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Deoember 8, 1914. <br /> <br />Branch, ~hite., Burgess, C.ain, Moore (Joe. S.), Hutchins, ~;hitehurst, Laylor, <br />Montague, ~lght (Earl H.), Morgan, Baldwin, Moore (Robt. L.), See, 18. <br /> <br />Public Property-- <br /> <br />Hon. 5ommon 0ouncil. <br /> <br />Gentlemen:-- Your Public Property Committee respect- <br /> <br />fully reports herein concerning the following matters referred to the Joint Public Property Com- <br /> <br />mittee November lO-l?th, 1914: <br /> <br />Referred by Oommon Council November lOth. <br /> <br />Authorized to advertise for bids to furnish Jail Supplies for the year 1915. <br /> Progress as to same. <br /> <br />Referred by Board of Aldermen November 17th. <br /> <br /> A petition of the School Board to be allowed to use the old Jail lot for the purpose of e- <br />recting a temporary house, to take care of the overflow in the High School building, <br /> It is recommended that'said petition be granted and that the ordimance se~ting forth <br />the fire districts be amended so as ~o permit the erection of such a building. <br /> <br /> (With Finance Oommittee) A request of the School Board to be provided with suitable of- <br />floes for the Superintendent of Schools and the Clerk of said Board, in either the Municipal <br />B~ilding or the frame building in the rear of same. <br /> It is recommended that ~he School Board be allowed the two up-stairs rooms in the Ar- <br />misread Building fo~ SHeh purposes, provided said Board pay for fitting up the same. <br /> <br /> (With Finance Committee) Resolutions of the "Colored Civic League" and "Oclorcd Home and <br />Improvement League" that an appr6priation for a modern school building for th~ colored children <br />be included in ~he Budget for 1915. Progress. <br /> <br />(Signed) <br />(Signed) <br /> <br />L. Privett, Chairman. <br />N. T. Cain, Vice-Chairman. <br /> <br /> On motion, the report of the Committee was adopted, the recommendation that the ~rdinance <br />setting forth the fire districts be amended so as to permit the erection of a temporary house on <br />the old J~il lot being referred to the Ordinance Committee. <br /> <br />Hon. Common Council-- <br /> <br />Gentlemen:-- Your Fire Committee respectfully reports herein <br /> <br />conoexming the following matter referred to the Joint Fire Committee November 10, 1914: <br /> Referrad by Common Council November 10th. <br /> <br /> A petition of Charles Bunting to be paid for forty-three days lost from service as engine <br />driver, on account of injuries received. <br /> It is recommended that said petitiom be granted and that the appropriation be allowed. <br /> <br />(Signed) O.H. Herbert, Chairn~an. <br />(Signed) $. O. Browne, Vice-Chairman. <br /> <br /> On motion, the report of the Committee was adopted, the recommended appropriation being <br />referred to Finance Committee. <br /> <br />Ordinance s-- <br /> <br />Hon. Common Council. <br /> <br />Gentlemen:-- Your Ordinance <br /> <br />Committee respectfully <br /> <br />ports herein concerning the following matters r. eferred ~o the Joint Ordinance Committee October <br /> <br />1914: <br /> <br />Referred by Board of Aldermen~October ZOth. <br /> <br /> Advisability of an ordinance to regulate traffio of automobiles at street corners when <br />street cars are passing. <br /> It is recommended that sub-section "D" of section ~85 of the ordinances of the City <br />be amended to cover thi~matter, and tha~ the following be adopted therefor: <br /> An Ordinance to <br />Amend and Re-ordain Sub-section "D" of Section ~SS, Entitled, An Ordinance for the General Rules <br />of the Road. <br /> <br /> We report Progress on other matters referred. <br /> <br /> (Signed) C.N.. Markham, Ohair~n. <br /> (Signed) S.B. Houghton~ Vice-Chairman. <br /> <br /> Mr. Moore moved that the- recommended ordinance ~E~lat~ng traffic of automobiles at ~treet <br />corners be recommittedso as to enlarge the scope of the ordinance wi~h regard to a~tomob~les <br />and other vehicles turning at the co~ner of High and C~art stre. ets. <br /> The motion was adopted, and then the report as amended. <br /> <br />Almshouse-- <br /> Passed by because of failure of Vice2Ohairman to sign the report. <br /> <br />There now an~earin~ to be a muo~um oresent, the Auditin~ reoort was taken un and read: <br /> <br /> <br />