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February 9th, 1954. <br /> <br />We feel that the present regulations need changing to "No Parking Between the Hours <br />of 7:60 - 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 6:00 would take care of the unusual rush period <br />and at the same time give the residents a great needed relief; and <br />WHEREAS, several s~rious s~ud~fatal accidents have occurred to pedestrians along <br />the aforementioned highway~uring the night time mostly due to insufficient highway <br />lighting , we propoSe that adequate lights be installed along the ~ighway Ko enable <br />drivers to see pedestrians better, and thereby tend to prevent and reduce accidents. <br />WHEREAS, we deem the foregoing resolutions necessary and vital to the protection and <br />safety of lives and property of the residents of our City, particularly in the afore- <br />mentioned communities; <br /> BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that we urge the immediate enactment and enforcement of <br /> the same. (Signed) Luther Johnson, Chairman, <br /> Resolutions Committee." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Grimes to refer to the City Manager for study and report, was adopted. <br /> <br /> Committee Reports - <br /> <br /> 54-45 Mr. Hawks, reporting for the Committee appointed to negotiate a new contract with Nor- <br />folk County, presented the following contract: <br /> <br /> "THIS CONTRACT~- made this day of , 19 , ~etween <br />the City of' Portsmouth, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Virginia, its successors <br />and assigns, party of the first part, hereinafter called "Portsmouth" and the County of Norfolk, acting by and <br />through the Board of Supervisors of Norfolk County, in the State of Virginia, their successors and assigns, <br />party of the second part, hereinafter called The Supervzsors . <br /> WHEREAS, Portsmouth owns and opera~es.a system of water mains and fire hydrants in.the <br />streets~and highways of the County of Norfolk for the purpose of supplying water for public.and private purposes; <br />and <br /> WHEREAS, there are now located on this system of water ma ins in the County of Norfolk <br /> owned and operated by Portsmouth fire hydrants and~other fire hydrants may from time to time <br /> <br /> he placed in use in said County. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, THIS AG~EEME}rI WITNESSETH: That in consideration of the mutual cove - <br />nants and' agreements on the part of the parties .hereto and the water servide to be furnished by the City of Ports- <br />mouth and the payments to be made by the County of Norfolk as hereinafter set out, the City of Portsmouth and the <br />Count~ of N~rfolk do herehy agree with each other as fellows: <br /> First: The City of Portsmouth hereby rents to the County of Norfolk for the purpose of <br /> extinguishing fire, the fire hydrants now in use' and the County of Nor- <br /> folk agrees to pay to the City of Port~month the sum of Fifty Dollars per annum <br /> for each of said hydrants, payable quarterly, in advance, on or before the 20th <br /> day of January, April, July and October of each year. Any additional fire hy- <br /> drants hereafter installed at the request of the Supervisors shall be paid for at <br /> the same rate of rental and in the same manner as the fire hydrants now in use. <br /> Fire hydrants are to be used only~ for extinguishing fires and testing of fire <br /> apparatus, but such testing shall be done only after approval of the ,Superintendent <br /> of the portsmouth Water Department. <br /> Second: Portsmouth agrees to sell to the County of Norfolk and the inhabitants thereof <br /> in the locations in which street mains ~are now installed or may hereafter be <br /> installed the surplus water from its water system not needed or necessary for <br /> the inhabitants of the City. <br /> Third: It is iexpressly understood all mains, valves, valve boxes, fire hydrants, meters, <br /> meter setters and meter boxes now or hereafter connected in the County shall re- <br /> mazn the property of ~he City of Portsmouth. The service lines, private lines, <br /> fire service lines, fire line meters and boxes now or hereafter installed or <br /> constructed in the County shall be the property of the consumer or owner or both <br /> and the City of Portsmouth shall not be responsible for the maintenance thereof. <br /> Fourth: The Supervisors hereby confirm insofar as they may legally do so the use by <br /> Portsmouth of the streets, roads and highways of the County of Norfolk for exist- <br /> ing water mazns and for the maintenance and repair of same, and agree when re - <br /> questing additional mainste be laid by Portsmouth, to provide rights of way for <br /> such mains without expense to Portsmouth. <br /> ..... Fifth: The Supervisors agree to adopt such resolutions and ordinances as may be neces- <br /> sary to enforce in the County of Norfolk such rules, regulations .and ordinances <br /> as may be adopted by the ~ity of Portsmouth .to p~operty conduct the water system <br /> in the County of Norfolk. Applicants for wa~er must furnish house number or proper <br /> designation of their premises her.ore water will be furnished. <br /> Sixth: It is further agreed between the parti~es ef this contract that if at any time any <br /> tax, assessment, levy or any form of license fees or other taxes for any public <br /> purposes shall be imposed upon a~y and~ all property, real, personal and miXed ~f <br /> the water works system of Portsmouth in the County of Norfolk, whether the same <br /> is collected by the County of Norfolk or for the benefit of theCounty of Norfolk, <br /> the total fire hydrant rental herein agreed upon shall be increased by an amount <br /> equal to such ~ax, assessment, or levy, and the~amount of each such tax, assessment <br /> or levy, shall be paid to Portsmouth as increased fire hydrant rental on the date <br /> that any such tax, assessment or levy may be payable by Portsmouth. <br /> Seventh: It is agreed that extensions to the water system will be made when there is an <br /> adequate supply of surplus water available, and ~hat mains hereafter extended and <br /> laid in theCounty of Norfolk shall .be extended and laid in accordance with the <br /> following proviszons: <br /> <br /> (a) The applicant for such mains shall furnish to the Superintendent <br />of the Portsmouth Water Department two plats showing the roads and streets <br />with exception of recorded streets and highways upon which the mains are to <br />be constructed with a system of lot and house numbers. <br /> <br /> <br />