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contribution to the Pension Fund, be placed on its first reading. <br /> <br />General Fund $ 31,397.92 <br />Water Fund 12,607.20 <br />Sewage Fund 5,042.88 <br /> $ 49,04~8.00 <br /> <br />April 27th, 1954. <br /> <br /> The funds are divided as follows: <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. 8rimes to place on first reading an appropriation of $31,397.92 from <br />the Genera] Fund, $12,607.20 from the w a~er Fund~and ~5,042.88 from the Sewage Fund for said purpose, w~s adopted <br /> <br /> 54-111. 'I submit the attached letter from the Secretary of the Utilities Committee of the <br />League of Virginia Municipalities concerning the proposed increase in rares of the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone <br />Company. This is for your consideration." <br /> <br /> Motionof Mr. Bilisoly to refer to the City Manager to make a study and to find out <br />why Richmond, Roanoke and Alexandria will nor join with the other cities in opposing the telephone rate increase, <br />was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-112. "I have been advised by the Superintendent of the Water DeparTment that the dates of <br />May 17th, 18th or 19th will be agreeable to him and he can secure the nsc of the Club House at Lake Cahoon for the <br />annual inspection of the Water Plant at that time. He has requested that the Council designate which night will <br />be most suitable. I recommend that the Council select one of the three days for the inspection of the Water Plant <br />and for the fish fry in the evening~" <br /> <br />Water Plant. <br /> <br />The Council set Wednesday, May 19th, for the date of the annual inspection of the <br /> <br /> 54-113. "I submit the at~ached agreement or con~ract between the Fine Investment Company, <br />Incorporated and the City of Portsmouth for rental of a parcel or tract of land located on Green Street between <br />Lincoln and Henry Streets and recommend that the proper City officials be authorized and directed To execute the <br />same for and on behalf of the City and that the City Clerk be directed to attest the same and affi~ the City Se~l <br />thereto." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Lawrence that the proper city officials be authorized to sign contract <br />and that the City Clerk be authorized to attest and affix the seal of the City, was adopted, and by the following <br /> <br /> Ayes: Bilisoly, Duke, Grimes, Houghton, Howard, Lawrence, Smith, Sturtevant,Warren, Wilson <br /> Nays: Hawks <br /> <br /> 54-114. "I submit the attached ordinance amending the Cede of the City of Portsmouth 1951 <br />and recommend that it be placed on its first reading. (Section 3-9 of the Code)." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Bilisoly to place the following ordinance on first reading,was adopted: <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE TO A~END 'r~l~ CODE OF T~E CITYOF PORTSMOUTH, 1951, BY <br /> ADDING THERETO A NEW SECTION TO BE KNOWN AS SECTION 3-9.1, TO REQUIRE <br /> LIVESTOCK AND FOWL TO BE KEPT WITHIN FENCES OR PENS SO CONSTRUCTED <br /> AS TO PREVENT DOGS FROM ENTERING TREeAgE" <br /> <br /> 54-115. "I submit the attached ordinance to ~mend and re-ordain Section 24-77 of the City <br />Code and recommend that it be placed on its first reading," <br /> <br />adopted: <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Sturtevant to place the following ordinance on first reading,was <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND RE-ORDAIN SECTION 24-77 OF THE CODE OF <br /> THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA 1951, RELAT/NG TO PERSONS DOING <br /> PLU~BINGWORK" <br /> <br /> 54-116. "At a previous meeting of the Council, I reported that the Housing Authority had <br />provided for a 10 foot set-back line on County Street, Elm Avenue and South Street ad3acent to the Mousing Project <br />and the Algernon Blair and Company had submitted the lowest bid in the sum of ~5.22 per square ya~ for the <br />construction of the pavement widening, t have now ascertained from the City Engineer that the total area will be <br />6,400 squ~re yards costing the sum of $33,~08.00. I recommend that the above sum be financed from the use of <br />the Bond'Funds now available for General Improvements. The Housing Authority at its own expense is constructing <br />the'curb and ~utters and sidewalks." <br /> <br /> -Motion of Mr.Wilson to concur in the recommendation of the City Manager,was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54--117. "I submit the attached letter from the Public Works Office of the Fifth Naval Dis- <br />trict, requesting the use of a parcel of land on the basis of a leased hold agreement containing approximately .09 <br />acres for the purpose of constructing a substation. The parcel of land is located north of Bay View Boulevard on <br />Chautauqua Avenue ex~end~d~.." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Howard to'refer to the City Manager was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-118. "I submit the attached letter from Lee' B. Duke, Director of Development of the <br />Ports .mouth Redevelopment and Housing Authority of Oortsmouth Virginia, and since the Housing Authority will fur- <br />nish sufficient qualified inspectors at their o~ expense:and since the Housing Authority is a political subdivisio~ <br />of the State and since the bids were received and let prior to the amended City Ord±n~nce becom_i~g effective, I <br />recommend that the Housing Authority be permitte~ To perform their own inspections on the plumbing, heating and <br />electrical work and that the City refrain from collecting the plumbing, heating and electrical fees for the Work <br />in lieu of the Housing Authority paying their own inspectors." <br /> <br />54-119. <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Howard to refer back to the City Manager for report, was adopted. <br />"On March 10th, 1954 you referred to me a complaint from Mrs. Marian Martin,Il2 <br /> <br /> <br />