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February 23rd, 1954. <br /> <br />and Queen Stree~ be approved by the City Council and that the proper officers of <br />the City be directed to evidence such approval by the execution of the attached <br />instrmment of-vacation. <br /> (Signed) J. ROy Rodman <br /> Ennis H. Rodman <br /> <br />By H. W. MacKenzie, Counsel. <br /> <br />Motion of Mr._Bilisoly that this marker be referred ~o the Planning and Zo~n~ Cemmis - <br /> <br />sion was adopted. <br /> <br />54-57. Motion of Mr. Smith to suspend the rules ro hear from T.W. Manning was adopted. <br /> <br /> Mr. Manuingspoke opposing the city's entering into an agreemen~ with the Patrick Hear <br />Hospital for the care of medically i~digent patients. <br /> <br /> 54-58 Mqtion of Mr. Houghton To suspend~he rules To hear from ~s. Nancy Wheeler, who spoke <br />on behalf of the Colored Old Folks Home asking that these people not be disturbed by moving them to other cities <br /> <br />The followlng-~eports from the City Manager were read: <br /> <br /> 54-59 "At a former meeting of the City Council I was instructed ~o apply to the Patrick <br />~q{enry Hospital for participation in that facility. Later T. W. Manning presented a proposal to the City concern~ <br />lng a proposed facility for the treatment of medically indigent patients. ~ <br /> I am attaching hereto a letter from Herbert V. Kelly, Secretary of the Patrick Henry <br />Hospital for Chronically Ill Inc., and also letters from T. W. Manning concerning the proposed hospital. <br /> I do not recommend tha~ any portion of the City Farm be used for a convalescent home <br />or hospital. I do not think it a suitable location for such a facility. <br /> If the Council desires to consider a proposal from Mr. Manning, then the mat~er of <br />the Patrick Henry Hospital perhaps should be held up for a short period of time; and if no~, then ~ would recom -, <br />mend that the Patrick Henry proposal be accepted and that the City enter into an agreement with the Patrick <br />Henry Hospital ~o participate in their facility and name two members to represent the City on the Board of DJ- <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Sm3th to defer this matter for further study, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-80. '~t a previous meeting of the Council, you referred ~o the City Attorney and myself <br />the question of the location of a junk yard in Taylorsville, bordering LeeHeights,-Oast, Gibney and Columbia Sts., <br />to which a petition had been presented ro Council. Since this is a legal matter more than an administrative one, <br />I am requesting Mr. Barclay to reporT." <br /> <br /> of Mr. Howard ~o suspend the rules to hear from Horace Wise was adopted. <br /> <br /> Mr. Wise 'spoke requesting the City to take some action in having the junk yard in the <br />vicinity of Taylorsville removed. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Howard that the.City take whatever legal action is necessary to remove <br />the junk yard from this location, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-61. "I am in receipt of a letter from Mr. Davenport, President of the Davenport-Lewis Chev~ <br />rolet Corporation, of which each member has.meceived a copy. If there are any questions the Council would desire <br />to ask, I would be very glad to answer ~hem. It is my understanding that Mr. Davenpor~ will be present at the <br />meeting." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Grimes to suspend the rules was adopted. <br /> <br /> Mr. Raymond Fanney,representing Ray's Auto Sales requested that his company be g~ven <br />consideration in future bids for automobiles. <br /> <br /> C.M Davenport spoke objecting To the Davenpor~ Lewis Corporation not being asked to <br />bid on the recent proposal for five new automobiles. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Smith to refer to the City Manager and City Attorney to consult :with the <br />automobile dealers to revise the specifications for the purchase of automobiles, was adopted. <br /> <br />54-62. "I submit the following report from the Delinquen~ Tax Collector <br /> <br />"Report for mont.h of January, 1954 <br />Handed to Attorney 91 lots to be sold; t~xes amounting to $6,150.27. <br />Delinquent real estate ~axes collected in ~his office amounts to $6,208.62. <br />Delinquent perso~al property taxes collected amount ~o $2,560.43. <br />Mailed 802 deliaquent tax notices. <br />Sold 10 lots at public auction. <br /> <br />On motion filed. <br /> <br /> 54-63. "I am submitting herewith six copies'of a formof agreement embodying the features <br />whichapply to the Bridge andapproaches overBaine's Creek, which is commonly known as the City Park Bridge,to <br />be executed by the City and the Department of Highways. I recommend that the pro, er city authority be authorized <br />and directed to execute the agreements for and on behalf of the City and that the City Clerk attest the same and <br />affix the City Seal thereto." <br /> <br /> Notion of Mr. Houghton that the proper city officials be authorized ~o sign the <br />agreement and that the City Clerk attest and affix the city seal thereto, was adopted. <br /> <br /> <br />