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January 14, 1964 <br /> <br /> At a regular meeting of the City Council,~held on January 14, 1964 there were present: <br /> <br /> R. Ir~ine Smith, C. $. ~tki~son, Jack P. Barnes, John L. Dillon, George D. Bastes, L. L. <br />Leary, A. P. Johnson, Jr., City Manager. and M. A~ Korb, Jr~,'City A~t~rney. <br /> <br />Knight, <br /> <br />The meetfng was opened with prayer by Mr. Atkinson. <br /> <br />64-1 - Public hearing on zonzng ordinance amendments was held. <br /> <br />On motion of .Mr. Barnes, the foil, owing ordinance was approved on first reading: <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SUBSECTION (i),OF SECTION 5-7 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE <br />CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, 1961, RELATING TO MINIMUM EEQU~iRED REAR YARD tN RESIDENTIAL R-75 <br />AMD R-?5-S DISTRICTS" <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Dillon, the following ordinance was approved on first reading: <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SUBSECTION (g) OF SECTION 5-8 OF-THE E~NI~G ORDIN~E~OF ~THE <br />CiTY OF PORTSMGUTt{, 1961, RELATING TO MINI~JM-REQUIRED REAR YARD IN 'RESIDENT-IAL R~60 <br />AND R-GQ-A- DI STI{ICTS" <br /> <br />The following, communications from the City Manager were read: <br /> <br /> 64-2 - '"I submit-the a'tta'ched agreements between the Atlantic 12~s~'~e ~R~ii~a~ ~i ~%he City of <br />Portsmouth a~d-r~om~e/l~J~~e proper city officials b~ ~uthorized to sign. <br /> This c~vers ~wo railroad crossings of ~he. new distribution mains between Suffolk ,an{13 Portsmouth. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Eastes to concur in the recommendation of the City Manager and that proper city <br />efficials be authorized~ %o sign the agreement was adop~e~, without dissenting vote. <br /> <br /> 64~3 -"I ~hmit the at~ached ag-reement~b~ween ~heState:~igh~yDepart~ent and'the City <br />Portsmouth and recommend the proper City off~oin}s be anthorized to sign. <br /> This is the cit,-state-agreement covering the cons%ruction of R~ute g3~(Pdr~ts~eusb Boulevai~d), <br />with the sanitary sewem and water li~e ~ork deleted. <br /> The ~ontract for co~truction is in the amount of $1,600 357.00 of which Portsmouth's share is <br />$411,703.30." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Dillon to concur ~n the recommendation of the City Manager and that the proper city <br />officials be authorized to sign the agreemen~ was adopted, without dissenting <br /> <br /> 64-4 - "I recommend that I be authorized to advertise for bids for the construction of the Douglas <br />l~ark Recreation Center and I f~ther be authorized to obtain peaunission ~rom the Portsmouth School Board to <br />conszruct the building on the Douglas Park ~chool site. <br /> It is planned.~ha~ this build4ng be constructed ad. cent to the athletic field recently installed <br />on this property." <br /> <br /> Motien of Mr. Barnes that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids was adopted, <br />without dissenting vote. "~ <br /> <br /> 64-5 - "Bids~were opened on January i~F, ~964, t0r the sale of twe parcels of city owned land on <br />Crawford Street, one the end of North Stre~ ease of~Crawford Street closed June 12, 1962, and the other~property <br />bourKled by Crawford Street, Glasgow Street, the wate~ and the closed end of North Street. <br />One bid was received from Alex P. Grice, I.II, Agent for John C. Wright in the amoun5 of $6,250.00 <br />for the closed end of North Street. There zs a drainage easemenz through this property which the city will retain. <br /> One bid ~or the proper~y bounded by Crawford S~reeL, Glasgow Street, the water and the closed end <br />of North 6tree~ was received from Mr. David I. Levine in the amount of $50,00~.,00. Re proposes to build an office <br />building with a mi~mum of six stories. <br /> I recommend that the above properties be sold for the amounts as per bid. Of the sixteen plus <br />acres that the city purchased from the Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company, the above sales will complete the <br />disposal of sen acres, leaving in excess of si~ .acres iitled in, the city's same. <br /> The city paid S290,O00.O0~for all o!~he properzy and hag received $226.,2~0.00 for the land sold. <br />On the proper~y sold, there is scheduled construction of buildings valued at more than $4,000~000.00. Based on <br />curren~ ass~ssmehts, thin.Will retu~rmI mome~tha~$80;000~OOannually in taxes on the buildings alone." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Barnes that the bid from Alex P. Grice, III for the proper~y at the eDd of North <br />Street be accepte~ was adopted, w~thout dissenting vote. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Dillon zhat the ~id of David I. Levine for the property bounded by Crawford Street, <br />Glasgow Street, the waterland the closed end of N0r~h Street be mc~epte~ <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Enigh~ ~o amend the motian ~0 read~ "that thee sale be approved provided the successful <br />bidder starss co~strmctzon wlthzn slx mo~hs was adopted, .%vlth(~ut d~ssentlng vote <br /> <br />Vote being taken, ~Lr. Dillon's motion ~as adopted, withoutdissenting vete. <br /> <br /> ~FINIBHED BUSINESS <br /> <br /> 63-294 - Tke following e~dinanee, appmoved on firs~ reading at last meeting, wastaken up and read: <br /> <br /> "~N ORDinANCE IJ~POStNG:~ND: C0t~LECTING TAXES ONCe,STATE, TANGIBLE PERSONAL <br />· PROPERTY A~q~MA~HINERY ~ITRIN THE~IM-tTS OF T~]~CITY~OF':PORTSMOUTH~, VIRGINIA, <br /> <br /> <br />