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327. <br /> <br />December 8, 1914._, <br /> <br />At <br /> <br />Messrs--W. C. Corbitt, <br /> J. H. Branch, <br /> Joe. S. Moore, <br /> S. B. Laylcr~ <br /> <br />a regular meeting of the Common Council December 8th there were present: <br /> <br /> President, C. H. Herbert, Vice-President <br /> T. F. White~.E.- S. Burgess, M. T. Cain, <br /> C. E. Hutchlns, J. Byron Whitehurst, <br /> S. T. Mont~ague, Jr., Earl H. Wright, <br /> <br />W. D. Morgan, F. P. Baldwin, Robt. L. Moore, B. S. See, 16. <br />Absent--J. T. Hanvey, J. E. Shellings, H. L. Flemming, H. C. Reynolds, <br /> Grover C. Wright, S. B. Houghton, 6. <br /> <br />The minutes 'of the regular meeting November l~th were read and were approved. <br /> <br /> REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. <br /> <br /> As it appeared by roll call that there was not the required number of members present to <br />vote on reports Of the Auditing and Finance committees, those reports were passed by temporari- <br />ly to await the coming of. such a number. <br /> <br /> Streets-- Hon. Oommon Council. <br /> Gentlemen:-- Your Street Committee respectfully reports <br /> <br />herein concerning the following matters referred to the Joint Street Committee November 10-17 <br /> <br />and October 13, 1914: <br /> Referred by Common Council November 10th. <br /> <br /> Authorized to advertise for bids to pave the south side-of Ann street, between Armstrong <br />and Owens. <br /> We report that we have so advertised and have received the following bid therefor: <br /> <br /> From A. F. Flynn to construct concrete sidewalk on said .street, at $1.5B per sq. yd. <br /> <br /> It is recommended that contract be awarded to Mr. Flynn to do the work and that the <br />extra amount needed to pay for same (about SBB. O0) be appropriated out of unexpended funds in <br />the Budget for "Friends Church Drain." <br /> <br /> A commnnication from the Mayer in regard to the question of waste water from the factory <br />of the Portsmouth Coal & Ice Co. <br /> It is recommended that the ~ity Attorney ascertain if the Portsmouth Coal & Ice Co. <br />can not be compelled to put down pipes for carrying off its waste water, instead of being as <br />now, left to ~un over private property. <br /> <br /> (With Street Inspector) Instructed to enforce the ordinance <br />company or other corporations having iron gratings over crossings, <br />ed out. <br /> We have instructed the Clerk to write to the Va~ <br />tention to the ordinance which requires them to clean out <br />their tracks run over same. <br /> <br />against the street railway <br />to keep said crossings clean- <br /> <br />Ry. & Power Co. and call their at- <br />gutters crossed by gratings where <br /> <br /> Advisability of opening Pearl street to King. <br /> It is recommended that the Clerk be instructed to write to the S. A. L. Ry. Co. and <br />request it to give the City the right t~- cross its property between~igh and King streets, so <br />as to open Pearl street continuously. <br /> <br />Advisability of paving Cookestreet, from Bay to High. <br /> Progress as to same. <br /> <br />Referred by Board of Aldermen November 17th. <br /> <br /> Attention called to the condition of West-Park View bridge. <br /> We report that this matter has been turned over to the Finance <br />an appropriation for same in the Budget for l~l§. <br /> <br />Committee <br /> <br />to consider <br /> <br />Attention called to ¢onditio~ of the Gosport Bridge. <br /> We report as fo= sectio~ above. <br /> <br /> To consider the advisability iof putting out by contract the sweeping and cleaning of streets <br />and the removal of garbage. Prlogress. <br /> <br /> To consider th~ advisability !of selling the steam roller now owned by the City, of purchas- <br />ing a smaller one, or of exchanging for a new one. Progress. <br /> <br /> A petition of J. W. Williams !to be allowed to bury a ga~oline-tan$, placing the. tank in <br />the front yard and the pump on the edge of the curb, in front of his store No. ~34 South street, <br />as per diagram accompanying. <br /> It is recommended that tlhe peri'rich be granted, provided the work is done under the <br />supervision of. the City Engineer. <br /> <br /> Refer=cid by Common Council October 1Sth. <br /> <br /> A communication from Harry L. Alexander in regard to the sale of <br />tension of Hatton street to High. Progress. <br /> <br />his property for the ex- <br /> <br /> (Signed) S. Cleburne Browne, Chairman. <br /> (Signed) Joe. S. Moore, Vice-Chairman. <br /> On me, ion, the report of~the Oommittee was adopted and by the following vote, <br />commended approoriation bein~ referred to the ~i~a~ <br /> <br />the re- <br /> <br /> <br />