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IF this connection, it should be noted nhat the second paragraph o£ Section 121 of the <br />Constitution of Virginia, pertaining ro all city councils, reads as follows: <br /> 'No member of the council shall be eligible, during his tenure of <br /> effice as such members, or~ for one year nhereafter, to any office <br /> to be filled by the council by election or appointment. <br /> Obviously, the meaning, of the word "office" in the Portsmouth Charter is the same as in <br />the Constitution, the Charter provision having been copied from the Constitution. Therefore, it would follow <br />that the appointment by any one of the participating cities of a member of its city council to the Southeastern <br />Virginia Regional Planning Commission would violate Section 121 of the Constitution. Stated differently, electio~ <br />or appointment of any city councilman in Virginia by his city council to an "office".would be in violation of <br />Section 12] of the Constitution, without regard to any provision of general law or charter. <br /> Although the proposed agreement does not require the Portsmouth City Council to appoint <br />one of its members to this Coramission, it does state the authority co do so. Therefore, in view of the <br />referenced opinzon of the Attorney General, the undersigned recommends that the subject agreement not be entered <br />into by this City until the offensive language therein is modified. (Signed: J. S. Livesay, City Attorney) " <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Dillon that the consideration of this matEer be referred to a conference <br />was adopted, without dissenting vote. <br /> <br /> 62-259 - "I am in receipt of a letter from the Portsmout~ Elks Lodge #82 requesting <br />payment on a check dated March 2, 1949. <br /> This is s payroll check payable to Mr. E. A. Pate in the amount of $60.04. <br />The Elks Club in clearing up ~ome old records found this check, which had not cleared through the bank in their <br />files. <br /> the Check was carried outstanding on the books of the City for a number of <br />years and finally charged off. For this check to be paid, it will be necessary~ for the City Council to authorize <br />payment." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Dillon to authorize payment of the. check was adopted, without dissenting <br /> <br />September 30,' 1~6~;~! <br /> <br />62-260 - "Mr. W. P. Lifsey's ~erm on the Supplemental.Retirement Board has expired. <br /> It is necessary that an election be held on this, the Lerm to run until <br /> <br />Board was adopted. <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Barnes uo go into the election of a member to the Supplemental Retirement <br /> <br /> Mr. Barnes nominated W. P. Lifsey to succeed himself on the Retirement Board, for a ~erm <br />four years, ending September 30th, 1966. <br /> <br />Board. <br /> <br />There being no other nominations, Mr. Lifsey was unanimously elected~o the Eetirement <br /> <br />62-261 - "I submit the attached letter from the office of the City Attorney." <br /> <br /> "I hereby resign the office of City Attorney effective December 15, 1962. <br /> After five years of service with the City, this is a difficult decision to make. <br />much thought on the subject compels me to enter the private practice of law a~ this time. <br /> Each of you have my very best wishes for success in your conduct of municipal and <br />personal affairs. (Signed: J. S. Livessy, City Attorney)" <br /> <br /> Motio~ of Mr. Atkinson to accept with regrets and that the question of the appointment <br />of a successor be referred to a conference, was adopted, without dissenting vote. <br /> <br /> 62-262 - "The Portsmouth Redevelopment and Housing Authority has submitted the attached <br />Resolution requesting its adoption by the City Council <br /> The Mousing Authority has adopted a Resolution amending the Redevelopment Plan <br />for Lincolns~ille. This Resolution amends the plan by changing parcel 2 from public use to redevelopmenz by <br />private enterprise. <br /> It amends parcels 9, 10, 1t and the cul-de-sac to multifamily residential use <br />r~her than single family and street re-use <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Dillon, the following resdlution was adopted: <br /> <br /> "WHEREAS, the Council, by Ordinance adopted on December 3, 1959, approved the Eedevelopment <br />Plan of the Lincolnsville Redevelopmen~ Project VAR -6, Portsmouth, Virginia, of the Portsmouth Redevelopmen~ <br />and Housing Authority; and <br /> ~IEREAS, by Resolution duly adopted, the said Portsmouth Redevelppment and Housing <br />Authority has adopted Amendment No. 1 to the said Redevelopmen~ Plan and has requested the Council to approve <br />said Amendment; and <br /> WHEREAS, in the judgment of the Council, it is ~o the interesl of the City and its <br />inhabitants that said Amendment be approved. <br /> NOW~ TMEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portsmouth that the attached <br />Amendment No. 1 to the Redevelopment Plan, Liucolnsville Redevelopment Projec~ VAR-6, Portsmouth, Virginia, <br />having been duly reviewed and considered, is hereby approved." <br /> <br />meeting, <br /> <br /> UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> <br /> 62-2~6 - The following Zoning Amendment Ordinance, approved on first reading ar last <br />~as taken up and read: <br /> <br /> "ZONING A~_ENDN~ENT ORDINA/~CE 1962-24." <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Atkinson, the ordinance was adopted and by the following vome: <br /> <br /> Ayes: Smith, Atkinson, Barnes, Dillon, Eastes, Leafy. <br /> Nays: None <br /> <br /> <br />