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February 13th, 1962 <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Walker, that the City Manager and the City Attorney investigate the ownership <br />of the remaining portion of Potomac Avenue between Airline Boulevard and Frederick Boulevard and that th~ <br />Conm~ission be requested to recormnend to this body whether this portion of Po~omaQ Avenue should be closed <br /> <br />main open, was adopted, without dissenting vote. <br /> <br /> 62-14 - The following ordinance, referred back to the Planning Commission at the last <br />meeting, was taken up and read: <br /> <br /> ~'AN ORDINANCE TO CLOSE THAT PORTION OF COUNTY STREET LYING BETWEEN THE <br /> EAST LINE OF FREDERICK BOULEVAPd) AND THE NORTHWEST LINE OF AIRLINE BOULEVAND/' <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Barnes to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission to close <br />that portion of County Street referred to in the ordinance and to place the ordinance on first reading was adopted, <br />without dissenting vote~ <br /> <br />62-16 - The following ordinance, approved on first reading at last meeting, was taken up <br /> <br />and read: <br /> <br /> "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINA/NCE OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, 1961, <br />BY ADDING TO SECTION 4-3 THEREOF A NEW SUBSECTION NUMBERED SECTION 4-3 (161.A), <br />PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF USE PERMITS FOR OPERATION OF EXISTING LODGES= FRATERNAL <br />AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS WITHIN CERTAIN ZONING DISTRICTS," <br /> <br />On motion of Mr Barnes~ said ordinance was adopted and by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes: Smith~ Atkinson, Barnes, Dillon,~Leary, Walker, Weiseman <br />Nays: None. <br /> <br />The following letter f.rom the P'lanning Director was read: <br /> <br /> '~t its regular monthly meeting on February 67 1962, the City Planning Commission reviewed <br />rezonlng application 11-.61, George T~ McLean~ involving ~xtension of industrial prop'erty along the Norfolk & West- <br />ern Railroad, which you referred back for further study on. January 9, 1962 <br /> The City Planning Commission also considered in this Connection, a subdivision application <br />titled "CAVALIER MANOR, SECTION 18"o This proposed subdivision zs boun~ed by Victory Park on the east, Cavalier <br />Manor on the north, Cavalier Boulevard on the wesn, and some of the vacant land under discussion in rezoning peti- <br />tion 11-61 to the south. Kindly refer to our composite map. <br /> The Planning Commission recormmends approval of Mr. McLean~s revised application subject to <br />his accepnance of the conditions set forth in the approval of Cavalier Manor, Section 18. For your information, <br />those conditions are set focth below: <br /> 1. That the proposed 40' buffer strip be enlarged to 60~ .and extended along the rear <br />lot line of Victory Park homes fronting on Stratford Street to the railroad; that this buffer strip be an easement <br />with the following cross section: <br /> 10' along the residential'rear lot line to be devoted to trees and shrubbery; adja- <br />cent thereto a 20' storm sewage easement; and adjacent no that on the side nearest the proposed industry~ a 30' <br />easement to facilitane the movement and function of drainage ditch mainnenance equipment; and <br /> 2. That. the two street stubs leading into the property be deleted, sealing off the <br />residentialarea completely from industry. <br /> Moreover, the City Planning Commission is making an effort to interest Victory Park home <br />owners in sealing off any future movement of traffid from their, neighborhood no the proposed industrial area. The <br />sum of these two actions-would serve to restrict industrial traffic~movement no Cavalier Boulevard, which is 100' <br />wide and will eventually connecn Victory,Boulevard and Route 13'~ <br />In his revised application presented to City Council, Mr. McLean dropped his request for <br />Manufacturing-2, east of Cavalier Boulevard, to which thePlanning Commission had previously taken strong exception <br /> The Planning Commission reiterates its earlier approval of the 900' Manufacturing-2 strip <br />west of Cavalier Boulevard, and offers the above solution~to the zoning and subdivision of the land east of Cava- <br />lierBoulevard. If you will refer to the aforementioned plat, you will find that this proposed Manufacturing-1 <br />strip; east of Cavalier Boulevard, is of an irregular width - approximately 700' wide near Victory Park and approx- <br />imately 800' wide near Cavalier Boulevard. Signed J~ Brewer Moore~ Planning Director." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Atkinson to suspend the rules to hear from interested persons was adopted. <br /> <br /> George Minor, attorney, Joso Ro Earls, John T. Blackwell, Jr., spoke against the applica- <br />tion and presented the following petition and letter from Cavalier Manor Civic League: <br /> <br /> Petition: "Your undersigned petitioners respectfully represenn nhe following: That they are citi- <br />zens of the City of Portsmouth, Va., residing in Cavalier Manor, Victory Manor, Lincoln Gardens and Pictory Bark, <br />sections of said City which are located some'fifteen ~undred families, most of whom are home owners. <br /> Your petitioners fur{her represent that adjacen~ to and in rear of their homes is an <br />area which is zoned R-60 and M-1. Mr. George T McLean has applied to the City Planning Commission no have said <br />area rezoned to M-2. Since this area is located close to many of the homes in this area, any such rezoning would <br />detract from the value of the individual homes and wo~ld deteriorate the value of the entire area by reasons of <br />obnoxious or offensive odor, dust, smoke, fumes and noise caused by.heavy industry. This would cause irreparable <br />harm to 'the aforesaid homeowners. .We therefore respectfully appeal ~o your honorable body to deny and refuse the <br />application of Mr. George T McLean to have the said area~rezoned~ Signed N Witts and numerous others." <br /> <br /> '5~hereas the Cavalier Manor Civic League has been organized and is presently being in - <br />corporated by the State Corporation Commission for t~e purpose of generally improving the welfare of the people of <br />Cavalier Manor by dealing with problems which directly affect the loca 1 community; <br /> Whereas the Cavalier Manor Civic League =ecognize the United Civic League as the <br />parent civic organization in the general area of Cavalier I~anor, Victory Manor, Victory Park, Cavalier Cove, and <br />other related communities; <br /> Whereas the Cavalier Manor Civic League specified'in its constitution that it will <br />support the general efforts of the United Civic League and other related civic organizations; <br /> Be it Resolved that the Executive Advisory and Planning Committee decided unanimously <br /> <br /> <br />