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Ju~e 22ud~ 1954. <br /> <br /> 54-182 - "I recommend that a calIed meeting of the City Council be held at 5:00 P.M., on <br />June 29th, 1954, for the purpose of considering the al~propriation placed on first reading in the sum of $400,000.00 <br />for school purposes and also the appropriation in the sum of $16,007.80 to the Patrick Henry Hospital." <br /> <br /> Motion of ~r. Bitisoly thai a called meeting be held ar 5:00 P.M., on Tuesday, June 29th,1954, <br />was <br /> adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-183 - "I recommend that the following amendment to the City Code relating to charges for <br />Sewage Disposal services be placed on first reading: An Ordinance to Amend and Re-ordain Section 24-8 of the Code <br />of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, 1951, Relating te Charges for Sewage Disposal Service and Providing Rate <br />Schedule." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Hawks to place the following ,ordinance on first reading, was adopted: <br /> <br />'~N ORDINANCE TO A~END AND RE-ORDAIN SECTION 24-8 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF <br />PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA, 1951, RELATING ~X) CH~RGES FOR SEWAGE DISPOS~LL SERVICE AND <br />PROVIDING RATE SCttEDULE" <br /> <br />was taken up: <br /> <br /> UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> <br />54-144 - The following ordinance,placed on first reading at regular meeting on ~ay 25th,1954, <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE BUDGET RECEIPTS AND EXPENSES FOR THE <br />CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA, FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1st, 1954." <br /> <br />On motion ef Mr. Houghton, said ordinance was adopted and by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes: <br /> <br />Nays: <br /> <br />Duke, Bilisoly, Grimes, Hawks, Houghton, <br />Sturrevant, Warren, Wilson <br />None <br /> <br />Lawrence, Smith, <br /> <br /> 54-151 An appropriation of $5,000.00 from the Utility Tax Fund for the new Woodrow Wilson <br />High School, placed on first reading at last meeting, was taken up. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr.Grimes to appropriate $5,000.00 for said purpose, was adopted, and by the following <br />vote: <br /> <br />Ayes: <br /> <br />Nays: <br /> <br />Duke', Bilisoly, Grimes, Hawks, <br />Sturtevant, Warren, Wilson <br /> <br />~oughton, <br /> <br />Lawrence, Smith, <br /> <br />54-156 - The following ordinance, placed on first reading at last meeting, was taken up: <br /> <br />'AN ORDINANCE TO A~END AND RE-ORDAIN SECTIONS 24-36, 24-44, 24--45, and 24-55 <br />OF ThE CODE OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUT'~, VIRGINIA, 1951, RELATING TO SERVICE <br />CHARGES AND ~ETER RATES FOR WATER, WATER BII.T~, SUPPLIED ON MONTHLY AND <br />QUARTERLY BASIS, AND SIZE OF TAPS AND TAP CHARGES, AND TO REPEAL SECTION 20-39 <br />OF THE CODE RELATING TO RATES IN CITIES AND COUNTIES" <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Hawks, said ordinance was adopted and ~.hy the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes: Duke, Bilisoly, Grimes, Hawks, Houghton, Lawrence, Smith, <br /> Sturtevant, Warren, Wilson <br />Nays: None <br /> <br />54-157 - Motion of ~r. Houghton to go into the election of School Board Members was adopted. <br /> <br />~tr. Smith nominated Harold B. Tiffany from First District. <br /> <br />Motion of lit. Sturtevanr that nominations be closed was adGpted. <br /> <br />Vote being taken, ~r. Tiffany was unanimously elected. <br /> <br /> 3 yr.term <br />beginning 7/1/54 <br /> <br />Mr. Hawks nominated J. M. Tusing from Second District. <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Bilisoty that nominations be closed was adopted. <br /> <br />Vote being taken, Mr. Tusing was unanimously elected. <br /> <br />Lawrence nomi~aDe~ '~. Bradford Russell from Third District. <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Hawks that nominations be closed was adopted. <br /> <br />Vote being taken, Mr. Russell was unanimously elected. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br /> 54-184 The following letter from the City Dental Clinic was read: <br /> <br /> "The City Dental Clinic,built and equipped by the Beazley Foundation and staffed by one white <br />dentist and on~ colored dentist each assisted by a nurse emp-loyed by the City of Portsmouth, is now closing out <br />its third year of sueeessful operation. <br /> We have ~reated well over 2000 patients in thai .time with patient visits of 20,000, more than <br />10,000 fillings and 6000 extractions have been performed. Since our openzng we have collected and turned over ~o <br />the City CoIlector $38,293.77. <br /> Our dental clinic is the fines~ in the State of Virginia and we are proud of its accomplshments <br /> andthe splendid record it has compiled. <br /> <br /> <br />