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DIVISION 4. FARES <br /> <br />Sec. 37-131. "Waiting time" defined. <br /> <br /> As used in this division, the term "waiting time" shall include the time consumed while <br />the Taxicab is stopped or moving at a speed less than twelve (12) miles per hour at the request of <br />the passenger. "Waiting time" shall also include the time when a taxicab is not in motion, <br />beginning with the time of arrival at the place to which it is called but excluding time consumed <br />by the premature response to calls. <br /> <br />Sec. 37-132. Rates established. <br /> <br /> No person owning, operating, driving or controlling a taxicab within the limits of the city <br />shall charge an amount to exceed the following rates, of fare: <br /> <br />For the first one-sixth mile or fraction thereof. ........................................................ $1.85 <br /> <br />For each one-sixth mile or fraction thereof in addition to the first one-sixth ................ $0.25 <br /> <br />For each piece of baggage other than one (1) handbag per passenger ...................... $0.25 <br /> <br />For each package unless passenger transports package to and from cabs <br /> and holds package on lap in transit ............................................................... $0.10 <br /> <br />For each footlocker or trunk .................................................................................. $0.50 <br /> <br />For each one (1) minute of waiting time or fraction thereof. ...................................... $0.25 <br /> <br />If hired on an hourly basis, the rate of nine dollars ($9.00) per hour or fraction thereof shall <br />apply. <br /> <br />Taxicabs licensed in another city or county bringing passengers into the city or picking up <br />passengers in the city and delivering such passengers to the city wherein such taxicab is duly <br />licensed shall charge the rates prescribed by the city or county, in which they are licensed. <br /> <br />The rates are per vehicle charges and shall not be multiplied by the number of passengers carried. <br /> <br />Sec. 37-133. Rates binding upon owners, operators; overcharging. <br /> <br /> The rates and charges set forth in this division shall be binding upon all owners and <br />operators of taxicabs and the collection of fares in excess of such rates shall be unlawful. <br /> <br />Sec. 37-134. Display of rates. <br /> <br /> 18 <br /> <br /> <br />