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February 9th, 1954. <br /> <br /> (b) A plan of construction in relation to the pipe-lay-out will be prepared <br /> by the Portsmouth Water Department in accordance with the standards used by Ports- <br /> mouth in the operation of the water system, insofar as the type, size, location <br /> and other per~inent phases of the construction work are concerend. <br /> <br /> (c) The total cost of construction as estimated by ~he Superintenden~ of <br />the Portsmouth Water Department, including all valves, mains and other costs, <br />shall be deposited with the Superintendent of the Portsmouth Water Department <br />by the applicant, in advance of construction, upon the condition that should <br />the amount deposited~b$ insufficient to pay the cost o~ such constructien the <br />applicant will pay to Portsmouth the amount of the deficiency, and should there <br />be an unexpended balance after the construction zs completed such amount shall <br />be returned To the applicant. The applicant shall furnish toP~rtsmouth free and <br />adequate and perpetual rights of way for such mains, and the mains and appurte-- <br />nances shall become the property of Portsmouth and thereafger maintained by it. <br />Any public[fire hydrants installed on the mains shall be furnishedZ'by and remain <br />the property Of PorEsmouth. <br /> <br />Eighth: This contract shall not supersede or modify the contract entered into <br />between the parties under date of April 9, 1948, concerning the furnishing of <br />water at Sunray in said county. <br /> <br /> Ninth: This contract shall be in force and effect for a period of ten years <br /> from and after October l, 1953, and thereafter until annulled and cancelled by <br /> either party giving notice in writing to th~ other party for at least six <br /> mouths prior to the date of cancellation. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Portsmouth has caused its name to be hereunto <br />signed by F.A. Duke, Mayor and President of the City Council, and its corporate <br />seal to be hereto affixed, attested by A.P~ Johnson,Jr., City Clerk and the <br />County of Norfolk has caused its name to be hereunto signed by Chairman of the <br />Board of Supervisors, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed attested by <br />E. T. ~hite, County Clerk." <br /> <br /> Notion of Mr. Hawks to approve this contract and refer it to the City Attorney and <br />the Attorney for Norfolk County, and that the following fire hydrants already requested by the Board of Supervisors <br />be ihcluded in the new contract, was adopted: <br /> <br />- Date of Resolution <br /> <br /> Feet of Main Fire Hydrants <br />Location Required Ordered Placed <br /> <br /> 4-8-52 Washington Manor 4200' 8 2 <br /> 7-8-52 Craney Island Road 400' 1 0 <br /> 9-9-52 Sweetbriar 4800' 5 2 <br /> 9-9-52 Westwood ) 7000' 7 2 <br /> 3-10-53 Westwood ) 2 1 <br /> 9-9-52 Pine Acres 4600' 4 3 <br /> 9-9-52 Old Farm 2000' 4 0 <br /> 3-10-53. South Loxley Place 4630' 5 0 <br /> 7-21-53 Route 17, Churchland 1200' 3 0 <br /> 7-21-53 Deep Creek District 2400' 6 0 <br /> 7-21-53 Little Street 800' 2 0 <br /> 8-11-53 Cradock Heights ? 5 0 <br /> 8-11-53 * Victory Park No. 2 5 0 <br /> 10 <br />· Specifically approved by City Council <br /> <br /> 54-46. <br />mission ~o re-route their buses through Oregon Acres and the Truxton area, as outlined in the letters <br />mend that the permission be graated." ' <br /> <br /> 57 47 Not installed <br /> 10 <br /> 37 To be approved." <br /> <br />The following reports from the City Manager were read:- <br /> <br />"I submit the attached letters from the Port smouth Transit Company, requesting per- <br /> I recom - <br /> <br /> "We have had numerous requests from the residents of the Grove Park section ~est of <br /> Air Line Boulevard to provide bus service through that area. We have been reluctant to consider any further ex- <br /> tension or revision of the Oregon Acres bus line due re competitioll in this section from the Community ~otor Bus <br /> Company. <br /> <br /> Recently we have had several meetiugs~ith representatives of the Grove Park Civic <br />League and on Wednesday evening, January 23rd, I attended m meeting of this group and the subject was discttssed i~ <br />detail. As a result of these meetings, we have agreed to a slight revision of this line which will more ade- <br />quately serve these patrons; however, it was pointed out that the manner in which this service is patronized will <br />determine whether it will be permanently established. <br /> <br /> Councilman Carl C. Houghton,Jr. was present at these meetings and it was suggested <br />that this revision be placed on a ninety day trial after which an ordinance could be adopted effecting, this changel <br /> <br /> We are therefore requesting permission,route for a pe~idd of ninety days, the <br />Oregon Acres bus line to operate as fellows: <br /> <br /> Beginning at High and Court Streets, South on Court, to County Street, to Crawferd <br />Street, to High Street, to Sixth Avenue, to Air Line'Turnpike, re Loudoun Street, ~t~c~-~enry Street, to Arlington <br />Place to Hanover Avenue, to Greenway Court ~o Air Line Boulevard, to King's Highway, tolKansas Avenue, to Califor- <br />nia Avenue, to Oregon Avenue, to King's Highway, returning over same route to point of beginning. <br /> <br /> · e are preparing our schedules to make this:change on February 15th, 1954. Should <br />you desire any further information, please advise." <br /> <br /> "We are e~perienning considerable difficulty in making the right hand =turn off to <br />Gosport Road into Desp Creek Boulevard, this condition besides being an accident hazard is causing excessive tire <br /> <br /> <br />