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The board of appeals shall hear the appeal and render its decision within thirty (30) days <br />of its receipt of a notice of appeal. The board of appeal shall conduct its hearing in a closed <br />forum and shall allow only material wimesses directly involved in the process to appear before it. <br /> <br /> The board shall consider only whether the decision of the chief of police complied with <br />the requirements of this article. The board shall not consider nor shall any decision be based <br />upon sympathy for any of the parties or upon any hardship which may be created as a result of <br />the application of the reqmrements of this article. The board may affirm, modify or reverse the <br />decision of the chief of police only in accordance with the requiremems of this chapter. Any <br />decision of the Board shall not have the effect of amending or waiving any of the reqnlrements of <br />this chapter. Every decision of the board shall be final; subject, however, to such remedy as <br />either party might have at law or in equity. The decision of the board shall be in writing and shall <br />indicate the. vote on the decision. Every decision shall be filed in the office of the chief of police <br />or at another location designated by the chief of police and shall be open to inspection. A copy <br />thereof shall be delivered to the appellant. <br /> <br /> In the event the board of appeal modifies or reverses the decision of the Chief of Police <br />and recommends issuance of a public vehicle driver's penuit or a certificate of public <br />convenience and necessity, the permit or certificate shall be signed by the deputy city manager <br />responsible for oversight of the police department. <br /> <br /> (b) Unless otherwise provided by law, it shall be a class 2 misdemeanor for any <br />person to attempt to influence, coerce, intimidate or communicate a threat in any fashion to any <br />member of the board of appeal. <br /> <br />Sec. 37-110. Appeal of denial of issuance of permit or certificate. <br /> <br /> An applicant for a public vehicle driver's permit or a certificate of public convenience and <br />necessity who is denied such permit or certificate by action of the chief of police shall have the <br />same right of appeal to the board of appeal as one whose permit or certificate is suspended or <br />revoked by the chief of police. The applicant shall file written notice of appeal with the chief of <br />police within ten (10) days after notice of a decision denying a permit or certificate. The chief of <br />police shall forward all papers and documents to the board of appeal within five (5) business <br />days after such appeal is filed. <br /> The right of appeal granted by subsection shall not be available to an applicant who is <br />denied a public vehicle operator's permit or a certificate of.public convenience and necessity <br />where such denial is a mandatory denial within the provisions of section 37-64, 37-71 37-101 or <br />37-102. <br /> <br />Secs. 37-111-37-130. Reserved. <br /> <br /> 17 <br /> <br /> <br />