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November 11, 1913. <br /> <br />a~detailed report touching his work. These v. olumes and the report accompanying same, have been <br />very carefully examined by your Committee, and with a few corrections we now turn them over to <br />you as being, in proper shape. <br />- The work ~s in our opinion been carefully done, and we believe that this codification is <br />the best and most accurate that the Oity has ever had. Mr. 'Brittingham has been employed on <br />this work since last June, and his wor~ bas been most painstaking and thorough. <br /> Tour Committee desires also to express its thanks to the Clerk, Mr. Slater, who, b~ his <br />intimate acquaintance with the Oity's records and general experience, has been of mate~zal aid <br />tO US. <br /> TOUr Committee herewith presents Nr~ Brittingham's bill for $300.00, properly approved, for <br />services rendered, and asks that the same be allOWed. <br /> We further desire that we be permitted to advertise for bids for printing'and binding <br />volumes of the City's laws. <br /> Respectfully ~Gbmitted, <br /> - (~igned) Wm. Hodges Baker,~ <br /> (Signed) T. F. White, . Committee C. C. <br /> Mr~ .Hallmoved that the report of the Com~fttee be adopted, but that the codified <br />ordina~es lie on the %able for one month. <br /> Mr. Hawks moved to amend that the report Of the Committee be adopted, but that the ordi- <br />nances be referred to the Ordinance Committee with the City Attorney for repart on the same. <br /> The amendmen~ was adopted, and then the report, as amended, was adopted and by the follow- <br />ing vote: <br /> Ayes--C~rbitt~ Hall, ~hite, Hanvey, Herbert, Baker, Johnson, Goodman, Walker, <br /> Wzthy, Tyler, Hawks, Hutchins, Cooke, Saunders, 15. <br /> <br /> Finance-- _ <br /> Hon. Common Council. <br /> Gentlemen:-- Your Finance Committee respectfully reports <br /> <br />herein concerning the following matters referred to the Joint Finance Oommittee October 1~-~1, <br />and September ~, 191Z, and May 14, 191~: <br /> <br />Referred by Common Council October.14th. <br /> <br />$65.00 for purchase of a cabinet for' the Police Justice. <br /> It~ is recommended that a special appropriation to said amount be allowed. <br /> <br />$~0.00 to improve the drain at the north end of Fourth street. <br /> Progress as to same. <br /> <br /> $E75~00 to repaLv the roof and gutter of ~he Cit~ Jail. <br /> It is recommended that an~ appropriation of SB?B. O0, or as much as maybe necessary, <br />be allowed for the purpose named. <br /> <br /> $605.60 to. supply the City with ?8 tons of anthracite and iE tons of Pocahontas coal for~ <br />the year 1914. <br /> We report that such an~ appropriation will be considered for the Budget of 1914. <br /> <br />$145.00 to supply the Jail with ~5 cords of pine wood for the year 1914. <br /> We report that such an appropriation will be considered, for the Budget of 1914. <br /> <br /> $?5.48 to pay fireman C. N. Bunting for tim~ lost on account of sickness during the months <br />of ~ulyand August, 1913. <br /> It ie recommended that a special, appropriation to said amount be allowed. <br /> <br />Appropriation for a light at the corner of Middle and Columbia streets. Progres4. <br /> <br /> Appropriation to place a light at~ the corner or.First and Lincoln streets. Progress. <br /> <br /> SZO. O0 to pay D. T. Ballentine, fireman Sewerage Power House, for time lost on account of <br />sickness during the first half of September. <br /> It is recommended that a special appropriation to said ~mount be allowed. <br /> <br /> $511.50 and $404.~0 to sewer Hunter's and Eastwood's lanes, respectively. <br /> We report that such approprmations will be considered for the Budget of 1914. <br /> <br /> Reports of the Auditor,~Treasurer, and ~ixth and Seventh .Ward Boards for September, 1913. <br /> <br />A report of the Auditor of the following bills held up by him, b~cause Of lack of approp~i- <br />a~ionor because they exceeded 1/1~ of appropriation allowed for same. Almshouse, $169.84; Po- <br />~z~e, $17.30; Public'Property, $~@. 55; Incinerator, SP~.00; Sixth Wa~d, $988.88; Seventh Ward, <br />$3 5.03. ' <br /> It ie recommended that Almshouse bills to amount of $169.84 be paid out of appropria- <br />tion to Almshouse; that a special appropriation of $17.$0 be allowe~ to pay Police bills; that <br />Pubtio Property bills ~o .amount of $15.55 be paid out of apprgpriatzon to Publxc Property, and <br />~ha~ a special approprmat~on of $1B.O0 be allowed to pay Publzc Property bill of H..B. Wilktns; <br />tha~ a specia~ appropriatzgn of $~8.00 bealIowed to pay Incinerator bi,is; that Sixth Ward bills <br />~o amoumt of $988.88 be pamd out 9f Sixth Ward funds; a~d that Seventh Ward bills to amount of <br />$3~.05, to which is to be added $16.~5~ maEing a total of $371. ES, be atlewed out of Seventh <br />~ard funds. <br /> <br /> To make-available.$300.O0 allowed for preliminary work of codifying the City Ordinances. <br /> It is recommended that a special appropriation to said amount be allowed for the pur- <br />pose. <br /> <br /> <br />