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R. C. P. <br /> <br />237 <br /> <br />Jauu~ 2~, 1918 <br /> <br />On'motion, <br /> <br /> At-this point~ the Chai~m~ of <br />.cations from the City Manager: <br /> <br />the report was adopted by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Claud, <br /> Deans, Hanvey, Herbert, Culpepp~r, 6. <br /> <br /> the Department of Finance presented the following conmmmi- <br /> <br />i First. Recommendation that an appropriation be allowed to pay one-half of the cost of a <br /> g~anolithic sidewalk around the Commercial Building fronting on High street and ~so ~onti~ <br /> on Co~t street. <br /> ~ motion, the appropriation was ~efe~red to t~ Finite ~ ~blic Service dep~tments. <br /> <br /> - . , . ~ ~ . ~ .... ~u~ ~e~ necess~ equ~ent ~eded to ~e ' <br /> ao~e; ~ estimated cost of ~e-~ ~ ~ ~r ............ ~ ~o ~zme as ~s ~y be avail- <br /> ~ tactic'~ ~, ~e ~atte~ wa'~ ~';fe~e~t~i~ce ~d ~blic So,vice dep~t~ents. <br /> ~d. <br /> <br />mJanuary 22, 1918. <br /> <br /> "Hon. City Counci%,, <br /> <br /> mCity. <br /> "Gentlemen:-- <br /> Hereto attached is a copy cf a letter addressed to the P. B. & S. Water Com- <br />pany. requesting a p~ice on their plant and holdings. <br /> <br /> "In a-conversation with ~. W. L. Davis, their Superintendent, I was advised by hLm that it <br />would be impossiDl$ fc~ him to furnish a price and he has transmitted ou~ letter to ~. Hell- <br />master in New York. <br /> <br />into s new contract. <br /> <br /> "N~. Davis~ however, raised a legal point in regards to the letter not being authorizedSy <br />thecou~t.Council, a two thirds vote necessar~y therefor or approved by the J~dge o~ our Corporation <br /> "I, therefore, respectfully request your honorable body to have the City ~ttoE3ey advise <br />us how tO proceed legally in whatever co~se we may pursue, either to purchase, conden~ or enter <br /> <br />"Respectfully~ <br /> <br /> mW. B. Bates, City Nanager." <br /> <br />I boys:The following is the copy of letter addressed to the P. B. & S. Water Co., referred to. a- <br /> "Jan. 19, 1918. <br /> "Portsmouth, Berkley & Suffolk Water Co., <br /> <br /> "Portsmouth, Va. <br /> "Gentlemen:-- <br /> "You a~e hereby notified that it is the purpose of the City of Portsmouth <br /> tmder and~ purstmnt to A~ticle ~JV of the contract entered into on the thirteenth day of SSpte~- <br /> bet, 188~ between the said city and The Suffolk ~ater Company, of which you are the successor, <br /> and th notmce heretofore given by the said City to your company and of all the property con- <br /> nected~ therewith, and to succeed to all the rights and franchises of said compmny,'~ to this <br /> end the City of POrtsmouth desiPes you te n~e to it, at your earliest opportunity~ a. price at <br /> which the same may be pu~cD~sed. <br /> <br />"Re spectfully~ <br /> <br />"Jno. W. Happer, <br /> =City Attorney. <br /> <br /> mj. T. Hanvey, <br />"Pres, City Council, Ex-Officio Mayor. <br /> <br /> mW. B. Bates, <br />~City Manager for City o£ Portsmouth. <br /> <br /> On motio~ of~ Mr. Herbert, the cormmmuication which had been sent~to the Portsmouth, Berkley <br />& Suffolk ~ater Company ~was~ adopted and a copy was ordered to be sent to the Judge of our Cor- <br />poration Cotmt for approval~ ~d by the following vote: <br /> ~es--~ting~ Claud, De~, ~vey~ <br /> . ~be~t, ~lpeppe~, V~ight, V. <br /> Forth. A ~tice from the City ~M~ager t~t he ~s ~itten t0 the Portsmouth Gas Comp~ <br />~vising i~oF bhe ~n~ermo~ quali~ of gas f~nished to its con~ers, Stating t~t the gas seems <br />to he ~e~t~ wi~ sulpH~ o~ some other ~J~ious substance; but no action ~s deemed neces- <br />s~ th~eon ~ the Co~c~!.' <br /> <br /> F~th.- Statement ~t~ the automobile now operated by the C~ef <br />very ~sati~facte~, ~d reco~ending t~t ~ appropriation of $1,000. be ~de to ~c~se a new <br />automobile for the use of said Chief. <br /> ~ motion, the co~m~ication was referred to,the Dep~tment of ~lic ~ety. <br /> <br /> Stx~. Atta~hi~ a detailed statement <br /> ~ . ~ , . ; o i~T~ o~ ~. ~. ~onverse or pro- <br />~S2~ ~en~mt~. ~o~ ~g~zation. of comb~ed health <br /> <br /> <br />