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1954. <br /> <br />54-40 <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of the City Council, held on February 9th, 1954, there were present: <br />Fred A. Duke, Frank N. Bilisoly, Jr., George L. Grimes, R.E. Hawks, James N. Howard, <br />Edgar W. Lawrence, R. Irvine Smith, E. R. Sturtevant, C. E. Warren, Pearle J. Wilson, <br />I.G. Vass, City Manager, and R.C. Barclay, City Attorney. <br />Minutes of regular meeting of January 2$th, 1954 were readand approved. <br />The following notice of Zoning Changes was read: <br /> "Pursuant to the provisions of the Zoning 0rdi~ance, notice is hereby given that a public <br /> hearing will be held at 7~30 P.M., on Tuesday, February 9th, 1954, in the Council Chamber <br /> Municipal Building, Portsmouth, Virginia, for the. purpose of altering zones and reclassi- <br /> fying the following property: <br /> <br /> 1. H.M. Rubin to rezone 1824 Deep Creek Boulevard, lots ll and <br /> block 46, beginning at the northwest corner of Lincoln Street and <br /> Deep Creek Boulevard, fronting forty feet on the west side of <br /> Deep Creek Boulevard and ninety feet on the north side of Lincoln <br /> Street, from Single Family Class WBw to Commercial, Class 'H'. <br />"At the meeting of the planning and Zoning ~ommission held in the Council Chamber on <br />Thursday, January-?, 1954~ the following applications were considered and subsequent <br />recommendations respectfully submitted: <br /> 1. A. Amdusky and others to rezone lots~5 thru 12, and lots 22 thru 26, <br /> block "A", the southwest corner of Airline T.P. and Hamilton Avenue, <br /> fronting 330 feet on the south side of Airline T.P. and frontiug 255 <br /> feet on the west side of Hamilton Ave. by 100 feet deep from Two <br /> Family, Class "C" to Commercial, Class "G" be deferred. <br /> 2. Layne- Atlantic Co. and others to rezone parts of lots 10 and 12 and <br /> all of lots 13 and 24, block 141, Westhaven, beginning at the <br /> corner of County St. and LouiSa Ave., fronting 127.45 feet on the <br /> east side of Louisa Ave., then northeast along the A.C.L. RR R/W <br /> 145 feet, then east 62.7 feet on the south side of King Street, then <br /> south 131.75 feet, then east 60 feet, then south ~1.4 feet, then west <br /> 240 feet on the north side of County Street to the point of beginning <br /> from Two Family, Class "C" to Light Industrial, Class "I" be denied. <br /> 3. M.M. Rubin to rezone 1824 Deep Creek Blvd., lots It and 12, block 45, <br /> beginning at the N.W. corner of Lincoln Street.and Deep. Creek Blvd., <br /> fronting 40 feet on the west side of Deep Creek Blvd., and 90 feet <br /> on the north side of Lincoln Street from Single Family, Class "D" <br /> Commercial, Class "H" be approved." <br /> <br />The following petition was presented: <br /> <br />'be, the undersigned Taxpayers and Property ovzners of Harrison Ward do hereby object <br />to rezoning the property at 1824 Lincoln~St., northwest corner of Deep Creek Blvd. from <br />a Class B Residential Zone to a Commercial Class H zone. <br /> <br />Signed - W. E. Doxey, 2212 Lincoln St., and <br /> numerous others." <br /> <br />of H. M. Reuben, <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Grimesto refer back to the Planning and.Zoning Commission the application <br />with the petition, w~S adopted. <br /> <br />The following letter from the Planning and Zoning Commission was read: <br /> <br /> 54-41 "Ate meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, held February 4th, 1954, the follow- <br />ing was considered and subsequent recommendation submitted for your approval: The request of the Portsmouth He- <br />development and Housing Authority to h~ve the following streets vacated by theCity of Portsmouth in the Housing <br />Project area designated VA 1-$ be approved - <br /> 1. Columbia Street from its intersection with~ First Avenue to a point 100 ' west of the <br /> west boundary of Chestnut Street. <br /> 2. Hurter Street, from Godwin Street to First Avenue, also from Pine to Pearl Street. <br /> 3. Bart Street, from S.A.L. right of way to Goch~in Street. <br /> 4. Richmond Avenue from $.A.L. right of way to County Street. <br /> 5. Armstrong Street, from CountI Street to the City Armory, owned by the~City of Portsmouth. <br /> 5. Pearl Street, from County_Street to South Street. <br /> 7. Pine Street, from County Street to South Street. <br /> 8. Lover~'s Lane (Ssuix Lane)-from Columbia ~o South St rest. <br /> The request ~ the Portsmouth Redevelopment and ~ousing Authority to have the site planned <br />for Project VA 1-5 be approved with the following right of way widths~ <br /> 1. That.Elm Avenue have a right of way width of 100 feet through the project. <br /> 2. Th~t~Cou~ty .Street shall be forty feet wide on the south side from the present center <br /> line of the street. <br /> 3. That South Street shall be thirty feet.wide on the north side from.the present center <br /> line of the street. <br /> 4. That Godwin S~reet shall be thirty feet wide from present denter line of the street <br /> through the project." <br /> <br /> Mr. ~ohen spoke requesting assurance that he would have ingress and egress to his property <br />when Rutter Stree~ is closed. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Grimes zo refer to the City Attorney to draw proper ordinances for closing <br />these streets and establishing right of way widths with the assurance tk~ the property owners will have ingress <br />and egress, was adopted, <br /> <br /> <br />