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275 <br /> <br />August 14, 1979 <br /> <br /> 79-301 "Consideration of a resolution changing the date of the regularly scheduled <br />City Council meeting of September 25t~ to September 18th at 7:30 p.m. <br /> <br /> The Virginia Municipal League's annual conference is scheduled for September 23 through <br />September 25 and in order to permit members of the City Council to attend it is requested <br />that the regular meeting be changed to this date. The City Manager recommends adoption." <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Early and seconded by Mr. Beamer, the following,-resolution was adopted, <br />and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> "A RESOLUTION CHANGING THE DATE OF THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY CGU~CIL <br /> MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 25, 1979, TO SEPTEMBER_ ~_1979. <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the Virginia Municipal League Convention meets September 23, 1979 through <br />September 25, 1979; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, said Virginia Municipal League Convention conflicts with said CounciI meeting of <br />September DS, 1979. <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, that <br />the regularly scheduled meeting of September 25, 1979, wilI be changed to September 18. 1979~" <br /> <br />Ayes: Barnes, Beamer, Early, Gray, Holley, Oast <br />Nays: None <br /> <br /> 79-302 "Consideration of a motion to transfer $5,485 from the Grants Contingency Fund <br />to provide supplemental funds for the operation of the Anti-Litter Program of the City of <br />Portsmouth. <br /> <br /> This transfer will provide the funds necessary to intensify the activities of the anti- <br />litter campaign being conducted by the Clean Community Commission. Supplementing an earlier <br />grant of $8,143 to promote neighborhoodYb~e~ clean~0efforts, this new amount of $5,485, <br />funded entirely by the State, will be used to provide administrative support and to purchase <br />litter receptacles which will be placed throughout the City. The City Manager recommends <br />adoption." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Gray and seconded by Mr. Early, that authorization be granted to transfer <br />$5,485, as requested, and was adopted by unanimous vote. <br /> <br /> 79-303 "Consideration of a motion to transfer $62,372 from the Grants Contingency <br />Account to continue operation for four months of the Career Criminal Program. <br /> <br /> This transfer will provide the funds necessary to continue the Career Criminal Program <br />for an additional four months, thus allowing an orderly transition from LEAA funding to <br />expected support from the Division of Justice and Crime Prevention. Administered by the <br />P~rtsmouth Commonwealth's Attorney, the program's goals are to increase the successful disposi <br />of cases involving "habitual" felony offenders and, as a consequence, to reduce the incidence <br />of serious crime in the City. Of the $62,372 total amount, $56,134 is the federal share and <br />$6,238 is the required local match of 10%. The City Manager recommends adoption." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Barnes and seconded by Mr. Early, that authorization be granted:to transfe~ <br />$62,372, as requested, and was adopted by unanimous ~ote, <br /> <br /> 79-304 "Consideration of an ordinance closing a portion of Fifth Street 6n first and <br />final reading." <br /> On motion of Mr. Barnes and seconded by Mr. G~y, the following ordinance was adopted on <br />first and final reading, and by the following vote: <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE CLOSING THE FOLLOWING STREET: A PORTION OF FIFTH STREET." <br /> <br />Ayes: Barnes, Beamer, Early, Gray, Holley, Oast <br />Nays: None <br /> <br />- NEW BUSINESS - <br /> <br />79-307 ~ The following letter received from the School Board: <br /> <br /> "At their regular meeting on Thursday, July 12, 1979, the School Board of the City of <br />portsmouth adopted the following res6~ution: <br /> <br />'WHEREAS, The extracurricula program of PortsmoUth Public Schools generate significant <br />opportunities for individual development o~ specific talents; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, each-year several thousands of dollars are awarded ~o students of Portsmouth <br />Public Schools as a result of their involvement in said activities; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Portsmouth Public Schools is a nonprofit organization. <br /> <br />BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the School Board of the City of Portsmouth respectfully <br />requests the City Council of Portsmouth to reconsider the applicability of the PBrts- <br />mouth City Amusement Tax to school activities.' " <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Oast and seconded by Mr. Gray, the matter to be referred tq the City <br />Manager, and was adopted by unanimous vote. <br /> <br />ion <br /> <br /> <br />