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September 8, 191~. <br /> <br />deplorable condition of the 0ity fire alarm wires. <br /> <br /> Public Property Committee~ <br /> (With Finance Committee). <br /> <br />Request of <br /> <br />City Sergeant <br /> <br />for a new <br /> <br />heater at the City Jail. <br /> Authorized to advertise for coal and wood for the public buildings for the winter season. <br /> <br /> Fire Committee-- A communication from B~siness Men's Association calling attention to need <br />fire plugs at the corner of South street, extended, and Des Moines avenue, <br /> <br /> Almshouse Committee-- Authorized to advert.ise for bids to furnish the poor of <br />with medicines and the Almshouse with rations for the year 1915. <br /> <br />the City <br /> <br />Water Committee-- <br /> <br />(With Sewerage Committee). <br /> <br />placed sewer m~ins in the following <br />fin, between Washington and Dinwiddie; Effingh~m, between Scott and Duke;'~irginia, <br />Pandolph and HenzT; and Sullivans Court on Fayette street, between Third and Fourth. <br /> The Chair announced the appointment of members to Committees as follows: <br /> <br /> RULES?~Jes. S. Moore~ Chairman; C. H. F~rbert; W. D. Morgan. <br /> AUDITING ~ DLAIMB~E~'~S~Bu~gess, Vice-Chairman; S. B. Houghton; S. T. Montagne, Jr. <br /> ¥INANOE--J. T. Hanvey, Chairman; Joe. S. Moore; E. S. Burgess. <br /> ~TREETS--Jos. S. Moore. Vice~Ohairman~ W. ~ Morgan; H. L. Flem?ing. <br /> PUBLIC PROPERTY & SOH00LS--~. T. Camn, Vzc~-C~a~rm_an,_~:_B: La~£ , J. <br /> FIRE-~C. H. Herbert, Chairman$ H. C. Reynolds; J. ~. wnmmenurs~. <br /> ORDINANCES--S. B. Houghton, Vice-Chairman; L. B. Plummet; Gzover C. Wright. <br /> ALMSHOUSE--J. E. Shellings, Chairman; B. S. See; H. C. Reynolds. <br /> CEMETERIES-~C. E. Hutohins, Chairman; $. T. Montague, Jr.; Robt. L, Moore. <br /> LIGHTS--S. B. Laylor, VioeTChairman; F. P. Baldwin; Robt. L. Moo~e. <br /> WATER & SEWERAGE--T. F. Whzte, Chairman; M. T. Cain; L. B. Plummet. <br /> FERRIES & PUBLIC DOCKS--Graver C. Wright, Chairman; J. B. ~hitehurst, F. P. <br /> POLIOE--Earl H. Wright, Chairman.; B. S. See; C. E. Hutchins. <br /> <br /> A request of the Board of Health to have <br />s~reets of the Cmty~ Bart, between Oottrt and Middle; Grif- <br /> ~ between <br /> <br />E. Snellings. <br /> <br />On motion, <br /> <br />Baldwin. <br /> <br />adjourned. <br /> <br />September 25, lg14. <br /> <br />At a special meeting of the Common Council S~ptember SSth ~here were present: <br /> <br /> Messrs--W. C. Corbi;t, President~ C. H. Herbert, Vice-President, <br /> T. F..White, E. S..Burgess, J. T. Hanvey, J. Byron Whitehurst, <br /> J. E. Shellings, H. L. Flemming, S. B. Laylor~ W. D. Morgan, <br /> Grover C. ~right~ F. P.~ Baldwin, Rob;. L. <br /> Absent--L. B. Plummet, M. T. Cain, Jos. S. Moore, C. E. Hutchins, <br /> S. T. Montague, Jr., H~ C. Reynolds, Earl H. Wright, <br /> $. B. Houghton, B. S. Seg, 9. <br /> <br />The following directions were read for the <br /> <br />special meeting: <br /> <br /> "Portsmouth, Va., September gA, 1914. <br /> <br /> "Mr. L. P. Slater, <br /> City Clerk, City. <br /> "Dear Sir:-- <br /> "You will please call a special meeting of the Common Council for Friday, <br />September ZSth, at 8 o'clock P. N., to take steps for authorizing the issue of a note for SRO, 000. <br />to take up coupons held by the City banks, now past due. <br /> "The matter is urgent and requires immed~&~e attention. <br /> <br />~Very truly, <br /> THE J0iS~ FINANCE COMMITTEE." <br /> <br />Nhersupo~~ the Chairman of the Finance Committee stated t.hat the meeting of the body was <br />held on reque~'~f his Committee in order to make the appropriatmon for taking up City coupons <br />held in the'banks~and to meet other City expenses for September; that to make the appropr%at.i?n <br />legal it was nee~ssary to have it referred to the Finance Commi%tee for at a future mate; <br />and he moved thaZ-said appropriation be referred to to the body Satux- <br />day evening September Z6th. The motion was adopted. <br /> <br />On mot.~ion, adjourned tO' Septembaw <br /> <br />~6th. <br /> <br /> <br />