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June 22nd~ 1954. <br /> <br /> "BE IT I{ESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, <br />that~the City Manager of this City be and he is hereby directed to offer <br />to the owners of the land mentionedbelow and needed and necessary for the <br />construction of a part of State HighwayNo. 17-A, Project 1864-7- and 1864-71, <br />between High Street, at Farquier Avenue, and George Washington Highway (route 17), <br />in the City of Pertsmouth, Virginia, in accordance with the plans and specifi- <br />cations thereof on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Richmond, <br />Virginia, the following sums of money for their respective parcels of land, and <br />in the event the offers are not accepted, or the land for any other reason can not <br />be acquired by purchase, the City Attorney is hereby directed ~o institute con- <br />demnation proceedings for the acquisition of the land and other property, namely:_. <br /> <br />Parcels n~mbers 3 and 10, shown'on sheets numbers 3 and 4 of said plan, <br />and assessed on the Land Book of the City, 1954, in the name of <br />Samuel Sonkin, the sum of $ 3,000.00 <br /> <br />Parcel Number 24, shown on sheet number 6 of said plan, and assessed <br />on said Land Book of the City in ~he name of NLargaret A.Bulloch, <br />the sum of <br /> <br />$ 400.00 <br /> <br />Parcels numbers 43 and 48, show~ on sheet 8 of said plan, and asses- <br />sed on said Land Book in the name of A. A~mdusky, Bennie Kaplan, and <br />Alfred Kaplan, the sum of <br /> <br />$ 1,000.00 <br /> <br />Parcel Number 50, shown on sheet 8 of said plan, and assessed on <br />said Land Book in the name of Joseph Copeland, the sum of $ 150.00 <br /> <br />Parcel Number 51, shown on sheet 8 of said plan, and assessed on <br />said Land Book ia 't~e name of Louis Brown, the sum of $ 40.00 <br /> <br />Parcel Number 54, shown on sheet 9 of said plan, and assessed on <br />said Land Book in the name of George M. Harvey,Sr. and ~adie T. <br />Harvey, the sum of <br /> <br />$ 40.00 <br /> <br />Parcel'Number 95, shown on sheet I1 of said plan, and assessed on <br />said Land Book in the names of William J. Harrison and Delma Harri- <br />son, the sum of <br /> <br />$ 65.00 <br /> <br />Parcel Number 52~ shown on sheet 9 of said plan, and assessed on <br />said ~and 'Book in the names of Sandy L~e ~yd and Louise D.Boyd, <br />the suni of <br /> <br />$ 315.00 <br /> <br />Parcel Number 85, shown on sheet 10 of s~id plan, and assessed on <br />said Land Book in the names of Joe H. Land and Ruth Land, the <br />sumlof <br /> <br />$ 140.00 <br /> <br />Parcels Numbers 35 and -36, shown on sheet 7 bf said plan, and as- <br />sessed on said Land Book in the names of John A.Harms and Rose <br />Harms, the sum of <br /> <br />$ 7,000.00." <br /> <br /> 54-167. <br />Welfare Department requests a resolution from the Council concerning the filing of reports. <br />the Council adopt the attached resolution· <br /> <br /> On motion of ~ir. Bilisoly, the following resolution was adopted: <br /> <br /> 'bE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, <br /> that the Director of the Social Service Bureau he not required to <br /> file monthly re,mrs of the activities of the Welfare Department with <br /> the City Council."' <br /> <br /> 54-168 - I'recommeud that-t~e lot located near the Cxty Water works adjacent ~o the Armmpy property <br />owned by Joseph Reid and wife be purchased for the sum of $85b.00 from Water Department funds." <br /> <br />"I have been advised by Mrs. Fannie Lee, Director of the Social Service Bureau that the State <br /> I recommend that <br /> <br />Motio~ of Mr~ La~Tence to confirm the recommendation of the City Manager was adopted. <br /> <br />54-169 ~ '~t a previous meetim4 of the Council, I was requested to make a report on the question of a <br />condition of'dust arising~ from the operation of the-Transit mixed Cement plant located at the foot of Crawford St. <br /> I am reporting that I conferred with George T. McLean, owner of the plant and he advised me <br />that the plant was bein~ used only as a standby unit and perhaps not more than one day each we~k and that he was <br />of the opinion that the condition did not arise from his plan~ as he had only coarse concrete sand stored on the <br />property which is not easily blown in the form ~f dust·" <br /> <br />On motion filed. <br /> <br /> 54-170. "I submit the following letter from J H Phillips~ Resident Engineer of the Department of High- <br />ways concerning the Bath's Creek Bridge,which is self explanatoryL <br /> <br /> "On May 14th, I wrote to you reporting an inspection of the Bath's Creek Bridge that I made in <br /> company with Mr. Bergeron City Engineer. I advised in this letter that we would have a traf- <br /> fic study made and report our conclusions of what should be done after we had accumulated the <br /> data. This study has been made; it was made on Sunday, May 23rd. The count showed approxi- <br /> mately 3000 vehicles and approximately 30~.pedestrians; 1 pedestrian for each 10 vehicles. <br /> It was noted during the time of this stt%dy tlnat the motorists were very courteous toward <br /> one another in that they waited on each other while the one lane portion of the bridge,which <br /> is the drav~span, was being used. This heavy traffic Occurs only on Sundays and holidays and <br /> <br /> <br />