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' January 16, 1913. <br /> <br />At <br /> <br />Joint Seesion of the two branchee cT City Council January t6th there were present: <br /> <br />Messrs--W. C.-Co~bitt, Jno~.H0ward Hail,"Geb. R. PArrish~ J..T."Ha~vey, <br /> Geo. Pi Heath, Wi L] ~alker, Wi J. CroSs, C. L~ Tyler, E. B. Hawks, <br /> S. B.:Hu~chins~ H~ H. Parker, Charles Beisel, Thcs. P. Cooke, <br /> Mark Saunders, <br /> C. W. Walker~ W._J~nes Willi~ms~ W. C. Moore, E. N. Adams, <br /> L. Pri~ett, Sl T~ M0ntague, C. N. Markham, Li H. Davis, <br /> 0, P. NuTty, L. 0~ Nicholson. S~. <br /> <br />'The President of the Board of Aldermen <br />The following directions for the Joint <br /> <br />"Mr. L. P. 8iater, <br /> City Clerk, City. <br /> <br />presiding, <br /> <br />Session were read: <br /> <br />"Portsmouth, Va., Jany. 15. i913, <br /> <br /> "Dear Sir:-- " <br /> "You wili-ptease dali a Joint Session of the %wp brahches of City Council for <br />Thursday, January 16th, at 7:30 P. M.~ to considers, the proposed "budget" of anticipated receiots <br />and ex]0enditurea for the year 19i~. ~ ' <br /> <br /> "~ C~ : .~ . . . - .. "C, W. Walker, President B. of A~' <br /> Corbztt, Presldent C. C. <br /> <br /> The "call" having been read, Mr. Markham moved todefer action on the proposed Budget until a <br /> joint session is called for the purpose by two presidents, and in the meantime~ the Clerk be in- <br /> structed t6 !~rnish printed or typewritten copies of same to the members. <br /> The motion was lost, and by the following vote: <br /> AvesL-Walker,~W.~L., Beisel, <br /> .~oore~ W..C.,~ 4. <br /> Navs--Corbitt, Parrish, Hanvey,-Heath, C~oss, Tyler, Hawk~, Parker, ~o~ke~ Saunders, <br /> Walker, Williams, Adams, Privett, ¥ontague, Davis, Murky, Nichoison, 18.. <br /> (Messrs. Hall and Hutchzns excused from votzng). <br /> Mr. Markham wished to know how the "Budget" was to b~ considered, and on motion, it was decided <br /> to have it read in full and then go back and have it considered by items. <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Hall, it was concinded to take up the special appropriations first. <br /> <br /> then explained the position of the Finance Committee as regarded the appropriation for Grimes <br /> saying that the Committee had recommended that this appropriation be allowed in the "bud- <br /> 19i$ and said recommendation had been adopted by the Councils, but since that time some op- <br /> had been developed~to the appropriation. However, the Commmittee felt that tobe consistent <br /> recommendation in July, it ought to recommend the appropriation for the "budzet" and let the <br /> reconsider ~eir former~a~ti0ns, if they should think proper so to do. <br /> <br /> The first of th~se special appropriations to be considered was for purchase of the "Phillips- <br />Mahoney p~operty" for a p~aYground, at a cost of $10,000.00. <br /> Mr. Davis said that he objected to this appropriation, not that he did not favor a playground <br />for children, but because he objected to all special appropriations that would add materially to the <br />large floating debt of the City. <br /> Mr. Montague also objected to these special appropriations. He said that it is time, he thouKht~ <br />to call a halt and at least make an effort during the year to reduce the City's large floating deb~. <br /> However, on motion of Mr. Tyler, the appropriation for the "Phillips-}~ahoney" playground <br />was adopted. <br /> <br />Battery. <br />get",for <br />position <br />with its <br />~Gouncils <br /> <br /> The seoon~ matter to be taken up was the nronosed~anpropriation of ~45,000.00 to the Board of <br />Water Commissioners. <br /> On this proposition, Mr. F. L. Crocker, counsel for the ~Jater Commissioners, was allowed the <br />privilege of the floor. He stated that most of the money asked for by the Board of Water Commission- <br />ers was for the acquiring of rights of way and other preliminary work for th~ water supply, and that <br />such appropriation had been provided for in the Act of the General Assembly to establish the water <br />wor~l~s~and it had been ratified by the peonie of the Cit~. <br /> After some further discussion of the matter, the appronriation was allowed. <br /> <br /> Third. An appropriation of $Z0,943.00 for the "Munibipal Building." <br /> There was no objection to this appropriation, ~n appropriation of <br />ing, iot~ &c., having been previously allowed by <br />banks to obtain said sum. <br /> <br />~0,000.00 <br /> <br /> for the build- <br />the 'Council and an arrangement made with the City <br /> <br /> Fourth. An appronriation of $1~500;00[._for an imnrovement to <br />street, between High and North. <br /> This appropriation was adopted, without objection. <br /> <br />condition <br /> <br />of drain on WashinKtQn <br /> <br /> Fifth. An apnrooriation of ~5,000.00 (being one-~hird of the total appropriation asked for) <br />towards a building for the Kin~'s Daughters Hospital. <br /> After some discussion of this nroposition, on motion of ~r. Davis, it was sent back to the <br />Finance Committee for further consideration, especially ~o ascertain what rights the city would have <br />in said building.. <br /> <br /> SixthL An appropriation of $7,500.00 for Grimes Battery Gun Room. <br /> Mr. PTivett moved to adopt the recommendation. <br /> Mr. Davis moved to amend by sending the matter back to the Finance Committee <br />sideration. The amendment was adopted. <br /> <br />for further con- <br /> <br />Next, the regular recommended a.~oropriations were taken up and acted on as fo~lowe.~ · <br />C0~TING~T <br /> <br /> <br />