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October 14~ ~9~$. <br /> <br /> At a regular meeting of the Common Council October 14th there were present; <br /> Messrs--T. F. White, Geo. R. parrish, J. T. N~nvey, A. Aug. Bilisoly~ C. H.. Herbert, J. Ed. Johnson, N. Goodman, C. L. Tyler~ <br /> E. B. Hawks, $. B. Hutchins, H, H. Parker, Thcs. P. Cooke, lB. <br /> Absent--Jno. Howard Hall, Geo. D. Dewson, W. C. Corbitt, Wm. Hodges Baker, <br /> ~. L. Naiker~ H. C. Reynolde~ W. J. Crose, Chas. J. Withy, <br /> Charles Beisel, mark Saunds~s, lO~ <br /> Neither the President nor the Vice-President 'being presen% on motion, Er. Hawks was ~ade <br />President pro tempore. <br /> The reading of minutes of the regular meeting September 9th, special meeting September !Sth, <br />and of Joint Session and special meeting September E3rd was dispensed with until next regular <br />meeting of the body. <br /> REPORT OF CO~ITTEES. <br /> Auditing-- <br /> Reported having examined bills against the City for the month of September, <br />~9i3, and they recommended the payment of the same to the following amounts: $9~570.35 for the <br /> <br />City proper~ <br /> <br /> On motion, the bills were allowed and by <br /> <br /> Hanvey, Bilisoly, Herbert, Johnson, <br /> Cooke~ 12. <br /> <br />the following vote: <br /> Ayes-.White,. Parrish, <br />Goodman, Tyler, Hawks, Hutchins, Parker, <br /> <br />Finance-- <br /> <br />Hon. Common Council. <br /> <br />Gentlemen:-- Your Finance <br /> <br />Committee respectfully reports <br /> <br />herein concerning the following matters referred to the Joint Finance Committee September 9-!6~ <br /> <br />June 10, and Nay I$, 1913: <br /> Referred B~ Common Connc£1 Septe~er 9th. <br /> <br /> An additional appropriation of $150.00 for a bell and its frame work fez the Annex Fire <br />Company's House. <br /> This matter is deferred for further information concerning the same. <br /> <br />Reports of the Auditor, Treasurer, and Sixth and Seventh Ward Boards fo~ August, 19i3. <br /> Progress as to same. <br /> <br /> of <br /> Report of the Auditor of the following bills held up by him, because of lack ~ appropria- <br /> $12.50 Public <br />tion or because they exceeded 1/1~ of appropriation allowed for same: Almshouse, <br />Property, $62.01. <br /> It is recommended that the Almshouse bill for $12.50 be paid by the Auditor in the <br />usual course for suchbills; that Public Property bil~ of E. B. Wilkins for $~6.00 be referred <br />to t~e Public Property OQmmitte$ for explanation concerning sam~, and that bills of D. W. Murden <br />for $5~00, Portsmouth Star for $4.~0, Va. Towel Suppay Co. for $13.10, and Va. Ry. & Power Co. <br />~oamo~nt~f $15.41 for Lights be referred to the Auditor. <br /> <br /> A reques~ of the borrow $20,000.00 to meet cur. ent expenses for October, 1913. <br /> It ms recommended that the request of the Treasurer be gr~nted~ and that the following <br />resolution be adopted therefor: <br /> Resolved, That the Treasurer be, and he is hereby, authorized <br />to-make notes in The Bank of Portsmouth, The Me~chants' & Farmers' Bank.. the Bank of Tidewater, <br />and The First National Bank of Portsmouth, to~amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($SO, O00.OG); <br />said amount to be repaid from revenues of the City for the current year. <br /> <br />A petition of the Civil and Police Justice to be provided with a Clerk. <br /> Progress as to same. <br /> <br /> (With City Attorney). A communication from Watts & Ratton, attorneys for the Water Company, <br />r~questing settlement for money d~e the Water Company b~~ ~l~e Omty. Progress. <br /> <br /> (With Public Property Committee). matter of an appropriation for Grimes Battery Gun Room. <br /> We report that the Committee are in hearty sympathy with the movement for enlarging <br />Grimes Battery Gun Room, but considering the stringent financial condition of the City, we are <br />unable to recommend the appropriation asked for° <br /> <br /> An appropriation of $40.00 to paint the inside of the Union Fire Company's building, <br />of funds left over from purchase of fire hose. <br /> It is recommended that the appropriation be not allowed. <br /> <br />out <br /> <br /> To consider for the Budget of 19t4 an appropriation to do away with horses for the Fire <br />partment and to employ automobile equipment for the same. <br /> We report that such an appropriation will be considered for the Budget of 1914. <br /> <br />De- <br /> <br />A copy of the School Board~ annual f~ucial statement. Progress. <br /> <br />Referred by Board of Aldermen September 16th. <br /> <br />An application from the Commonwealth Attorney for ~n increase of salary. <br /> It is recommended that the application be not Eranted~ <br /> <br />_ o_~ conszaer·· _ in the B~adget of 1914 an appropriation for same kind of firs apparatus for South <br /> <br /> <br />