br /> <br />The Chair appointed the following committee: <br /> <br />Messrs. Howard, Bilisoly, Hawks, Houghton <br /> <br />and Sturtevant. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr suspend the rules to hear from representatives~from the Chamber of <br />Commerce, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-25 J.M. Tusing spoke requesting the City to appropriate $20,000.00 for the Chamber of <br />Commerce, to advertise Portsmouth and help bring industries to the City. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Houghton that the Council be appointed as a committee of the whole to study <br />this matter, wns adopted. <br /> <br />The following reports from the City Manager were read: <br /> <br /> 54-26 "I submit the attached petition for an ~ncrease in fare by the Portsmouth Transit Company <br />of Portsmouth: Virginia. This is for yourconsideration. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Howard to refer to the Transportation Committee with authority To employ an <br />auditor to check the financial statements of the. Transit Company, was adopted. <br /> <br /> <br />