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October 24, t913~ <br /> <br />Ayes--Corbitt, Hall, White, Hanvey, Herbert, Baker, Johnson, Walker, Cross~ <br /> Withy, Hawks, Hutchins, Parker, Beisel, Saundere, 15. <br /> <br /> Mr. Johnson also, by permission~ asked to have referred to the Street Committes to consider <br />the overhauling of the block on South street, between Effingham and Chestnut. <br /> He stated, in this connection, that this is the only Section of South street that is in <br />need of immediate repairs. <br /> On motion, the request was so referred. <br /> <br /> ~hv Street Committee, <br /> Mr. Parker stated that he wished to thank the Counoii~ and especially $ ~ <br />for the part they had taken in the paving of High street through its entire length, a matter for <br />which his Ward was extremely grateful. <br /> <br />On motion, <br /> <br />adjourned. <br /> <br />No~emb~r 11, 191~. <br /> <br /> At a .regular~meeting ~of the Common C~tu~cil November llth there were present: <br /> <br /> ~essr~--~. C. Corbitt. President, ~no~- ~owa~ Fal~,'~ Vice-President, <br /> · ~.F. ~h~te, J. T. Hanvey, O. H. Herbert, Wm. Hodges. Baker, <br /> J. Ed. Johnson, M. Goodm~n, W. L. Wal~, O~s. J. Withy, <br /> O. L. Tyler, E. B. Hawks, ~. B. ~tch~ns, Thee. P. Oooke~ <br /> ~k Saunders~ 15. <br /> <br /> T~ minu~es of re~la~ meetings 8eptember 9th amd October 14th, ~specia! meetings <br />15th, 8eptem~rZSrd, and~Oetebe~~ Zdth~ and Joint ~ssion 8eptember ZS~d we=~ read ~d <br /> <br /> ~ter reading ~ the minutes, ~. ~11 moved tha~ ~he =ule~ be smspended ~e hoax f=o~ Judge <br />L. R. ~atts, General Counsel for the ~. A. L. Railway Co~y, in rega=d_~o a =epe~ a~ep~ed by <br />~he O~n C~ncil Auger lZ~h co~erning ~emoval of the 8. A. %. Ry. ~fices f=~m the <br /> The me, ion was adopted amd Judge ~atts spoke of th~ necessity for the Git2 and author~txes <br />of the 8. A. L. Railway to act im ~=momy ~ this matter and the desire of the President of the <br />Railway to ~ve t~ Co, oil reconsider said =epcot and re-opem the whole question in ~ega=d <br />said ~. A. L. Ry. Offices. <br /> Mr; ~11 then moved t~t t~s be~ =ec.nside= its action of Augus~ lZth in adopting said <br />xepo~. The motion was adopted. <br /> ~. ~11 ~ved als'~ t~t the said report be laid on t~ table, and ~tha~ the body <br />in the ac~iom of the Board ~ Aldermen September 18~h in r~ittimg ~id report. <br /> Mr. Cooke next move~ that the O~i= appoint a O~ittee, the Board of Aldermen concuzrimg, <br />to confe~ with Officials of the 8. A. L~ ~ilway ~o~y with regard to the ~ttez. <br /> The moti.n was adopted. <br /> <br />Auditing-- <br /> <br /> REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. <br />The Clerk reported that the Auditing Oommittee <br /> <br />had net me~ for auditimg the bills <br /> <br />due by the City for the month of October, but that a stat~ had been prepared of all bills <br /> <br />property al~p:oved for consideration of the body. <br /> <br /> ·hereupon, said bilis having been read, on motio~, they were allowed, subject to sub- <br />sequent approval by the Auditing Committee, and by the following vote: <br /> . . Ayes--~orbitt, Hall, <br /> .White, Hanvey, Herbert, Baker, Johnson, Goodman, Nalker~ Withy, Tyler, Hawks, <br /> Hutchins, Cooke, SaunderS, 15. <br /> <br /> Mr. Baker, Chairman of the Special Committee for Codification and Revision of City Ordinan- <br />ces, said he wanted to leave the meeting for a short while and desired, to have his <br />report taken up out of the regular order. <br />' The re~uest was g~anted and the following report was read: <br /> <br />Hon. Common Council. <br /> Gentlemen:-- Tour Committee appointed September lO-l?th, 191Z, to Re- <br /> <br />vise and Codify the Ordinances of the City of Portsmouth desire to repo~t as follows: <br /> <br /> That the said wo~k of revisits and codification has been completed~ 'and is, subject to the <br />approval of the Oo~nozl, in shape to go to the printer.. Inasmuch as the Charter of the City is <br />~he~supreme .law~ from which is derived the Dower~to ~gislate, &c., your Committee has include~ <br />it in the dodifmcation, .together with an elaborate inaex. <br /> Tour Committee employed ~Ar. Smith R. Brit%ingham, of the local bar, to do the necessary wo~k <br />and to make ~eport thereon. He has turned over to you~ Committee three typewritten bound volumes <br /> <br /> <br />