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?$ <br /> <br />October gO, 1514. <br /> <br />It is recommended that said bill be paid. <br /> <br /> To appropriate $15,000.00, or any part of same, to de,ray expenses of the Public Schools <br />for the balance of the fiscal year. . · <br /> It is recommended that $15,000. be appropriated for the same and that the following <br />resolution be adopted therefor: <br /> Resolved, That the Treaemrer be, and he is hereby, authorized <br />to make noteB in The Merchants & Farmers Bank, The Bank of Portsmouth, the Bank of Tidewaters <br />and The First National Bank of Portsmouth, to amount~of Fifteen. Thousand Dollars ($1B, O00.~O), <br />to meet expenses of the Public Schoole for the balance of the flscaA year; said amount to ce re- <br />paid from revenues of the City for the current year. <br /> <br /> A report of Hilton, Rawlings Co. for auditing the City books, accompanied by a bill for <br />$1,~50. for doing such work. <br /> Ne are examim$~g said report, report Progress as to same; but recommend that the bill <br /> auditing be allowed. <br /> <br /> To make available one-half of the appropriation of~ <br />phan Asylum, ". and to make said amount payable to <br /> It is recommended tha~ $~.BO, be made ava~ <br />be made payable to the Treasure~ of saidinstitution. <br /> <br /> allowed in the B~dget for the <br /> of said instit~at~ion. <br />the "Orphan Asylum" and that same <br /> <br />To make available $$15. allowed in ~Q~e Budget for th~ .B~a~!J~f Quarantine Commissioners," <br /> It'is recommended that said amount be made available. <br /> <br /> A report of th~ Auditor o~ following b~lls held.up by him,.becauee of lack of appropriation <br />for same: Police, $8.~; Public Property, $1~00; Sixth Ward, $~0.00. <br /> It is recommended that Poi~ce and Public P~o~erty bills be paid out of any ~uexpended <br />balances to credit of these Departments, and that the $~EO. for the Smxth ~s~d be allowed out <br />o~ funds for said Ward. <br /> Refer~ed b~y Common Council September S6th. <br /> <br />Matter of publishing the "Mayor's A~nual Message for <br /> It is recommended that said "Message" be published at a cost of $158.00. <br /> <br />(Signed) E.L. Barlow, <br /> Chairman B. of A. <br /> <br />On motion, the report of the Committee was adopted and by the following vote: <br /> <br />$15,000. <br /> <br />Ayes--Davis, Na~kh~, Langhorne, Ba~low~ Cart, Privett, Wiison,~Browne, <br /> Bagweli, Pile, 10. <br /> (Mr~ Langhorne votiDg No as to recommended appropriation of <br />~or Public Schools for balance of fismal yea~). <br /> <br />Streets-- <br /> <br />Hon. Board of <br /> <br />Aldermen. <br /> <br />Gentlemen:-- Your Street Committee respectfully reports <br /> <br />herein concerning the following matters referred to the Joint Street Committee September 8-15, <br /> <br />Referred by Common Oouncil September 8th.. <br /> <br /> (With Fire Committee) Attention called by Superintendent <br />the. deplorable condition of ~he City fire alarm wires. <br /> Progress as to same. <br /> <br />of the Fire Alarm System, to <br /> <br />Referred by Board of Aldermen September tSth. <br /> <br /> Attention called to condition of the ~utte= on the north side of North street, near the <br />intersection of Dinwiddie. <br /> Ne report that this matter has been referred to the City Engineer for correction. <br /> <br /> To consider the condition of the driveway on Chestnut street, between Leckie mI~eet a~d <br />Naval avenue, near the King's Daughters' Hospital. <br /> The City Engineer has been instructed to obtain estimates for improving the condition <br />of this driveway. <br /> <br /> Advisability of curbing and guttering Wythe street, between Court and Third. <br /> The City Engineer has been instructed to obtain estAmates ~or curbing and guttering <br />said street, and ~eport to the Committee. <br /> <br /> Advisability of paving Lincoln street, between Sixth and Nashington. <br /> ~e report that we have instructed the City Engineer to obtain estimates for said pav- <br />ing. <br /> <br />To look into the matter of building a garage in Columbia street, near lhe. B. A. L. shops. <br /> We have looked into this matter and ~ePort that this garage is on privateproperty. <br /> <br /> To look into the question of waste water from the factory of the Portsmouth Coal & Ice Co. <br />making a nuisance in the streetS, adjoining. <br /> It is recommended that said matter be referred to the Mayor. <br /> <br /> It is further recommended that the CommZttee be authorized to bring to Portsmouth N~, <br />R. B. P~es~on, enginee2 for the City in charge of the work on upper High stm~et~ ~or a con, er- <br />enos with the Committee in regard to a bill of F. J. McGuire to amount of~$B, SAtjEA for work <br />done by him on said street; and also that an appropriation not to exceed $~. be allowed for <br /> <br /> <br />