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May 22nd, 1962 <br /> <br /> (1) That this use permit is subject to review and cancellation should the activi- <br />ties of the applicant create demonstrable conditions detrimental co the adjQining residential properties; <br /> (2) That any additions co the existing structure shall be limited to that which <br />may be necessary to enjoyment thereof and will in every particular comply with all other ordinances, codes and <br />regulations of the City of Portsmouth." <br /> <br />T~e f~llow~n~ d6~munications from the City Manager were read: <br /> <br /> 62-105 - "I submit the attached resolution and recommend its adoption. This resolution <br />opposes the proposal now pending in the Congress of the United States to limit Naval shipyards to sixty-five perm <br />cent of repairs and conversion work as this would adversely affect the local Naval Shipyard. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Dillon, the follDwing resolution was adopted, without dissenting vote: <br /> <br />"Whereas, it has been proposed in the Congress of the United States that repair and <br />conversion work done by naval shipyards be limited to sixty-five per cent of such <br />work available in eack fiscal year, as compared to eSghty per cent of such work now <br />performed by naval shipyards; and <br />WHEREAS, reductions in personnel following such action would seriously affect the <br />financial status of local governmental units and industries supporting the existing <br />naval shipyard complexes; and <br />WI~REAS, such reductions in personnel would greatly reduce the capability of the <br />naval shipyards to support the fleet in peace or war, thereby further lessening <br />the nation's strategic position at a time of great international crisis; and <br />WHEREAS~ serious doubt that assignment of an additional fifteen per <br />cent of such work to private shipyards can produce sav~ngs to the federal govern- <br />menE, when all consequences of such proposal are considered; and no valid rea- <br />son has been given ~n support of such proposal; and <br />WHEREAS~ performance of such work in aaval shipyards is more beneficial to the <br />fleet in such matters as scheduling~ priorities, experienced workers, suitable <br />inventories of materials and spare parts, availability of facilities in suppor~ <br />of fleet personnel and supply needs~ and numerous other ways. <br />NOW~ TH~RE~OR~,.Be~'it resot~d~;by ~he ~onn¢ii~b~ '~heTCi~y <br />that the proposal now pending in the Congress of the United States to limit <br />naval shipyards to sixty-five per cent of repairs and conversion work should <br />be opposed vigorously; that such proposal is no~ consistent with the require- <br />ments of national security and maintenance of economic stability; and that <br />a certified copy of these resolutions be sent by the City Clerk to the <br />Congressmen and Senators representing the people of this City in the Congress." <br /> <br /> 62-106 - "I recommend that I be authorized to advertise for sale certain City-owned <br />property at the foot of Crawford Street, the property to be sold as described in the attached no~ice of sale <br />and to be sold in accordance with the notice. <br />and should be sold for private development." <br /> <br />The property has been declared surplus by the Planning Commission <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Barnes to concur in the recommendation of the City Manager was adopted, <br />without dissenting vote. <br /> <br /> 62-107 "I submit the attached resolution and recommend its adoption. This resolution <br />authorizes the appointment of viewers for the closing of portio~ of Water Street, North Street, Crawford Street, <br />Middle Street and Eastwood Lane. The clo~ing of these streets is aecessary for the development of the City <br />property in this area." On motion of Mr. Knight, the following resolution was adopted: <br /> <br /> "WHEREAS, the application of the City of Portsmouth and Virginia Electric and <br /> Power Company to vscate, close, and discontinue the following portions of <br /> streets in the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, namely: <br /> (1) Water Street, from the north line of Glasgow Street to the south <br /> line of North Street. <br /> (2) North Street, from the ease line of Crawford Street to its eastern <br /> terminus in the Elizabeth River. <br /> (3) Crawford Street~ from its nothern terminus in the Elizabeth River <br /> south to a line described as follows: beginning at a point on the eastern <br /> line of Cr~wford Street distant 95.83 feet and bearing north 3° 33' 15" west <br /> from the northeast corner of Crawford and North Streets, and running thence <br /> in a northwesterly direction along s curve to the left with a radius of 621.88 <br /> feet ~o a point on the western line of Crawford Street as now platted. <br /> (4) Esstwood Lane, from its northern terminus in the Elizabeth River <br /> south to a westerly projection of the northern line of property to the east <br /> thereof owned by Virginia Electric and Power Company. <br /> (5) Middle Street, from its northern terminus in the Elizabeth River <br /> south To a westerly projection.of the northern line of property to the east <br /> thereof owned by Virginia Electric and Power Company; <br /> has been referred ~o the Planning and Zoning Commission for investigation and <br /> report~ and said Con~ission has recommended the closing of the aforesaid por- <br /> tions of sLreets, and ii appearing that notice of the application and reques~ <br /> for the appointment Of viewers was duly posted at the front door of the Court <br /> House on the first day of the Ma~ term of the Court of Hustings for the City <br /> of Portsmouth, and st cwo public places xn the City of Porfsmouth, namely: <br /> on a VEPCO pole on the west side of Middle Street near the enzrance to the <br /> Portsmouth Boat Club, and on a VEPCO pole at the southeast corner of Crswford <br /> and North Streets, at least five days prior to this meeting; <br /> <br /> <br />