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January 9~, 1918. <br /> <br />t~m ~blio Health Service its fuil moral and f~nenc_a! support in the csrryin~ 4o its/9~cess- <br />ful issue the pr0Posed--s~nita~y o~.paign, <br /> On motion, the~oriviiege of the floor was granted to Dr. Converse, who spo~ke~oncerning <br />his statements and recommendations. <br /> Finally, the matter was referred to the departments of Finance and Public Welfare. <br /> <br />On motion, adjourned. <br /> <br />C~TY CLERK AND AUDITOR. <br /> <br />January 2~, 1918 <br /> <br /> A special meeting of the City Council should h~ve been held on the above date, but no quo- <br />rum appearing T!thin half an hS~ after the time set for the meeting, the body stood adjourned~ <br /> <br />Those present were: <br /> <br /> Messrs--~. <br /> <br />p. Claud, J. <br /> <br />T. Hanvey~ C. H. Herbert, 3. <br /> <br /> (;1TY CLERK A~D AUDITOR. <br /> <br />Pebruary 1, 1918 <br /> <br />At a special meeting of the City Council Februs~Y 1st there <br /> <br />Messrs--T. A. Bunting, E~ P. Claud, J. T. Hanvey, <br /> C. H. Herbert, ~. H, Culpepper, 5~ <br /> Also the City Manager. <br /> <br />were present: <br /> <br />The fotlowinEdireetions for <br />%~. L. C. Brinson~ <br /> <br />the meeting were read: <br /> <br />"Portsmouth, Va., <br /> <br />Ja.r4~. 31, .1918. <br /> <br />"City Clerk & A~ditor, City, <br /> <br /> ~Dear Sir:-- <br />February 1st, <br /> <br /> "You will please call a special meeting of the~City Council for F~iday, <br />at ~:30 ~'clock P. ~., to hear the report from-the Special Water Committee. <br /> <br /> "Very truly, <br /> <br /> ~J. T. Hanvey, President.~ <br /> <br />~hereupo%, the was read from the Special ~ater Co~ttee: <br /> ~Portsmouth, Va., Jany? 3l, <br />"To the City Counci!~ <br /> of Portsmouth, Va. <br /> <br />1918. <br /> <br /> "Gentlemen:-- <br /> In September, 19~, at the regula~ meeting of the City Council, the Presi- <br /> dent of the C0uncil,~ppointed. a.speelal Mater Committee of three of its me~oers as follow~: <br /> C. H~ Herbert, CDair~u; T. A. Bun~in~; and ~. H. Culpepper; to take charge of the ~ater Pro- <br /> position as_to the.~purch~se of the plant of the P. B. & 8. Wate~ Company or the entering into <br /> a new contract prior to April 1st, 19i8. <br /> "YOUr Committee, after appointment, immediately went to work on the proposi*~ion. After <br /> ~~,~=+'~o~ ~* ~+~ ~,~een~ the~'decided~ to ~ve amass meeti~ of the citizens and tax-. <br /> p~ye~s of the City.,. Said meeti.n.g was called .and was very-largely attended and very fr~ely~=~s- <br /> cussed, after ~hich 'another?-eetmng was called. <br /> <br />"At this meeting it ~as decided to employ some ~ell known engineeTing company t? <br />!aplorams of ~aid P. B. & S. ~ater COmpany~ Bids were asked for and some seven o~ emgn% <br /> were received, and. after referring said enginemring bids to the City Manager, he recommended <br /> the '8cofield Engineering Co., Philadelphia, Pa., and after enteri~ into contract with said <br /> engineering ~ompa~y, the time allotted said Company to complete said report was January 1Bth. <br /> <br /> <br />