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November 13th, 1962 <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of the City Council held on November 13th, 1962, there were present: <br /> <br />R. Irvine Smith, C. S. Atkinson, Jack P. Barnes, John L. Dillon, George D. Eastes, <br />W. T. Leafy, A. P. Johnson, Jr., City Manager, and J. S. Livesay Jr , City Attorney. <br /> <br />The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr. Barnes. <br /> <br />Minutes of the regular meeting held on October 23rd, 1962, were read and approved. <br /> <br />The following reports from the City Manager were read: <br /> <br /> 62-256 - "I submit the attached Resolution and recommend its adoption. This concerns <br />Highway Route Designations in the City and is requested to amend the proposed designation by the Highway <br />Department when the Glasgow Street - London Street improvements are made. <br /> This Resolution requests the Highway Deparnment ~o change the proposed routing <br />from Washingnon Streen to Effingham Street~ This is being requested in order To obtain a better interchange <br />on Effingham Street and Interstate 264. <br /> The present Route Designations would require the London Street improvemen~ to <br />extend to Washington Street. <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Barnes, the following resolution was adopted, without dissenting <br /> <br /> "WHEREAS, on July 10, 1962, this body in a formal resolution requested the Virginia <br />State Highway Departmen~ to design a (new) portion of F. A. P. Route 24 for improvemen~ under the federal urban <br />aid Program; and <br /> WHEREAS, on July 10, 1962, the eastern terminus of said urban aid roune was Federal <br />Route 58 au the intersection of Washington Street and High Street; and <br /> WHEREAS, on August 23, 1962, the Virginia State Highway Con~ission vo~ed to re-route <br />U. S. Route 58 from the Downtown Elizabeth River Tunnel ~o the Midtown Elizabeth River Tunnel, deleting the <br />highway route designation from High Street between Elm Avenue and Washington Street and from Washington Street <br />between High Street and the Downtown Elizabeth River Tunnel, thus eliminating the official terminus of F. A. P. <br />Route 24, noted above; and <br /> WHEREAS, this body officially on March 13,' 1962, (pursuant to the Code of Virginia <br />relative to local planning) and on July 26, 1962, zn a document addressed to the State Highway Commission, <br />resolved to work for the northerly extension of George Washington Highway into Effingham Street so as to create <br />one major north-south highway ia eastern Portsmo,uth, and that said objective has been and is recognized as a <br />major component of the official Comprehensive Plan of the City of Portsmouth. <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia: <br />(a) THAT, paragraph (a) of said resolution of July 10, 1962, be amended ~o read aa <br />follows: "That the State Highway Department be and the same hereby is requested to survey and design that <br />portion of F. A. P. Route 24 from High Street and Hamilton Avenue along Hamilton Avenue, Glasgow Street and <br />London Street to Effingham Street, destined by official plan to become the northerly extension of George <br />Washington Highway." <br /> (b) THAT, the State Highway Department is urged to proceed with the routing of State <br />Route 141 to include Ef£ingham Street from Boulevard to London Street, and the deletion of Alternate <br />Route 460A from Washington Street, as indicated in a letter of May 22, 1962, from Department of Highways, so that <br />the City of Portsmouth and, the U. S. Navy can without further delay proceed with formulation of plans To <br />effectuate the northerly extension of George Washington Highway into Effingham-Street and the improvement thereof <br />as a feeder highway linking Interstate 264 with the U. S. Naval Hospital and the U. S. Naval Shipyard." <br /> <br /> 62-257 - "I submit the attached Ordinance and recommend that it be placed on first <br />reading. <br /> This appropriates $10,000.00 for the purchase of a Fire Station site on <br />Victory Boulevard. The National Board of Fire Underwriters has recommended anew station to be built in the <br />vicinisy of Victory Boulevard and Greenwood Drive. <br /> The site that we propose-to purchase is located on Victory Boulevard next <br />tb the 7-11 Store. The site has been approved by the Chief of the Fire Department." <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Leary the following ordinance was approved on first reading: <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $10,000.00 FROM THE GENERAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND <br />FOR tHE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING A SITE FOR A FIRE STATION ON VICTORY BOULEVARD." <br /> <br /> 62-258 - "I submit the at~ached letter from the office of the City Attorney concerning <br />a new Agreement that the C~ty is being requested Eo sign. <br /> This concerns the election of-members ¢o and the operation of the Southeastern <br />Virginia Regional Planning Commission. <br /> <br /> "A new agreement To cover operation of the Southeastern Virginia Regional Planning <br />Commission has been presented for your approval a~d execution in behalf of the City of Portsmouth. <br /> This new agreement provides, among other things, that one of the members of the <br />Commission from each participating jurisdiction may be a member of the participating jurisdiction's governing <br />body. This provision of the agreement finds its origin zn Section 15-962 of the Code of Virginia, as amended by <br />the 1962 General Assembly, which states that not more than one member of the governing body of a participating <br />flurisdiction shall be a member of a regional planning commission. While the state law is silent on the subject, <br />the proposed agreement zs quite clear in the intention that the members of the commission shall be appointed by <br />the governing bodies of the participating jurisdictions. <br /> It has been reported in the local press that the Attorney General of Virginia has given <br />an opinion that appointment by the City Council of. Portsmouth o~ one of its members ¢o the governing body of the <br />Tidewater Airport Authority was a violation of Section 19 of the City's Charter. This section of the Charter <br />reads as follows: <br /> 'No member of the Council shall be eligible, during his tenthre o~ office <br /> as such member, or for one year thereafter, ~o any office ~o be filled <br /> by the Council, by election or by appointment.' <br /> <br /> <br />