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Mrs. Cooper presented the following petition: <br /> <br />"We, the undersigned residents of Roanoke Avemue, Harrison Ward, Portsmouth, Virginia, do <br />hereby respectfully petition the City Council of Portsmouth, Virginia, to correct the dan- <br />gerous and unsightly condition oS the two (2) blocks of Roanoke Avenue, which lie between <br />Jef£erson Street and Gosport Road. <br /> <br /> This street has been in bad condition for many mouths past, although a number of the un- <br /> dersigned persons b~ve called this to the attention of the Councilman from this Ward,the <br /> City Manager and the City Engineer at different times. <br /> The street is filled with holes, the largest o5 which'have a depth of from between 2 and <br />4 1/2 inches as shown on a sketch attached to this petition. In addition to the number <br />of holes, the surface of the street is covered with large, loose rocks, which, in the <br />absence of a sidewalk, make walking very di£ficult. In addition, these loose rocks are <br />being constantly thrown by PaSSingantomobiles upon the property of the residents o5 the <br />street. These flying rocks are likely to cause both personal in0uryand property damage <br />unless attended to. The holes in these streets have caused and are likely to cause dam- <br />age to automobiles passing over the street. In rainy weather, it is almost impossible To <br />walk on this street because of water. We are attaching a photograph showing the condi- <br />tion of this street as of January 2S, 1954. <br />We feel that the condition of this street is not only a source of danger and inconvenience <br />to the property owners, but that the failure of the City to correct these conditions may <br />bring about ~amage suitsagainst the City which might require the City to pay damages <br />out of our tax funds. ~ <br />We therefore, respectfully request the Council to order an investigation of this matter, <br />and correct the conditio~s which exist and have existed for too long a time. <br /> <br />until such time as it <br /> <br /> (Signed) Floyd L. Cooper and numerous others." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Howard To refer to the C&ty Manager to have.this street repaired.temporarily <br />can be permanently surfaced. <br /> <br /> 54~43. Motion of Mr. Howar~ td suspend 'the lulls ~o h~ar fMom Horace Wise was adopted. <br /> Mr. Wfs~, r~prese~ting res£de~ts of TaylorsPille, presented the following petition: <br /> '~e! the ~ndersigned residents and hdme owners in that section of the Cit~ of Portsmc~h <br /> known as Taylorsville, do hereby subsc~ib~ ~ur name~,as opposing the expansion of the <br /> Portsmouth S~lvage Company or affy other ~jum~ yard 0} the erection and operation of any <br /> ~lvage company br junk yard whatsoever in our vicinity which is that of Taylorsville . <br /> We respectfully and specifically oppose the expansion of the Portsmouth Salvage Company <br /> said expansion to be placed in that part of Taylorsville bordering Leheight, Oust, <br /> Gibney and Columbia Streets, which we undeMstand is now being cleared preparatory to <br /> erecting thereon an expansion or branch of the ?said Portsmouth Salvage Company. <br /> <br /> (Signed) Willis Southall, and numerous others." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. HOward to refer to ~he City Manager for a repor~ at the next meeting of the <br />Council on the legality o5 this junk yard being operated at this location, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-44 Motion of Mr. Grimes to suspend the rules to hear from Luther Johnson was adopted. <br /> The following petition was read: <br /> <br /> "We, the members of the respective Civic Leagues of Wilson and Harrison Wards, in the City <br />of Portsmouth, do hereby petition the City Kanager, the Mayor and members of the City Council to take immediate <br />action on the following conditions as set forth in the resolutions herein attached. Said resolutions having <br />been authorized by said Civic Leagues in theabove named wards~ <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, by reason of the Widening of Gosport. Road thoroughTare, running through the <br /> residential sections of Wilson and Harrison Wards, embracing the communities of Glendale, <br /> ~ pie wood Park, Douglas Park, Fairsville, Arcadia Heights, Truxton, Piedmont Heights <br /> and Brighton; and <br /> .~REREAS, ~lso along said highway there are four elementary schools --Douglas Park <br /> Gosport Road, Truxton and Brighton; and ' <br /> WHEREAS, there are no adequate signs indicating School Zones, and the accompanying <br /> ~speed limit (15 M.P.H.); and <br /> WHEREAS, students of prmmary and elementary~ age are attending these schools, we deem <br /> it necessary thatmppropriate ~chool ma~kingm and signalsbe ptacedat strategic points <br /> for the protection of our youngsters, and that proper speed limits be posted, and law <br /> enforcement officers Continue their patrol to enforce said speed limits; and <br /> WHEREAS, the "Wklk" lfnes fdr theschddl Childre~ attending T~uxtnn School at the <br /> intersection ~f Deep Creek~Boulevard 7amd Gosport Road, mn our opinion, are improperly <br /> drawn, causing children ~o walk from a grass plot, along a line within a few feet of <br /> the~ center of the intersection, (see diagram at~ached~',we propose the "Walk" line <br /> robe changed according to the diagram attached; and <br /> WBEREAS, there, have been placed in the afore-mentioned residential seDtions along <br /> said' highway "No Parking at ~ny Time" signs on both sides of the highway; and <br /> ~WIIEREAS, the homes in the Truxton area are closely built, most of them without <br /> driveway accommodations, thereby leaving the residents without theconvenience of <br /> garage to park their automobiles; and <br /> WHEREAS, the emforbement of "No P~rking a~ Any Time" would deny the residents <br /> bf th~ s~id~ commUn~i$ies of ~he'norm~l services f rom delivery men, doctors, journey- <br /> meh,' as ~ell~ as the~r social activities;~and <br /> WHEREAS, the a~oresa~d parking regulations place a greater restraint ~nd mncon - <br /> venience upon the residents, along Gosport Road than upon the residents on any other <br /> thoroughfare or street in the City; <br /> <br /> <br />