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September 15~ 1~i4. <br /> <br /> Treasurer authorized to borrow SEo,o00. to meet Current Expenses for August, 1914. <br /> To pay following bills held up by the Auditor in July, because of l~ck of ~ppropriation or <br />because they exceeded l/lB of appropriation for same: .Trash & Garbage, $11~.00, Sixth Ward, <br />$1,178.73; and also a-bill of Eastern Dredging Co. to amount of $1,4P~.07, held up by insti~c- <br />tions ~f the Mayor. <br /> Additional appropriation of $i,000. to be placed to credit of smallpox and vaccination ac- <br /> count. <br /> . City Collector instructed to transfer $4P~.~0, or each amount of said taxes as may agree <br />with his books, from Cmty to Sixth Ward, said amount being for taxes collected in the Sixth Ward <br />for which said Ward has no credit. <br /> City Collector instructed to transfer $186.80, or such amount of said taxes as may agree <br />with his books, from City to ~eventh Ward, said amount having been collected from said Ward for <br />license tax and credited to the City. <br /> To make available appropriation allowed in the Budget, or as much of same as may be neces- <br />sary, for installing a bell in the Annex Engine House. <br /> Tomake available $300. iora horse bought and put in place of a balky horse in the Fire <br />Department, subject to ~pproval by the Fire Committee. <br /> To make available $$00. :for the extenxion of pipe line on Lincoln street, from Effingham <br />to Washington, out of Seventh Ward funds. ~ <br />To giv? to King's Daughters Hgspital a note for ,5,000, balance due on appropriation made <br />to the Hospmtal, said note to be wmthout interest~ and payable May lB, 191~. <br />To pay Public Property bills held up by the ~uditor in May ~o amount of $380.10, because <br />of lack of appropriation or because they exceeded l/lB of appropriation allowed for same. <br />An additional appropriation of $1,000. to the Street Department for "Removal of Garbage" <br />for the year 1914. <br />To authorize the Auditor to deposit $~000. in The Merchants' & Farmers' Bank to meet pay- <br />ment of coupons due in August. <br />Treasurer authorized to renew notes to amount of $177,700. falling due in September, 1914. <br />To make award to L. J. Plummet to build a belfr~ and install a bell at the Annex Engine <br />House, for $169.00t <br />An-appropriation of $5,000. to meet expenses of Schools for September, 1914. <br />Hereafter to Allow The Merchants' & Farmers' Bank, .the Bank of Tidewater, and The First Na- <br />tional Bank of Portsmouth ~% interest, instead of 5%, on motes given for the Municipal Building. <br />An Ordinance Concerning the Use and Rental of the City Market House, Known as the City Meat <br />Market. <br /> <br />Third. Reports of Officers and other unfinished ~siness. <br /> <br /> The regular reports of Officers for the month of August, 1914, were presented and were or- <br />dered to take the usual course. <br /> <br /> Reports were received from Hilton, Rawlings Co. for auditin~ the City books beginning Sep- <br />tember l, 1909, and ending December 31, 1913, accompanied by a bill for $1,450. for doing such <br />work, and such reports and bill were referred to Finance Committee. <br /> <br />.NEW BUSINESS. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cart moved that the City Engineer be instructed to supply t~e Council with a detailed <br />statement o~ cost pe~. square yawed or pe~ square foot for raplaC~ng~idewalks open~ to lay or <br />repair water amd sew~= pipeS. The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> On motion of N~r. Ba~lo~, the attentio~ of the S~reet Oommittee was c~led~to condition of <br />gutter on the north side of North street, hear the inter~ection o2 Dinwiddie. <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Markham, the advisability of curbing and guttering Wythe street, between <br />Court and Third, was referred to Street Committee. <br /> <br /> Mr. Barlow moved to refer to Street Committee ~o consider the condition of the driveway on <br />Chestnut street, between Leckie ai~eet and Naval avenue, near King's Daughters Hospital. <br /> The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> Mr. Wilson moved to refer to Street Committee to look into the advisability of paving Lin- <br />coln street, between Sixth and Washington. The motion wasadopted. <br /> <br /> Mr. Browne moved that a SPecial Committee be appointed to <br />service for West Pamk View. The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Bagwell, the <br />an ene~roachment on Columbia street, <br />there. <br /> <br />endeavor to obtaim <br /> <br />street <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Bagwell, the Street Committee was instructed also to lo <br />of waste water from the factory of the Portsmouth .C~al & Ice 06., making <br />adjoining. <br /> <br />~stion <br /> <br />The Chair announced the appointment of members to Committees as follows,: <br /> <br />RULES--C. N. Markham, Vice-Chairman; S. C. Browne. <br /> <br />AUDITING & CLAIMS--M. B. Langhorne, halrnman, J. H. Wilson. <br /> <br />F INANOE-~E. L. Barlow, Vice, Ohairman; S. C. Browne. <br /> <br />STREETS--S. C. Browns, Chairman; M. M. Adams. <br /> <br />PUBLIC PROPERTY & SOHOOLS-~L. Privett, Chairman; Lorenzo Oarr. <br />FIRE--W. G. Bagwell, Vice-Ohairman; Lorenzo Caz~. <br /> <br /> <br />