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April 10, 1962 <br /> <br />dissenting vote: <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Leafy, <br /> <br />the following ordinance was approved on first reading without <br /> <br /> "AN ORDINANCE TO CLOSE PORTION OF AVONDALE ROAD, BEECHDALE ROAD, <br />NORCUM CIRCLE AND iTAFT DRIVE." <br /> <br />Ayes: Smith, Atkinson, Dillon, Knight, Leafy, Walker <br />Nays: None. <br /> <br />62-60 - The following dommdnication from the Planning Director was read: <br /> <br /> "At its regular monthly meeting on April 3, 1962, the City Planning Commission <br /> unanimously resolved to recommend approval of the following two street closure petitions: <br /> (8-62) A portion of Warrick Street described as follows: Beginning at the south- <br />east corner of Greenbriar Road and Warrick Street, thence north 50' along a projection of'the east right-of-way line <br />of Oreenbriar Road to the north right-of-way line of Warrick Street, t~ence east along said street line approxi- <br />mately 265' to its point of intersection with the rear lot line of properties facing on the west side of Williamson <br />Road, thence south along s line perpendicular td said street line approximately 50' to the south right-of-way line <br /> of Warrick Street~ thence west along said street line approximately 250' to the point of origin. <br /> (11-62) A portion of Ann Street described as follows: Beginning at the southeast <br /> corner of Ann Street~and Chesapeake Avenue,~ thence north 60' along~the east right-of-way line of Chesapea~Avenue <br /> projected to the northeast corner, thence east along the north right-of-way line of Ann Street approximately 230', <br /> thence south 60' along a line perpendicular to said street line to the south right-of-way line of Ann Street, thence <br /> west along said street line 230' more or less to the point of origin, subject to retention of a 12' drainage ease- <br /> ment, the center line of which would correspond to the center line of Ann Street. Signed: J. Brewer Moore, Plan-! <br /> ning Director." <br /> <br />dissenting vote: <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Leafy, the following ordinance was approved on first reading without <br /> <br /> "AN ORDINANCE TO CLOSE A PORTION OF WARRICK STREET." <br /> <br />62-81 - The following communication from the Superintendent of Schools was read: <br /> <br /> "I have been directed by the School Board-to submit to you the school budget for <br />the year 1962-63, adopted at its meeting on Wednesday, March 28, 1962 request from your honorable body an <br />appropriation, of $2,663,236.00, an increase of $143,871.00 over 1961-62. The same appropriation was requested of <br />the City for 1~62-62_as was requested in 1960-61 although~there was an~,increase of over 600 students. <br /> The per pupil cost for Portsmouth from local funds has decreased for the past sev- <br />eral years while the local costs have risen in most other places. <br /> - The'cost p~r.pupil~from local funds has dr~pped from $127.91 in 1959-60 to $120.94 <br />in 1961-62. <br /> Federal funds under Public Law 874 could ~ery well drop from $209.00 for each <br />Federally connected pupil to $180.00 unless our local expenditures are increased. This would mean a loss ~o the <br />City of $139,000.00 in Federal funds. <br /> It ms quite possible there may be some funds available for reapproprihtion to <br />help meet this increase of $143,871.00. This will depead upon~the amoun~ of entitlement the United States Office <br />of Education approves under P. L. 874 for 1961-62, the year we are sow in~ <br /> Because oi the severe weather and excessive illness our average daily attendance <br />may be below average and therefore cut our basic appropriation from the State and Federal funds under P. L. 874. <br /> The budget provides for a minimum salary of $4,100.00 for the beginning teacher <br />with a bachelor's degree and a maximum of $5,750.00 with annual increments of $150.00. The differential ~etween <br />the holder of the bachelor's and mas~er's degree has been raised from $100.00 to $200.00 as our scale for the <br />master's degree ~as inequitable and below that of the other divisions in the area. Also provision is made for <br />additional instructional personnel needed because of increased enrollment since annexation. <br /> It was necessary to increase the pay of school clerks, maids and janitors. Our <br />scale of pay for these is still low. <br /> There is also included an item of $20,000.00 for television. This amount will <br />enable us ~o broaden our experiment in television and place us in a position ro share in and use more wisely State <br />and Federal funds that may become available at a later date. <br /> This budget does not include funds needed for scholarship grants as we have no <br />way of determining the number that will apply. In our opinion if.those desiring scholarship grants have to apply <br />directly to the Sta~e some will be discouraged from applying. The amount approved by the State will be deducted <br />from State funds due the City of course, but the City will not have to advance the entire amount and wait for re- <br />imbursement from the State for its part. <br /> The transportation budget submitted earlier is to be considered as s supplemental <br />budget and pupil 5r~nsportation is to be furnished only alger all other budget requests have been met. <br /> It is also reques'ted that. the School Board be given permission to transfer funds <br />from one category to another, as has b.een the custom in the past. <br /> Should you desire any additional explanation of the budge%, I shaI1 be happy to <br /> Signed: A. J. Mapp, Superintendent of Schools." <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. L~ary, referred ro a conference of the Council on the budget. <br /> <br />62-82 - The following petition was read: <br /> <br /> "We, the following residents of downtown Portsmouth, vigorously protes~ the placing <br />of parking me5ers (as planned by the City Council) in our residential blocks. The nuisance and inconvenience of <br />parking several blocks from one"s~home wilt surely cause this residential section ~o be undesirable in the future. <br />Several blocks in the Dinwiddie Street, North Street, Court Street, and Waverly Blvd. ares are frequently flooded <br />thus making still fewer remaining blocks for safe parking. As home=owners move out, undoubtedly these blocks will <br />deteriorate. This is contrary ~o the entire plan of giving a face-lifting to downtown Portsmouth. E~en with the <br />presen~ metered space there are many vacancies every hour of the day. How can additional me~ers help Portsmouth? <br />Many residents find it convenient to live in downtown Portsmouth. Parking meters will take away mos~ of the conven- <br />ience. Signed: Herbert G. Stewart, 423 London Street, and others." <br /> <br /> <br />