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101 <br /> <br />R. C, FL <br /> <br />De6ember ~9, 1914. <br /> <br /> the year 1915 an~ therefore, we wish to caution the Committees against the making of extra ex- <br /> penses calling for an addition to the City's floating debt~.already too large, which we believe <br /> can not be increased by notes in bank, even if it were desirable to make such notes. <br /> "However~ should the expenses of any department p~gve~ to be less than the appropriated <br /> expenses for same, or should the City receive any funds fromunexpected sources', this Committee <br /> woul~ be glad to recommend the spending of the same on any department in need. <br /> "As will be seen by the Budgets which you holds that there is an appropriation of $14,614.01! <br /> to the Portsmouth~ Berkley & Suffolk Water Company for a b~ll which has been accumulating since <br /> 1905~ and. of which ~il~ this Council had no knowledge previous to September lst~ and~as~you can <br /> no~ .hope ~o pay such bill from this year~s receipts of taxeS, &c.~ we would ~commend that said <br /> bill be dropped from the list of appropriations and~ as was done with similar accounts for the <br /> Budget of 1914, put under the head of "Additional Obligations ~hich Must Be Paid." <br /> "Further, there has appeared in the Budget for several years past an appropriation <br />$~,840.00 to pave Water street, from London to North, and a provision this year for the improve- <br />ment to the south end of Dinwiddie street at a cost of $3, E00.00~ but as the funds could not be <br />raised for the carr~iag out of these objects, as it is desirable to keep such work in sight, to <br />~be done when it can be paid for, it is recommended that these items be put in the Budget under <br /> the head of "Work Which Should Be P~ovided For.~ <br /> <br />First. <br /> <br />Second. <br /> <br />Third. <br />Fourth. <br /> <br />Fifth. <br />Sixth. <br /> <br />Contingent Department-- <br /> Adopted as presented. <br /> Street Department-- <br /> Discussed and adopted as presented. <br /> <br />Public Property DePartment-- <br /> Adopted as p~esented. <br /> Fire Department-- <br /> Adopted as presented. <br /> <br />Almshouse Department-- <br />Cemetery Department-- <br /> <br />Discussed and adopted as presented. <br />Adopted as presented. <br /> <br />Seventh. Water & Sewerage Department-- <br /> Discussed and adopted as presented. <br />Eighth. Light Department-- <br /> Adopted as presented. <br />Ninth. Police Department-- <br /> Adopted as presented. <br /> <br /> Tenth. Board of Health Department-- <br /> Adopted as presented. <br /> Eleventh. Court Expenses-- <br /> Having been read. Mr. Herbert called for the reading of a com- <br />munication from the Commonwealth Attorney in which~ he asked for an increase of salary~ and also <br />a communication £rom the City~Collector asking for an appropriation of $3~. per month to employ <br />a:'stenographe~ in his office. <br /> Mr. Herbe=t then moved that the salary of the Commonwealth be increased $300. pe~ yes.r, <br />that said increase be added to "Court Expenses." <br /> <br /> Mr. Markham moved that tellers be appointed to take the vote on <br />others as might require a vote. The motion was adopte~. <br /> The tellers were then appointed by the presiding officer. <br /> <br />this motion and on such <br /> <br /> The motion by Mr. Herbert was discussed when a vote was taken on the same and found tO be <br />i~ for and 7 against. <br /> salary of the City Collector be increasid by $~5. per month. <br /> Mr. <br /> Herbert <br /> then <br /> moved <br /> that <br /> the <br /> Mr. Markham suggested that t~e proposition should be that the City Co~!ecto~ should be <br />allowed a stenographer at a pay of $4B0. per year. <br /> M~. Herbert accepted the suggestion and~after further discussion of the matter, the mo- <br />tion as amended by the suggestion of Mr. Markham was adopted by a vote of l~ for and ~ against, <br />and the Chair so announced. <br /> <br /> M~v. Browne next moved that the Budget be adopted as amended. <br /> Mr. Langhorne moved to amend that no increase of salaries for any City Officers be allowed <br />at this time. <br /> The amendment by Mr. Langhorne was lost by a vote of 6 for and 1E against, and so announ- <br />ced by the Chair. <br /> Next, the motion by Mr. Browne namely, to adopt the Budget as amended~ was adopted by a <br />vote of lB for and ~ against, and so announced by the Chair. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cart then moved that the pay of the helper in the Market be increased by ~5.00 per mon- <br />th, and~on motion of Mr. Jos. S. Moore, said matter was referred to Finance Committee. <br /> <br /> Second. A recommendation of the Joint Finance Committee concerning temporary loans to the <br />City. <br /> Mr. Hanvey, Chairman of the Joint Finance Committee presented the following resolution: <br /> <br /> "RESOLi~D, That the Joint Finance Committee of the City Council be authorized to <br />range for the sale of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($~00,000.00) of the City of Portsmouth six <br />pc=cent (6%) two (~) year notes at par, with a brokerage not to exceed one percent (1%); and <br />that the proceeds of such sale shall be applied to the payment of the City notes now held by the <br />several Portsmouth banks." <br /> <br />And same was adopted. <br /> <br /> <br />