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R. O. P. <br /> <br />339 <br /> <br />~ebruary t, 1918 <br /> <br /> On said date the reports and maps were delivered and the Special Water Committee and City <br />Manager, ~ogether with the Citizens' Cc~muittee of Portsmouth and Port Norfolk ~d the Water Com- <br />mission, ha~e WorAed incessantly on every part of the report and have gone into considerable <br />detail work; sa~d on t~-iday, January 25th, ~y a unanimous report of the various' committees it <br />was decided to appoint a sub-committee, the duty of this sub-committee being to revise the en- <br />gineers' report and m~ke its report to the Special Water Committee. <br /> <br /> "_~e said. repo~t of the sub-committee was rendered on Wednesday, January ~Oth, and the <br />seve~alrecommendations;were freely d~scussed by ~he m.embers present, after which ~. T. A. <br />Buntmng made the following motion, which was unanmmously adoPted: 'That this Conunittee recom- <br />mend to the. City Council t~t an offer of $1,~l~, ~0.00 be made to the Portsmouth, Berkley an~ <br />SuSfolk Water Co. f. or. ail of its property, pi~e lines, equipment, rights of way, holdings, etc., <br />includin~ Lake Phillips and Burnt Nills Lake; but, should the Court hold that the Portsmouth, <br />Berkley and SuffoAk Water Co. could not deliver Lake Phillips and Burnt Nills Lake, then the <br />offer is to be $1,$15,840:00. The offer above recommended is For the transfer and delivery to <br />the City.of Portsmouth by.the Portsmouth, Berkley and Su~folk Water Company of al~ <br />perry, r~ghts, and f~anchises f~ee f~om any and all outstanding obligations and liabilmties.' <br /> <br /> ~T~e Special ~ater Co~ittee, therefore, feels that in so far as they have investigated <br />the report of the engineering company, the following report is submitted for approval by the <br />City Council, and also reports t~_at all information it has in reference to the Water Proposio <br />tion will be submitted to the citizens and taxpayers at a~public meeting to be held in the <br />Council Chamber on~-i~iday, February 1st, 8 o'clock P. N. <br /> "Respectfully submitted~ <br /> <br />"C. H. Herber-t, Chafmman. <br /> <br />"T. A. Buuting, <br /> <br /> ~W. H. Culpepper." <br /> <br />The fo!lowiz~ is the report of the sub-~ommuittee referred to above: <br /> <br />"January 30, 1918. <br /> <br /> "To the Joint ~ater C~rmuittee, <br /> ~Po~tsmouth, Va. <br /> ~Gentiem~n:L- <br /> In pursuance of a resolution of your coz~ittee appointed on January <br />the undersigned sub,committee to investigate the Soefield Engineering Company's report and <br />make recommendations thereon and to repo~t on our fimdings <br />1918: <br /> <br /> 1918, <br />to <br />at an adjOu~nedmeetlng Januar~ 30, <br /> <br /> ~We therefore ha~e been meeting everv night working faithi~lly on the report and have gone <br />into every phase of the question and have consulted authorities, within ou~ limits, to verity <br />prices, etc., on our contentions in regamds to prices prevailing locally during the same period <br />covered in the Scofield Engineering Company's Report. <br /> <br /> 1. "Whereas this committee is of the opinion that the 3~ added to construction, pipe lines, <br />equipmen~ and othe~ material is excessive profits for con~mngencies, contractors profits, over- <br />head engineering, supervision, legal i.nte~rest duri~ constr?ction, and in lieu of 35~z% this <br />committee recorm~ends an allowance of § 1/14 per cent on Ex~gmneer's appr~ised value, which equals <br />about 10~ on value we recommend for purchase. <br /> <br /> 2. :~Th/s committee is of the opinion the prices per unit, costs of various materials and e- <br />qu/pment used in the entire building of plant tbmou~hout, sue exomessive as is evident when com.- <br />pared with the prices, and due deliberation and consulting prices prevailing duming the <br />years in question and ~lfter makinE all allowances possible in favor of the P. B. & S. Water Corn - <br />pmm~ this ~o~ittee %umanimously agreed that a deduction of 24% should be made on the costs' of <br />pipe, cOnStruction, machinery -~nd equipment on the price recommended by the Scofield Engineering <br />Con, any. <br /> <br /> 3. "~our committee finds in the re~ort that a sum of $66,~83.00 has been allowed by the Sco- <br />field Engineering Company to pay for the paving over the mains in the cities of P~rtsm.outh, Berk- <br />ley and Suffolk, and whereas this PaVing has been constructed over the m.~ins since they have <br />been laid and paid for'by th~ cities, we therefore recommend the sum of $66~783.00 be deducted, <br />the compsz~y hot havin~ paid for this expense. <br /> <br /> 4. "This committee finds that under the head of Land and Rights of Ways \and Water Rights <br />the said ~eport includes the sum of $100,000.00 for the purchase of Burnt Mills ~ud Lake Philips, <br />and whereas tills proper~y has not been settled by Court, as to our legal rights to acquire same, <br />we therefore recommend~ tha~ the sum of $10O~000.00 be deducted, provided the lakes can not be <br />delivered to the city in the event of a purchase. <br /> <br /> 5. ~This committee finds again, that under the head of Land and Rights of Ways and Water <br />Rights i.n correction with Lakes Kilb. y.and Cahoon after allgwing for a sufficient valuation per <br />acre~a~.~ other costs connected therewith, that the s~m o~ $94,060.00 for water ri hts has been <br /> d e~ ~ said report, therefore th_is committee recommends that the salG $9 ,-~-~0.00 be deducted. <br /> <br /> 6. "This committee finds that the sa~d report included the sum of $~30,000.00 as a going <br />vatue_.and that_~ this ~maun~ is..equivalent to ll.8 per cent on the total appraised value for o~3~- <br />chase in. ~ke' mepo~t of the See.field Engineer. tug Co.. We therefore reco~ that the said 1~.8 <br />per cent be allowed as profits, called for in {.h.e city contract as a fair per cents.g? to the <br />P. B. & S. Water Comp~u~ on the value of the entire h'0tdings after the abo%e deducbions appli- <br />cable i are properly <br /> <br /> <br />