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January 9~ 1973 <br /> <br /> The funds for the Municipal Building will be used to rehabilitate the public address <br />and recording system, move wall in Council Chambers to provide space for a Management Infor- <br />mation Center currently being funded by Federal funds, and install new non-slip treads for <br />the stairs which have become a safety problem for citizens and employees. <br /> <br /> The funds for the Juvenile Court will be used to provide office space for additional <br />probation officers now being funded through a Federal Grant. The additional officers were <br />needed to create a night intake section in the Juvenile Court." <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Smith and seconded by Mr. King, the following ordinance was approved <br />on first reading, and by the following vote: <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE ~O:"APPROPRIATE $9600.00 FROM THE GENERAL Cftt~t~fAL IMPROVEMENT FUND <br />FOR ALTERATIONS TO THE,;JUVENILE AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS COURT OFFICEB, CITY COUNCIL <br />CHAMBERS AND THE WESTERNWALL OF THE CO,UNITY PLANNING MANAGEMENT ROOM." <br /> <br />Ayes: Early, Holley, Johnson, King, Smith, Wentz, Barnes <br />Nays: None <br /> <br /> 73-8 "I submit the attached resolution and recommend its adoption. This authorizes <br />the issuance of $328,600 in General Obligation Bonds. It is not anticipated that the bonds <br />will be issued at this time; however, this will allow temporary borrowing until the bonds <br />are issued. <br /> <br />The resolution covers the capital apnro~riations on the Council agenda tonight." <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. King.and seconded by Mr. Smith. the following resolution was adopted. <br />and by the following vote: <br /> <br />"A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $328.600.00 OF BONDS OF THE CITY OF <br />PORTS~OUTH~ VIRGINIA, TO BE KNOWN AS GFNERAL OBLIGATIONS BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE <br />OF PROVIDING FUNDS FOR ALTERATIONS TO THE JUVENILE AND DOMHSTIC RELATIONS <br />COURT OFFICES. THE CITY COUNCIL CIL~MBFRS AND THE WESTERN ~AIJ. OF TH~ CO,UNITY <br />PLANNING MANAG~MFNT ROOM: FOR INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE INTERSECTION OF <br /> HEDGES FERRY ROAD AND AIRLINE BOULEVARD; FOR THE PURCHASE OF SCHOOL BUSES: AND <br />FOR THE PURCHASE OF FURNITURE FOR THE RENOVATED SOCIAL SERVICES HEADQUARTERS AT <br />700 NORTH STREET. <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City of Portsmouth to provide funds for the various <br />projects as hereinafter set forth: and <br /> <br /> I~EREAS, there are no funds in the treasury of the City of Portsmouth applicable to <br />the payment of the said expenses and the costs of said projects and it is, accordingly, nec- <br />essary to issue bonds of the City in the sum of Three Hundred Twenty~ight Thousand Six <br />Hundred and 00/100 ($828.600.00) Dollars for that purpose. <br /> <br />NOW. THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia: <br /> <br />Section 1. For the purpose of providing funds for alterations to the Juvenile and Domestic <br />Relations Court Offices, the City Council Chambers and the western wall of the Community <br />Planning Management Room; for intersection improvements for the intersection of Hedges Ferry <br />Road and Airline Boulevard; for the purchase of school buses; and for the purchase of furnitu= <br />for the renovated Social Services Headquarters. at 700 North Street, there shall be issued <br />Three Hundred Twenty-eight Thousand Six Hundred and 00/100 ($528,600.00) Dollars of bonds <br />of the City of Portsmouth to be known as General Obligation Bonds pursuant to the provisions <br />of Chapter S of Title 1S.1 of the Code of Virginia. 1950, and other provisions of law applical <br />thereto. The said bonds shall be serial bonds and shall be issued at one time and shall be <br />in such form and of such denomination as the Council shall direct. Each issue shall be payab~ <br />not exceeding forty years from its date and said bonds shall bear interest at a rate or rates <br />to be hereafter determined by the Council upon the sale of said bonds, providing that the <br />maximum rate of interest shall not exceed the maximum rate of interest authorized by law <br />at the time of the sale of said bonds. <br /> <br />Section 2. This resolution shall take effect from its passage." <br /> <br />Ayes: Early, Holley, Johnson, King, Smith, Wentz, Barnes <br />Nays: None <br /> <br /> 73-9 "I submit the attached resolution and recommend its adoption. This requests <br />the representatives in the General Assembly to support legislation during the 1973 session <br />to provide that appropriations made by the State ~or loca~ Health Departments will be encumbe~ <br />and such appropriations will not laps~ at the end of the biennium. <br /> <br /> The State makes no provisions for the encumbrance of. funds for the p~.ent of equipment,, <br />etc., whenrordered in one fisc~i year and not delivered until the next. Th~s Creates fiscal <br />problems for local Health Departments as the expenditure had not been anticipated f0r that <br />fiscal year. <br /> <br /> The City of Richmond has previously .adopteda resolution supporting this and other local <br />governments are being requestea to adopt similar resolutions." <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Smithaand seconded by Mr. Early, the following resolution was adopted, <br />and by the following vote: <br /> <br />'e <br /> <br /> le <br /> <br />.e <br /> <br />ed <br /> <br /> <br />