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December 9, 191~. <br /> <br />ditions prescribed by law for same. <br /> No action was taken on this matter by the Committee, as the matter was otherwise dis- <br />posed of by the Board of Aldermen. <br /> <br /> To allow Cemetery Department~to draw $8.55 from its "Contingent" fund and $15.00 from its <br />"Ice" fund to purchase harness. <br /> It ~s recommended that said amount of $~1.55 be allowed as requested. <br /> <br /> Referred by Board of Aldermen November 18th. <br /> <br /> ~o transfer from Washington Street Improvement fund to Incinerator fund $3~8.18, for ope- <br />ration of the Incinerator for the balance of the year. <br /> It is recommended, instead of said transfer, that a special appr~oriation of <br />be allowed for the purpose named. <br /> <br /> A reoort of the Auditqr of fotlowin~ bills held up by him, because of lagk of apprcpristion <br />or becau~ they exceeded 1%15 of ~pproprmation allowed ~or same:. Almshouse~ $1E. fi0; Fire, SE~.ll <br />Police~ $?0. B~; Public Property, $S0~.~; Incinerator, $15.00; Sxxth Ward, $1~.00; Seventh Ward, <br />$?o5.15. <br /> It is recommended that a special appropriation of $12.~0 be allowed to Almshouse De- <br />partment; appropriation of $S$.11 for Fire Department is allowed to said Department above in the <br />appropriation of $80.00 for Lights; a special appropriation of $70~59 to Police; special appro- <br />priation of $10~.~ to l~blic Property Department, the balance of $t00.00 asked for having been <br />allowed out of "Improvement to Seaboard Narket$" a special appropriation of $15.00 for Incinera- <br />tor; ~pecial appropriation of $13.00 to Sixth Ward, out of Sixth Ward funds; and special appro- <br />priation of $?0~.15 tO Seventh Ward,-out of Seventh Ward funds. <br /> <br /> A petition of R. Kossler to be refunded $5.~0 paid in error for soil ~ax in the Seventh <br /> Ward for the year 1913. <br /> It is recommended that this petition be referred to the proper Officials for endorse- <br /> mont. <br /> Referred by Board of Aldermen June l?th. <br /> <br /> Recommitted. A bill of the Rill Directory Co. te amount of $4E.00 for furnishing the City <br /> with Directories for the year 1915. <br /> It is recommended that a special appropriation to said amount be allowed to pay the <br /> bill. <br /> <br /> It is further recommended that a special appropriation of $551.84 be allowed to pay <br /> ~ndry bills of the Public Property Department ~ontracted during l~tE and 191~. <br /> <br /> It is further recommended that section 498 of the Ordinances in regard to License In- <br /> spector be revived, to include in the duties of said Inspector that he shall be Collector of De- <br /> linquent D~g Taxe~ and, by the advice of the Oity Attorney, to be under his direction to assist <br /> him in claims against the City by parties for personal damages, <br /> <br /> It ie further recommended that bills of ~rank Dunkum against the Sixth Ward to amounts <br />of $10~.00 and $108.00~ respect£~ely, for removal of trash & garbage, be paid. <br /> <br />( Si ~ne d) <br /> <br />Jno. Howard Hail~ <br /> Chairman <br /> <br />.On motion,-the repo:t of the Committee was adopted and b~ the following vote: <br /> <br />A~s--Oorbitt, Hall, White, Psi~rSeh, <br /> Gross, Withy, Hawks, Hutchmne, <br /> <br />~nvey~ Herbert, Baker, Johnson, <br />Beisel, Cooke, Saunders, 16. <br /> <br />Goodman, <br /> <br />St rest <br /> <br />Hon. Common Council. <br /> <br />Gentlemen:-- Tour Street Oo~mitte~ respectfully <br /> <br />reportsi:here- <br /> <br />in concerning the following matters referred to the Joint S~reet Committee November 11-18, 1913: <br /> <br />Referred by Common Council November llth. <br /> <br /> A request of C. C. Johnson to be permitted to build a general huckster stand on the north <br />side of the <br /> As the passageway upon which this stand is proposed to be erected has been dedicated <br />to the public, it is recommended that the request be not granted. <br /> <br /> A petition of the Seventh Ward Board for an additional ~opropriation of SZO0.O0 for ~%S~ <br />"Streets." <br /> We report that we have no authority in this matter and recommend that it be referred <br />to the Finance Committee. <br /> <br /> A petition of the First Friends Church that the City place underground drains oh each side <br />of ~ts property. <br /> We report that this matter is-now -in ~he .hands of the ~inanc~ Committee,. upon favorable <br />recommendation from the Street Committee. <br /> <br /> Condition of the hedge at the corner of. Wythes~ud~ourth streets. <br /> The City .Engineer has been directed to give this matter h~s ~attentiom. <br /> <br />Referred by Board of Aldermen November 18th. <br /> <br />Advisability of paving with plastic pavSment <br /> P~ogress as to same. <br /> <br />the causeway on Court street, fromOlifford to <br /> <br /> <br />