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'338 <br /> <br />1918. <br /> <br />the P~lic Health Service its full moral and financial suppo~rt in the carrying to its~cess- <br />~ul issue the prgposed~.sanitary c~paign. <br /> On motion, the.privilege of the floor was granted to Dr. Converse, who spo~'concernin~ <br />his statements and recommendations. <br /> Finalty~ tho matter was re£erred to the departments of Finance sad _Public Welfare. <br /> <br />On motion, ~ajournea. <br /> <br /> .~. <br /> <br />CITY ~L£RK AND AUDITOR. <br /> <br />January 25, 1918 <br /> <br /> A special meeting of <br /> <br />rum appearing witbfn l~alf an h6~ after the time set for the <br /> <br /> ~ose present ~ene: <br /> <br /> Mes~s--~. P. Claud, J. T. H~vey~ C. H. <br /> <br />the City Council should have been held on the above d~to, but no quo- <br /> the body stood adjourned. <br /> <br />Herbert, <br /> <br />CLE~g AND AUDITOr, <br /> <br />Pebruary 1, 1918 <br /> <br />At a special meeting of tt~ City Council February 1st there were present: <br /> <br />Messrs--T. A. ~.ting, E; P. Claud, J. T. Hanvey, <br /> C. H. Herbert, W. H. Cttlpepper, 5. <br /> Also the City ~anager. <br /> <br />The following directions for <br />~Nr. L. C. Brinson, <br /> <br />the meeting were read: <br /> <br />"Portsmouth, Va., JazZy. 31, 1918. <br /> <br />"City Clerk & Auditor, City. <br /> <br />will please call a special meetir~E of the~Oity CoUncil for Friday, <br /> <br />February 1st, at ~:~0 ~.'c!ock P. M., to hear tho report from-the Special Water Committee. <br /> "Very truly, <br /> <br />"J. T. Harvey, President.~ <br /> <br />Whereupon~, .the fo!lowing.repo~t wasreAd from the Special Water Committee: <br /> <br />"To the City Council~ ~Portsmouth, Va., J~ny? Z1, <br /> of Portsmouth, Va. <br /> <br />1918 <br /> <br /> "Gentlemen:-- <br /> · in S~ptember, 19~, at the regular meeting of th? City Council, the Presi- <br />dent~of the Cgunczl~pPoi~ted~ asPeciat Water Comm~ttee of three of zts members as follows: <br />C. H~ Herbert,, Ctiairm=u; T. A. Bunting; and W. Ho Culpepper; to take charge of the Water Pro- <br />po~itio~as.ta the ~p~rcb~se of the pleat of the P. B. & S. ~ater Company or the entering into <br />a new contract prior to Aprz- let, 1918. <br /> <br /> "Your Conmulttee, after appointment, immSdiatel~ went to work on She proposition. After <br />sever~meetings of the Cormuittee, they decided to h~ve amass meetin~ of the citizens and t~x- <br />paye~s of the City. Said meeting was called.and was very~largely attended and very freely~dis- <br />cussed, after Which another~meeting was called. <br /> <br />"At this meeting it ~as decided to employ some ~e!l known engineering company to make an <br /> · P. B. & S. Eater Comp~ Bids were 'asked for and some seven or eight bids <br /> and after referring said en~ine~ri~ bids to the City Manager, he <br /> Co., PhltadeIphia~ Pa~, ~ud ~f-ter entering into contract with said <br /> <br /> <br />