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October 1S, 1914. <br />to the right of councilmen from the Sixth and Seventh ~Wards to vote on .all approprla ions. <br />Mr~ Burgess moved that the City Collector be instructed to proceed at once to collect back <br />taxes~ both on real estate and personal property; a~d to authorize him to call on the City At- <br />torney for such advice and assistance as he may nee-~ in the matter. <br />The motion was adopted. · <br />Mr. Cain stated that it will take $34.50 more~.t~ .complete i~pai~ to the court room amd <br />asked that said amount be transferred from appropriation left from "Repairs to Market," to com- <br />plete repairs to the Court room. <br />On motion, said matter of transfer was referred to the Finance Committee. <br />Mr. Morgan moved to refer to Street Committee the unsanitary condition of section of Park <br />View in the rear and to side of No. 1234 B street and the dead end of Armstrong street at this <br />point. The motion was adopte~d. <br />On of N~. Cain, the request of Mrs. Griffin to be allowed ~to use the unoccupied part <br />of the .Armlstead Building for stores for the poor at Christmas was re~erred to the Public Proper- <br />Committee. <br />· On motion of N~..Hanvey~ the Cler~was.lnstruet.ed to request the Chairmen and Vice Chairmen <br />of Committees to submit to the Finance Committee their estimates for the 1915 Budget by November <br />1st. <br />~_z2. ~. On motion, adjourned. <br /> <br />November 10, 1914. <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of the Common Council ~ovember 10th there were present: <br /> <br />Messre--W. C. Corbitt,, C. H. Herbert, Vice-President, <br /> J. H. Branch, .T.F. ~hlte, E. S. Burgess, J. T. Hanvey, <br /> Jos. S. Moore, C. E. Hutchins, J. Byron Whitehurst, <br /> H. L. FleEing, S. B. Laylor, $. T. Montague, Jr., <br /> H. C. Reynolds, Earl H. W~ight, W. D. Morgan, Graver C. Wright, <br /> F. P. Baldwin, Robt. L. Moore, B. ~. See, 1~. ~ <br />Absent-rM. T. Cain, J. E. Sneilings, ~. B. Houghton, 3. <br /> <br /> The minutes of Joint Session Octobe= Sth and regular meeting October 13th were re~d and <br />were approved. <br /> REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. <br /> <br />herein <br /> <br />Ruies-- <br /> Hon. <br /> <br />Common Council. <br /> Gentlemen:-- Your Committee on Rules resDectfully reports <br /> <br />concerning the following matter referred to the Joint Committee on Rules October 13,~ 1914: <br /> <br />Referred by Common Council October 13th. <br /> <br />Advisability of substituting for section E~ of adopted =u!es the following: "A memSer of <br />the Finance Committee may serve on Auditing & Claims, Rules~ Ordinance,~ Ferries & Public Docks, <br />and all special committees; but can not serve on Street, ~ublic Property& Schools, Fire, Alms- <br />house, Cemetery, Light, Water & Sewerage, and Police ~ommltt~es." ~ · <br /> We report that we have considered this matter and deem it inadvisable to recommend <br />t~ substitution of this resolution for section ES of adopted rules. <br /> <br />(Signed) Joe. S. Moore, <br /> Chairman C. C. <br /> <br />On motion, the report of the Committee was adopted. <br /> <br /> Auditing & Claims-- Hon. Common Council. <br /> Gentlemen:-- The Audito: respectfully repor~$ <br /> <br />having examined bilIs against the City for the month of October, 19i4, and recommends payment <br /> <br />of same to following amounts: $6,8~.07 for the City Proper; $166.00 l~or the Sixth Ward; and <br />$1,484.07 for the Seventh Ward. ~ <br /> <br />On motion, the bills were allowed and by th~ following vote: <br /> Ayee--Corbitt ~ Herbe~ <br /> Branch, White, Burgess, Handy'y, Moore, .i~utch~ins, Whit?hurst, Ftemming, Laylor, <br /> Montague, Reynolds, ~'W~ight, Morgan, iNrlg_ht (G~'over C.), Baldwin, Moore (Robt. <br /> See, 15. <br /> <br /> <br />