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April 27th, 1954. <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of the City Council held on April 27th, 1954, there were present: <br /> <br />Fred A Duke, Frank N. Bilisoly,Jr., George L. Grimes, R. E. Hawks, <br />C.C. Houghton,Jr., Jas. N. Howard, E. W. Lawrence, R. Irvine Smith, <br />E. R. Sturtevant, C. E. Warren, Pearle J. Wilson, I.G. Vass, City <br />Manager, and R. C. Barclay, City Attorney. <br /> <br />The following notice of zoning changes was read: <br /> <br />54-107. <br /> <br />"Pursuant to provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, notice is hereby given that a <br />public hearing will be held at 7:30 P.M., on Tuesday, April 27, 1954, in the <br />Council Chamber, Municipal Building, Portsmouth, Virginia, for the purpose of <br />altering zones and reclassifying the following property: <br /> 1. Cohen and Cohen to rezone 2900 block of Deep Creek Boulevard <br />between Railroad Avenue and Chicago Avenue, lots 9 thru 29 inclusive in <br />block 7 Plat of Piedmont Heights fronting 250 feet on the west side of Chicago <br />Avenue, then 297 feet more or less along the south side of Deep Creek Boulevard, <br />then 225 feet more or less along fhe east side of Railroad Avenue, then easterly <br />185 feet more or less to point of beginning, from Two Family Class 'C' to <br />Light Industrial Class 'I' <br /> 2. Portsmouth Redevelopment and Housiug Authority to rezone the <br />site of Barbeur Park Project VA 1-5 bounded by Chestnut Street, County Street, <br />Clifford Street, South treet, and First Avenue to the Community Plan in ac - <br />eordance with Article 15 Section 32-63 of the Code of the City of Portsmouth." <br /> <br /> "At the meeting of the Plannin~ and Zoning Commission held Thursday, April 1, <br />1954, %he following applications were considered and subsequent recommendations <br />brought for your approval: <br /> 1. Cohen and Cohen to rezone 2900 block of Deep Creek Blvd., between <br />Railroad and Chicago Avenues, lots #9 thru #29 inclusive, in block #7, plat of <br />Piedmont Heights, fronting 250 feet on the west side of Chicago Avenue, then 297 <br />feet more or less along the south side of Deep Creek Blvd., then 225 feet more or <br />less along the east side of Railroad Avenue, then easterly 185 feet more or less <br />to a point of beginning, from Two Family, Class 'C' to Light Industrial Class 'I- <br />be approved. <br /> 2. P.R & H.A. to rezone the site of Barbour Park, Project VA 1-5, <br />bounded hy Chestnut Street, County Street, Clifford Street, South Street and <br />First Avenue to the Community Plan in accordance with Article 15, Section 32-63 <br />of the Code of the City of l~ortsmouth, be approved. <br /> 3. P.E. & H.A. ~o have the City of Portsmouth vacate the following <br />streets in the Barbour Park Project: <br /> 1. Columbia Street, from its intersection at First Avenue to a point 100 <br /> leer west of the west boundary line of Chestnut Street. <br /> 2. Rutter Street, from Godwin St. ~o First Avenue also from Pine St. to <br /> Pearl Street. <br /> 3. Bart Street from S.A.L. RE. R/W to Godwin S[ree~. <br /> 4. Richmond Avenue from S.A.L. RR. R W to County Street. <br /> <br /> 5, Armstrong Street from County Street to the City Armory property owned by <br /> the City of Portsmouth, <br /> 6. Pearl Street from County Street to South Street. <br /> 7. Pine Street from County Street to South Streef. <br /> 8. Lover's Lane (Souix Lane) from Columbia Street ~o South Street. <br /> 9. It is definitely understood that adequate ingress to the properties <br /> adjoining or surrounded by the Barbour Park Project is To be provided <br /> by the Housing Authority where aecessary." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Grimes to approve the application of Cohen and Cohen, was adopted. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Wilson ~o approve the application of the Portsmouth Redevelopment and <br />Housing Authority, was adopted. <br /> <br /> The following reports from the City Manager were read: <br /> <br /> 54-108. 'I submit the attached agreement between the Hampton Roads Sanitation District Commis- <br />sion and the City of Portsmouth concerning the cost of treating the sewage that the Sanitation District Commis- <br />sion ~ill pay the City, and recommend that the City Manager be authorized and directed ~o execute the contract <br />for and on behalf of the City and that the City Clerk attest the same and affix the City Seal thereto." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Hawks that the City Manager be authorized to sign the agreement and that <br />the City Clerk be authorized to attest and affix the seal of the City, was adopted and by the following vo~e: <br /> <br />Ayes: Duke, Bilisoly, Grimes, Hawks, Houghton, Howard, <br /> Smith, Sturtevant, Warren, Wilson <br />Nays: None. <br /> <br /> 54-109. "I submit the attached '~i~ic~"~rom Bowles, Andrews and Towne representin~ the amount <br />due the firm for the preparation of reports on the Police and Fire Pension Plan and the preparation of the <br />City employees' or~inance~booktet and miscellaneous work in the sum of $t,410.75 and recommeRd that this amount <br />he placed on its first reading and that the f-unds be distributed between the Cte~erat Fund, the Water Department <br />and the Sewage Fund, in proportion to the amount 'each- Bepartment should pay taking into consideration previous <br />payments made to Bo~les, Andrews & Towne for similar work." <br /> <br />Account, was adopted. <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Howard to transfer $1,410.75 from the Contingent Fund to the Retirement <br /> <br />54-1!0~ "I recommend that au appropriation in the sum of $49,048.00, representing the City's <br /> <br /> <br />