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June Mgnd, 1954. <br /> <br /> we do no~ think thatthe situation warrants changing go a one-way bridge because <br /> it would put a lot of people to inconvenience, an i~onvenience that would far <br /> outweigh their having to-wait on their fellowmeu for a minute or so a~ this <br /> bridge because then if the bridge were made Due-way quite a few people living in <br /> the Simonsdale area of Norfolk County would have to go around by Alexander's Cor- <br /> ner if they wanted ~o go to some place, say Churchland or West Norfolk. We would <br /> not recommend a change at this time. <br /> <br /> On motion filed. <br /> <br /> 57-171 "The question of employing counsel to represent the City in the hearings before the Cor- <br />poration Commission and the Carolina Commission, on the permit to discontinue passenger ~rains number 35 and 36, <br />operating between Portsmouth, Virginia and Rocky Mounty, N.C., has been acted upon'.by employing Attorneys John A. <br />MacKenzie and William B. Spong. This is a matter that was referred to me a~ a previouB meeting." <br /> <br /> On motion filed. <br /> <br /> 54-172 - "I submit the attached amendment to Section 24-83 of the City Code of PortSmouth 1951, <br />relating to the inspection fees for sewers, wa~er, plumbing, etc., and recommend that it be placed on first reading. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Hawks to place the following ordinance on first reading, was adopted: <br /> <br /> '~N ORDINANCE TO AMFJ~DAND RE-ORDAIN SECTION 24~83 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF <br /> PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA, 1951, RELATING TO INSPECTION FEES FOR SEwERS~. WATER, <br /> PLU~BING~ ETC." <br /> <br /> 54-173 - '~I am submitting the attsched letter from L. C. Warren, Chief of Police, wherein he recom- <br />mends that the City Code he amended to red~ce the minimum fine for parking in restricted zones and illegalparking <br />from $5.00 to $3.00. Judge~Cassell has also recommended that this ordinance be amended accordingly. I therefore <br />recommend that a~ amendment to the Code be placed on its first readings" <br /> <br /> Motion of ~r. Bilisoly to place the following ordinance on first reading, was adopted: <br /> <br /> '~N 0P~INANCE TO AMENDAND RE-ORDAIN SECTION 30-86 OF THE CODE OF TNE CITY OF <br /> PORTSMOIYl~H, 1951, RELATING TO PROCEDURE WHEN VEIEICLESFOD}ID ILLEGALLY <br /> <br /> 54-174 - "I submit the attached letter from A. E. Parker, City Collector, and concur in his recom - <br />mendation that a $10.00 refund be made to the Portsmouth Gas Company for License tag <br /> <br /> ~otion of Mr. Houghton that refund be granted, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-175 - "I recommend that the appropriation in the sum of $19~,968.72'for the cost of new sewers <br />to be financed by a future bond issue, be carried over into the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1954. " <br /> <br /> Notion of Mr. Houghton to concur in the recommendation of, the City Manager was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-176. "I recommend that an appropriation of $g3,768.00 for repairing the city jail be carried <br />over into the new budget for the fiscal year beginning July lst, 1~54." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Hawks to concur ~n the recommendation of the City Manager was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-177 "I ~m submiiting the attached plat showing certain properties adjacent to. the Northern High <br />School which George r McLean desires to acquire from the City, and alsn the ~replat~ing of 'certai~ streets that has <br />been recommended. I am submitting this for your consideration. I suggest that the matter be referred ~o a commit- <br />tee to work jointly with Mr. McLean and the Superintendent of Schools and other interested parties in an effort <br />to reach the proper solution ~f the matter.." <br /> <br /> Motion of ~r. Houghton to refer re the Planning Commission, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-178 - "I submit the attached inspection reports of ~. S. Knight, Field Supervisor of the Depart- <br />me~ of Agriculture and Immigration, Division of Dairy and Foods, Hickmond, Va., ~ud also a repor~ from Wm. F.Law- <br />fence, Assis~an~ Director and Bacteriologist of the Departmen$ of Health concerning the City markets. <br /> I ~ac~mmend there leaflet be published and distributed re all of the present <br />of the outdoor market space at the old City ~L~rket containing the information recommended in )ir. Lawrence's repor~ <br />and also information advisxng the public that the outside market a~ the old market located unriddle St. will be <br />closed on a~d after July 1st, 1954 and that the new market at Green and Lincoln Sts. will be open on July 2nd,1954 <br />and that all producers and users of the market be granted free space for the month of July and that heglnning Aug- <br />ust 1st, 1954 that the charge for the space at the new market will be fifty cents per day per space." <br /> <br /> Motion of ~Lr. Rilisoly ~o concur in the recommendation of the City Manager was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-179 - "I recommend that two qualified citizens of the City of Portssmouth be recommended to the <br />Board of Directors of the Patrick Henry Hospital to serve'on the Board as representatives of the City." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Grimes to defer ~util next meeting, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-180 - "I recommend an appropriation of $16,007.80 he placed on first reading, representing the <br />City's cost of becoming a participating member'in the Patrick Henry Hospital." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Stur~evant to place an appropriation of $16,007.80 for said purpose on firs <br />reading, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-181 - "I ~ecommend an appropriat$o~ from Utility Tax Fund in the sum of $400,000.00 be placed <br />On ~irst reading for the construction and cos~ of site for the new Woodrow Wilson High School." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr.' Hawks to place an appropriation of $400,000.00 for said purpose on first <br />reading, was adopted. <br /> <br /> <br />