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278 <br /> <br />August 14, 1979 <br /> <br />10. <br /> <br />Establish formal training programs for all present and future supervisory personnel <br />to include topics on current issues in EEO, Human Relations Awareness training, <br />and increased utilization and productivity of employees through such programs as <br />upward Mobility, COOP, and WTOP. <br /> <br /> The NAACP does not now nor has it advocated firing individuals in any position to create <br />vacancies. We recognize that ~n some positions and occupations, employee turnover is re- <br />latively low. On the other hand, we know ~hat during the past five years in many areas, <br />sufficient turnover has occurred in the workforce so that today we should see a City work- <br />force that is more representative of the community at large, with a reduction of occupations, <br />departments and levels of responsibilities that are identifiable by race and gender. <br /> <br /> Finally, it is not the intent of the NAACP to intimidate or suggest veiled threats. <br />Rather, our intent is to lay the issue squarely on the line and to provide additional per- <br />spectives and clarifications regarding current issues in EEO, and most importantly to provide <br />a framework for corrective action in the form of 5 objectives and ten specific recommendation~ <br /> <br /> In the past the City has marshalled its resources, and through commitment, initiative, <br />insight, resourcefulness and creative abilities to solve complex problems facing our city in <br />such areas as housing rehabilitation, urban renewal, anti-litter and clean street campaigns, <br />economic redevelopment, and increased citizen involvement and participation. <br /> <br /> Too many years have elasped with too little progress. Therefore, we urge that a com- <br />prehensive report on specific actions to be taken to include the allocation of resources, <br />target dates and responsible officials be completed and submitted to this boyd, with a copy <br />to the Portsmouth Branch of the NAACP. <br /> <br /> The NKACP strongly urges that the City take the initiative and allocate the resources now <br />to implement an effective, results oriented, mcnitorable EEO Program, for accomplishing, what <br />we know are our mutual objectives." <br /> <br /> MoRion of Mr. Early and <br /> ~eferred to the City <br />unanimous vote. <br /> <br />seconded by Mr. Beamer, <br />Manager and a report be <br /> <br />that a copy of Mr. Richmond's presenta- <br />furnished to Council, and was adopted by <br /> <br />* Vice Mayor Holley recognized Rick~ Carruthers, Boy Scout of Troop 215 and Jim Revell, <br />Troop Master and members of his Troop 212, who are working on Communications for their Merit <br />Badge. <br /> <br />On motion meeting adjourned. <br /> <br />APPROVED <br /> <br />Vic e Mainly'or ~ <br /> <br />City Clerk~ <br /> <br /> <br />