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June 22nd~ 1954. <br /> <br /> The.members of the Board of Directors would very much appreciate a visit from all the <br />members of the City Council-and:see it .in full operation. <br /> Yours very truly, <br /> <br />Linden O. Alexander, D.D.S." <br /> <br />54- 185 <br /> <br />members appointed by Mayor D~ke-wer~ welcomed. <br />filled: <br /> <br />The following letter from the planning and Zoning Commission was read: <br /> <br />"At a meetin~ of the Planning and Zoning Commission held on June 3rd, 1954, the new <br /> The election of officers was held and the following o~Iices were <br /> <br /> Chairman G.E. Parker <br /> Vice Chairman - W. T. Goods <br /> Secretary Donald Sandie <br /> <br /> The Commission respectfully requests the Honorable Conncil to appropriate the sum <br />of $6,000.00 for the use of the Co~mlission during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1954." <br /> <br />On motion filed. <br /> <br /> 54-186 - The following letter from the Trustees of the First Luthersn Church of Portsmouth <br />was read: <br /> "The Trustees of the First Lutheran Church of Portsmouth, Virginia~/ ~meSp~ekfully <br />request the Portsmouth City Council to remove from city real estate taxation, the property known as 621,623,625 <br />and 627 King Street. This' said property was pnrel~ased by the Trustees of the First Lutheran ChUrch of Portsmouth, <br />Virginia from Margaret Bullock and the Goodman Estate last year. This said property fronts S0 feet on Queen St , <br />with a depth of 113 feet a~d adjoins the property purchased by the Bank of Virginia. <br /> The reason for the request re remove real estate taxation is due to the fact that <br />the buildings that were on this property were razed~ and demolished~in May of this year in order re make way for <br />the erection of a Sunday School building for the First Lutheran Church of Portsmouth, Va. Your so-operation in <br />this Eequest is greatly appreciated by First-Lutheran Church of Portsmouth. <br /> <br />Respectfully submitted, <br /> <br />FIRST LUTHERAN CIIb~CR OF PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA <br />(Signed) O. L. Rustad <br /> H. J. Kraemer <br /> C. F.~Porte? - Trustees." <br /> <br />54-187 - <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Sturtevant'to refer to the City Attorney was adopted.. <br /> <br />The following letter from the Norfolk-portsmouth Bar A~soci~tion was read: <br /> <br /> "By resolution passed a~ its stated meeting held on May 7th, 1954, the Norfolk and <br />Portsmouth Bar Association makes request that the printed Code of the City of Portsmouth, effective No~ember 1st, <br />1951, be brought up to date in 1955 by the nUblication of a new code or of supplemental pocket paras to the exist- <br />lng ons~" <br /> On motion filed. <br /> <br />54-188 - The following letter from L. E. Thomas was read: <br /> <br /> "According to newspaper reports the members of the Portsmouth City Council will gp- <br />prove by vote on Tuesday, June 22nd, 1954~the new rates for City wa~er to the citizsns of Norfolk County and adja~ <br />cent counties. <br /> The new rates will be raised from approximately 18-to 30% per t00 cu. ft. of water~. <br />From information I ha~e been able ~o obtain, it will mean that the average family of West Norfolk will pay approx- <br />£mately $2.00 more and above what the average Portsmouth family'will pay~even after the rates are raised. <br /> It zs well known that West Norfolk is one of the sections that Portsmouth intends <br />to annex shortly and it would seem that the Government of the City would want all of its citizens to be treated <br />alike whether they live on High St. or in outlying sections. I hope the gentlemen of the City Council will eomsider <br />this man~er carefully before the wa~er ra~es are raised." <br /> <br />On motion filed. <br /> <br /> 54- 189 - The following letter from the P.T.A; Council, signed by ~Lrs. Norman Handock, Sec- <br />retary, was read: <br /> "In view of the many prozeszs voiced against the mutilation of trees in our city ~ <br />by the work being conducted by contracts for the local Tel~ohone Company, at the ~ay meeting of the Portsmouth Coun~ <br />cil of Parent-Teachers Associations, a resolution was adopted to write the Portsmouth City Council. <br />tion of these protests, it felt the city's governing body should take immediate action to see tha~ <br />marred unnecessarily." <br /> <br /> In considera-I <br /> our city is not <br /> <br /> On motion filed. <br /> <br />~he following petition was read: <br /> <br /> "Either as property owners or as merchants, we petition the City Council to_stop <br /> <br />the running of the tunnel buses to High St. By channeling the buying public of Portsmouth to Norfolk, we are suf- <br />fering a huge loss of business and the value of our business properties is mos~ seriously depressed. We are con - <br />vinced that this affects most seriously the presen~ mud future welfare of Port smouth. We pray relief. <br /> <br /> Signed - Norman R. Hamilton and numerous others." <br /> <br /> ~otion of ~r. Smith Eo refer to the Special Committee on tunnel bus operations, <br />was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-191 - Motion of Mr. Bilisoly to go into the election of a Justice of the Peace for Jef- <br />ferson Ward, to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. Ula Deans, was adopted. <br /> <br /> <br />