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R.C.P. <br /> <br />S~ptember. 8, 1914. <br /> <br /> withlicense his tax books, and from credited City to to the Seventh City. Ward, said amount having been collected from said Ward for <br /> <br /> To make available appropriation allowed in the Budget, or as much of same as may be neces- <br /> sary, for installing a bell in the Annex Engine House. <br /> To make available $300. for a horse bought and put in place Of a balky horse in the Fire <br /> Departmen.t, subject to approval b~ the Fire Committee. <br /> To gzve to King's Daughters Hospital a note for ~5,000, balance due on appropriation made <br /> to the Hospital, said note to be without interest and payable May 15, 1915. <br /> To pay Public Property bills held up by the Auditor in May to am~an~ of $380.10, because <br /> of lack cf ap.propriation o.~ b.ecause they exceeded 1/1~. of appropriation-allowed for same. <br /> ~ An additzonal approprmatzon of $1,000. to the Street Department for "Removal of Garbage" <br /> for the year 1914. <br /> - To authorize the Auditor to deposit $5,000. in The Merchants, & Farmers, Bank to meet pay- <br /> ment of coupons due in August. <br /> Treasurer authorized to ren~ew notes to amount of $17%.700. falling due in September,. 1914. <br /> To make award to L. J. Plug. er to buiXd a belfry and mnstatl a bell at the Annex Engine <br /> Rouse, for $169.00. <br /> An appropriation of $5,000. to m,ee~ expenses of Schools for September, 1914. - <br /> Hereafter to allow The N~rohants & Farmers' Bank~, the Bank of. Tidewater, and. The First <br /> 'Nati°nalmng. Bank' of Portsmouth 6% interest, instead of 59, on notes gzven for the Eunmcipal Build- <br /> An Ordinance Con. corning the Use and Rental of the City Market House, Known as the~ City <br /> Neat Market. ~ <br /> <br /> To make available $800. for the extension of pipe line on Lincoln street f~om Effingham <br /> to Washington, out of. Seventh Ward funds. , <br /> Third. Reports of. 0ffi~ers and other unfinished business. <br /> <br /> The regular reports of_ 0ffice~s fo~ the month of August, 1914, were present, ed and were or- <br /> dered to take the usual course. (Present Mr. Cain). <br /> A request was recei_ved~ from the 'Treasurer f.or .authority to boz~-~ow SEC, 000. to meet Current <br />Expenses for October, 1914; and also to renew notes to amoun~ of $40,860.55, f. ailing due in Oc- <br />tober, 1914. <br /> On motion, the- request of the Treasurer to borraw $~0,000.' was referred to Finance <br />Committ'ee, and the request zo renew notes to amount of $4%860.55 was granted and by the fol- <br />lowing vote: <br /> ~yes--Corbitt, White, Burgess, Cain, Hanvey, Moors, Whitehurst, Flemming, <br /> Montague, ReFnolds, Wright (Earl H.), Morgan, Wright, Baldwin <br /> Houghton, Mo~re (R. L.), See, 17.' - ' <br /> <br /> The oaths of J. E. Snel!ings and C. E. ~tchins as members of the body from the Third and <br />~econd Wards, respectively, were presented and were ordered to file. <br /> <br /> The Keeper of Cemeteries made ~he following report of lots and graves sold in the Oak Grove <br />Cemetery during the month of ~ugust, 1914: <br /> <br />August 3, to H. D~ Virneleon, N. H. No. 891, Ave. J. <br /> 4/ J.T. Ellis, S. H. No. 447, Ave. F. <br /> : 10, Eugene R. Brink~ey, No. 58Z, Ave. G. <br /> 15, Joseph E. Hanilton, No. 893, Ave. J. <br /> 19, J.L. Best, child's grave, No. 9Z5, Ave. J. <br /> ZZ, Elynn & 0'0onnor, adult's grave, No. 918, Ave. J. <br /> ZS, H..E. Smith, child's g~ave, No. 9Z5, Ave. J. <br /> SS, Nary J. Briggs, S. H. No. 606, Ave.. G. <br /> 29, S.J. German, child's grave, No. 9ZS,.Ave. J. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS. <br /> <br /> A communication was received from the Secretary of The League of Virginia Eunicipalitiee <br />in regard to appointment of delegates to attend said League in Norfolk, Va., October 15-16th. <br /> On motion, the Presidents of the two branches were authorized to appoint delegates <br />to attend sai~ m~t{mg~ <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Houghton, the ~meS~on of allowing cesspools in the Sixth and Seventh <br /> Wards was referred to Water and Sewerage Committees. <br /> <br /> Mr. Reynolds moved to refer to Ordinance Committee to consider a revision of the rules <br />regulating plumbing in the City~ and-said motion was adopted~ <br /> <br /> Mr. Burgess moved to refer to Finance Committee to make available one-half of appropria- <br />tion of $500. allowed in the Budget for "Orphan Asylum," and to make said amount payable to <br />the Treasurer of said institution. The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> On motion, all unfinished business referred to Committees from. January 1, 1914, to Septem- <br />ber 1, 1914, was referred to appropriate new ~ommittees. <br /> <br /> And on motions, the following Other matters were referred to: <br /> Finance Committee- <br /> (With <br />Public Property Committee). A request of the City Sergeant for a new heater at the City Jail. <br /> A bill of The League of Virginia'Municipalities to amount of $34.00, for dues for the <br />year 1914. ~ <br /> <br /> Report of Hilton, Rawlings Co. fo~ auditing t~he Cit~ books beginning September 1, 1909 <br />and ending December SI, 191S,~a6companmed by a bill for $1,.450. for doing such work. ' <br /> TO approprzate $1~000~60, or any part cf' same, to defray expenses of the Public Schools <br />for the balance of fiscal ~ear. <br /> To make available $Si5. allowed in the Budget for "Board of Quarantine Commissioners." <br /> <br />307. <br /> <br /> <br />