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The President of the body .pr~esented a letter from the Portsmouth, Berkley & Suffolk ~ater <br />9ompm"~ with ~g~d to a ~-~gestion ~ the daiS7 p~ess g~t the said Co~ ia <br /> dz~a- <br /> taotics~ ~ the matte~ of ~bit~ation i~ocoodi~ to fix the value of the pro~,, <br />of'-~e ~ater Compaq. <br /> 0n motion, said co~uicagiom was referred to the Specz~! Nato~ Co~aittee. <br /> <br /> 0n motion, the bills of the Portsmouth, Berkl~y & Suffolk Water Company for the £o-~th <br />quarter of 191~ were ordered to be paid. <br /> <br /> On motion, the privilege of .the floor was granted to the Chief of Police, who petitioned <br />the body to allow the Police Relief Association to give a society e~cus in the baseball park <br />without pa~ment of a license tax thereon; and the' matter was referred to the Department of Fi- <br />n~d%ce. <br /> <br />0n motion of ~. Claud, the body now went into an executive session. <br /> <br /> Whereupon,.the City Nanager presented the following communication enclosing a conmmnica~ion <br />from Dr~ Spratt~-~.g, Medical D__i~ector, U. S. Navy, relative to leasing a portion of the new <br />~emete~y for Gsvernment purposes: <br /> ~ortsmoubh, Va.~ ~arch 12, 1918. <br /> ~Honorable City Cou_ucil~ <br /> <br /> ~Portsmouth, Va. <br /> <br /> =Gent!emsn:-- <br /> .H~reto attached is a ~onm~tuication from tJ~e commanding o~ficer, Nedical Di- <br />rector L. ~. Sprat!i~g~ U. S. Naval Ho~pit~l, requestiug~ a lease for space iLu the new City <br />come terry ~ ~d <br /> <br /> =~ereas~ your C~ty Manager has been in conference with the Government ~fficials a~ud has <br />visited the sites ~ith them describing the pos~ibilitZes and advantages of the location, for the <br />Gover~nent Cemetery, I therefore respectfully recommend t~t ~our City E~nager and ~P~b,lie Pro- <br />perry Cor~ittee, be ~thorized and empowered to enter into a contract wi~h the U. ~. Goverr~ment <br />for a lease on five (5) acres,, and to in~!ude dn said lease perpetual care and u~-keep and ~uch <br />othsr provisions as may be deemed advisable to the best interest of the G~vernment and the City <br />of P~rtsmouth. <br /> ~Respectful!y r~ec~ended~ <br /> <br />~. B. Bates, City 5!anagero~ <br /> <br />=P~om: Conmuanding Officer, <br />~To: Ni!lis~ B. Bates, Ci~' ~.~ager, <br /> Portsmouth~ Virginia. <br /> <br />Nor~ olk~gznza, <br /> <br />t~arch 7, 1918. <br /> <br /> ~SubJect: Lease of space in new city cemetery. <br /> <br /> =1. The B~reau of Eedieine and Surgery is considering the practicabilit~ of avoiding <br />the~ burials in the hospital cemetery by obta~uzno space somewhere ~tse. <br /> <br /> =~. Will you please consider v~th ~he City Council what arrangement can be made for space <br />in the new ei~y cemetery. <br /> <br /> ~3. About five acres are needed, and the contract sh~tld provide a perpetual lease,~and <br />include in the price the cost of upkeep. <br /> <br /> ~4. Will yOU give me an estimate of cost, and any information you can on the subject o£ <br />approaches te the cemetery, and distance x~om the hospita!~ <br /> <br />'~L. ~. Spratling, <br /> <br /> ~edica! Director, U. S, Navy, ConE~and~ng.= <br /> <br /> ' P D ~ <br />On motion, the matter was referred to the City Manager and P~blzc _roperty epartmen~. <br /> <br />On motion, <br /> <br />adsou~ ned. <br /> <br /> <br />