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April 10th, 1962 <br /> <br /> C0~PANY, and to sign same on behalf of said City, whereby the said Railroad <br /> Company granzs unto said City the right and license zo install and maintain, <br /> for the purpose of sewer mains, lines of pipe across the right of way and <br /> under the main 5rack of the Railroad Company, as well as along said right of <br /> way at Portsmouth, Virginia; ss more particularly described in said agreement, <br /> which agreemen~ is dated March 5, 1962, a copy of which agreemen~ is filed <br /> with this City Council." <br /> <br /> 62~'78_- ~I submi£~the attached resolution and recommend its adoption. This resolution <br />authorizes the Office of Emergency Planning to make a mission type assignment to appropriate federal agencies for <br />all work eligible-with reference to rehabilitation made necessary by the storm and high tides of March 7th and 8th, <br />1962." <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Knight, the following resolution was adopted, Mr. Walker voting "No." <br /> <br /> _. ~HEREAS, as s result of the exzensive damage and destruction wrought along <br />the coastal areas of Virginia by the szorm and high tides of March 7 and 8, 1962, <br />exzenaive rehabilitation work is necessary. <br /> NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, <br />Virginia, that, in order zo accomplish the required work as expeditiously as <br />possible, ~he Office of Emergency Planning is requested to make a mission-type <br />asslgnmenz zo appropriate federal agencies for all work eligible under Public <br />Law 875." <br /> <br /> 62-63 - <br />inN, were taken up and read: <br /> <br />and read: <br /> <br /> -- UNFINISHED BUSINESS -- <br /> <br /> The following zoning amendment ordinances, approved on first reading az last meet- <br /> <br /> "ZONING AMENDMENT ORDINANCE 1962- 6A" <br /> "ZONING AIlENDMENT ORDINANCE 1962- 6B" <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Leery, the ordinances were adopted and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes: Smith, Atkinson, Dillon, Knight, Leery, Walker <br /> Nays: None. <br /> <br />62-68 - The following ordinance, approved on first reading at last meeting, was taken up <br /> <br /> '~N ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $10,000.00 FROM THE GENERAL CAPITAL <br />IMPROVEMENT FUND FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE COSTS OF PROVIDING <br />A SANITARY LANDFILL." <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Dillon, the ordinance was adopted and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes: Smith, Atkinson, Dillon, Knight, Leery, .Walker <br /> Nays: None. <br /> <br />-- NEW BUSINESS -- <br /> <br />62-79 - The following communication from the Planning Director was read: <br /> <br /> "At its regular monthly meeting on April 3, 1962, the City Planning Commission <br /> unanimously Eesolv~d re recon~end approval of the following four szreet closure petitions as part of a broader plan <br /> for creation of a modern industrial park in South Portsmouth adjacent to the Norfolk & Western Railroad: <br /> (6-62) A portion of Avondale Road described as follows: Beginning at the south- <br /> wesz corner of Avondale Road and Stratford Street, thence west along Avondale Road approximately 100', thence north <br /> along Avondale Road 50', thence easz along Avondale Road approximately 100', thence south 50' along the west right- <br /> of-way tine of Stratford Street projected zo the point of origin, subjecz zo retention of a 12' drainage and utility <br /> easement, the cenzer line of which would correspond to the center line of Avondale Road. <br /> (7-62) A portion of Beechdale Road described as follows: Beginning az the <br />southwest corner of Beechdale Road and Stratford Street, thence west along Beechdale Road approximately 100', thence <br />north along Beechdale Road 50', thence esst along Beechdale Road approximately 100', thence south 50' along the west <br />right-of-way line of Stratford Street projected ~o the point'of origin, subjecz to retention of a 12' drainage and <br />utility easement, the center line of which would cornespo.nd to the cen.ter line of Beechdale Road. <br /> <br /> (9-62) A portion of NorcumCTrcle described as follows: Beginning at the south- <br />west corner of Norcum Circle and Stratford Street, ~hence wesz along Norcum Circle approximately 100', thence north <br />along Noreum Circle 50' thence easv along Norcum Circle approximately 100', thence south 50' along the west right- <br />of-way line of Stratford Street projected zo the point of origin, subjeez to retention of- a 12' drainage and'utility <br />easement, the center line of which would correspond to the cenzer line of Norcum Circle. <br /> (10-62) A portion of Taft Drive described as follows: Beginning at a poinb in <br />the south right-of-way line of Taft Drive az its western extremity ~vhere said street line intersects the west side <br />lot line of property known as 605 Taft Drive, thence north along the terminal line of Taft Drive approximately 50' <br />to the north right-of-way line of said street, thence east 5' along said~street line, thence south approximately <br />50' along a line parallel to the adjacent terminal line ~o the south right-of-way line of Taft Drive, thence west <br />along said street line to the point of origin, subject to retention of a 12' drainage and utility easement, the <br />center line of which would correspond zo the center line of Taft Drive; and subject further zo use as a pedestrian <br />walkway if so resolved by resolution of City Council. <br /> <br /> , · · ~n3 .... The Planning Commission urges City'Council zo treat these four street closure <br />applications as a unit in that they are a product of industrial rezoning action taken on February 27, 1962, and the <br />approval of a subdivision known as Cavalier Manor, Section 1S, acted upon by the Planning Commission on March 6, <br />1962. Signed: J. Brewer Moore, Planning Director." <br /> <br /> <br />