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300, <br /> <br />A~gust il, 1914. <br /> <br /> A petition of Seventh Ward Board that certain license taxes to amount of $16.6.80, collect-' <br />ed from the Beventh Ward and credited to the City, be transferred to fUnds Of waid Nard. _ <br /> It is recommended that the City Collected be instructed to credit the Seventh Ward <br />with .~u~ amc,nut df: said taXe~ ~.:may ~g~ee with his books. <br /> A request of Beventh Ward Board that appropriation of $800. for extensio~ of pipe- line on <br />Lincoln street, from Effingham to Was~hington~ be made available. <br /> It ie recommended that saia amount be made available, out of Seventh Ward funds. <br /> A request of. F. W. Richardson to be refunded $i.80 paid in error for night soil tax in <br />the 8eventh Ward for the year ~I~-~. <br /> It is recommended that s~id request be referred to the Commissioner of Revenue for <br />endorsement. <br /> A petition of Jnc. P. Goodman, representing ~urtzberger Ginger Ale Co,, to be refunded <br />$~00. paid for license to conduct a wholseale malt liquor business in the City. <br /> We report that we have referred this matte= to the City Attorney for an opinion as <br />to whether the license tax should have been required. <br /> A petition of Trustees of Central M. E. Church tO be relieved from payment of taxes tO <br /> amount of $119.07, for the year 1899. <br /> It is recommended that said Church be reliev~ed~from payment of. taxes to amount of <br /> of $88.17, as shown by tax ticket, leaving a bala~uce of $~J. B9 to be pa~d by the Church, <br /> Referred by Common Council June 9th. <br /> <br /> A rep.crt of the Auditor of following bills ~eld up by him, be.cause they excseded 1/i2~ of <br />.approp~iatzon al!~e~ed ,for same or becau~e~of lack of appropriation. Almshouse, $~.00; Fire, <br />$47.15. Police. $~.85~ Public Property, $~B.45. <br /> · ' ~ i~ rec~m~nended that said bills be paid. <br /> <br />Referred by Board of Aldermen June 17th. <br /> <br />petition of A. L. Kline to be refunded $1.80 paid in error for soil tax for the year 191S, <br /> It is recommended ~hat said amount be refunded. <br /> <br /> A petition of James Nesketh, <br />year 191~. <br /> It is recommended that <br /> <br />Jr., to be refunded $1.~0 paid <br />said amount be refunded. <br /> <br />in error for soil tax for the <br /> <br />Referred by two branches June 9-1?th. <br /> <br /> Advisability of employing some expert to examine the railroad holdings in the Oity and to <br />see that their values are fairly listed. <br /> We have discussed this matter with the M,ayor,~ Presidents of the two branches, and Com- <br />missioner of Revenue, andrecommend as follow~: Tha~ the Mayor be authorized to e~ie~ a Com- <br />mittee composed of two members from the Common Council and one from the Board of Aidersen, who, <br /> Commissioner of Revenue, and City Attorney, shall look into railroad and other <br />co~por~tion assessments in the City of Portsmouth, with a view to increasing the sa~e; and that <br />the Auditor be instructed to issue a check pa~abte to the Mayor for $10~.00, to meet'expenses <br />incurred in such examination. <br /> Further, that said Committee be authorized to employ <br />with expert testimony as to said asse~sments, a.nd the Committee shall fix his compensation for <br />such work subject to approval of the City <br /> <br />Referred by Common Council May IBth. <br /> <br /> A report of the Auditor of'following~i~lls held up by him, ~ecause of l~ck of appropriation <br />or because ~ey exceeded 1/l~.of appropriation allowed for same: Almshouse, $58.E4; Police, <br />$76.Z4; Public Property, $380. I0; <br /> It is recommended that_ said bills be allowed. <br /> <br /> An additional appropriation of $1,~00. to Street Department for "Removal of Garbage" for <br />1914. <br /> It is recommended that an appropriation to said amount be allowed, for the purpose <br />named. <br /> <br /> The A~ditor stated that coupgns to amount of ab=a} $5,000. would be due in August for <br />redemption and ~t is recommended that $5,000. ~ depPe~e~ mn The Merchants' & Farmers' Bank <br />to meet payment of said coupons when due. <br /> <br /> The question of notes given The Merchants' & Farmers' Bank, the Bank of Tidewater, and <br />The First National Bank of Portsmouth ~or the Municipal Building was discussed. <br /> The conditions on ~ch these notes were given were as follows: ~That the amoun~ <br />borrowed ~$80~000. ) be naid in four equal yearly instalments and that receipts of the City from <br />the Norfolk CCunty Ferries be hypothecated _for payment of~ same at 5% interest, but as the condi- <br />tions have never been executed by the C.ity and as the banks now want the same rate of iht§rest <br />on these .notes as on other City notes, it is recommended that hereafter they be allowed 6~ in- <br />terest, instead of 5% mnterest, on samd notes. <br /> <br />(Signed) Jno. Howard F~ll, <br /> Ohairman C. C. <br /> <br /> On motion, the report of the Oommittee was adopted and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes- Corbitt, Nmll, ~hite, Parrish, Hanvey, Herbert, Moore, Johnson, Gross, <br /> Nawks, Houghton, Cooke, 1~. <br /> <br />Streets-- <br /> <br /> <br />