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R. S, P, <br /> <br />Ma~ch 12, !91~ <br /> <br />February 26th, <br /> <br /> 1918: <br /> <br /> ~Er. Bates, Chairman, brought tO the attention of the Board the matter of two tuberculs-r <br />patients desiring admission to the Tidewater Sa~itorzum, name.~y, Mr. A. P. ~ite and ~r. alva <br />~ore, Benedictus. Letters were received by )Lt. Bates from individuals agreemng to arra~ge for <br />payment of board of the~e patients, which letters were referTed to Nm. Pttrdie, of the Norfolk <br />~oard of Control; to which ~. Purdie replied that admission of patients on the stipulation <br />of individuals was not satisfactory, but that if the City~ of Portsmouth bec~e obligated fo~ <br />such board ~t the Ss~itorium, the patients could be ~eoeived. Notion was made by Dr. Hopej <br />and carried, that the City Co-~ucil be requested to authorize City Nanager Bates to make special, <br />sx.~angement with the Norfolk Board of Control in regard to handling these two psa~ticular cases, <br />i~ being brought out ths. t each of the patients is the head of a l~ge family." <br /> <br /> On motionj the resolution was adopted. <br /> <br /> Fourteenth. Requesting ~ appropriation of $6@. to repair the Keeper~ quarters at the <br />0ity Jail. <br /> The requested appropriation was referred to the Department of Public Property. <br /> <br /> Fifteenth. Presented a request from the Htt~ue Society that the appropriation of $2~. al- <br />lowed in the Budget for said Society be made available. <br /> Said request ~as referred to the Department of Finance. <br /> <br />UNFINISHED B~ISIt~ESS <br /> <br /> The President of the body presented papers on the water situation in the City, one in <br />reference to the claim of the Portsmouth, Berktey & Suffolk Water Co. that. there is waste of <br />water in the sewerage flush tazfl~s in the City and requesting that he ha~e the public schools <br />and other public buildings inspected immediately and all leaks repaired and a!lumn~ecessary <br />~se of water stopped. <br /> ~ne other papers were with reference to a joint water supply for the cities of ~0rfotk; <br />Portsmouth, and Sul~folk. <br /> On motion of Mr. Herbert, the matters were referred to the SpeCial ~Vater Committee, which <br />had been called to meet Thursday, March 14th, at ~:30 o~elock P. M. <br /> <br /> The reports::~f various Officers for the month of Februa~y~ t918~ were presented and were <br />referred to the D~.partment ~f Finance. <br /> <br /> The City Clerk & Auditor s~bm~itted a report concerning the report of the Civil & Po-mce <br />Justice on fines mot collected for the year l~l~, which ha~ been referred to him by the Co~cil~ <br />and said matter was referred to the Department of Finance. <br /> <br /> A commrmuication from We S. Culpepper, ~.~ Deputy City Col!eotor~ the ma~er in which <br />the bonus for collection of 1~18 taxes was dmvmded, was referred to the Cmty Attorney. <br /> <br /> A petition was read from T. J. ~ight, Jr., te be issued a duplicate check for $80. to re- <br />place a check to said amount given for work dome In co~ection with the suit of N. E. Thomas <br />vs. the Ferries Co., which check was !est in the mail. <br /> 0n motion, said petition was referred to the Finance Department. <br /> <br /> A bill of the City ~easurer to amount of $123.25, as 10% Comuission on $1232.45, 19i6 <br />taxes collected from October 1st, 19!V, to Narch 11, 1918~ was referred to the Department of <br />Finance. <br /> <br /> petition of the Norfolk Society for <br />available the appropriation allowed in the <br />Department. <br /> <br />the Prevention of Cruelty to Children to have made <br />Budget for said Society, was referred to the Finance <br /> <br /> A claim of H. B. Lacy, 2220 K~in~ street, for. injuries received by his wife at Seventh ave- <br />~e and Kir~g street, was referred to the Department of Finance and the City Attorney. <br /> <br /> A ~equest was read f~om ~. Jones Williams asking that his name be included among those <br />sent to the Co~issioner of Game & Fisheries for the position of Game Narden~for the City of <br />Portsmouth, and the request ~as granted. <br /> <br /> A certified copy of the Act authorizing the City of Portsmouth t~iss~e $t59 o0o. School <br />~onds was received, and, ~ this connection, 0h-m6tion of Mr. Herbert~ the City ~ttorney was <br />~nst~ucted to draft an ordinance autD~izing the said issue. . .- <br /> <br /> Mr. N~rbert presented the follow~g resolution, wnmch was adopted and ordered to be sent <br />to the Capmtal Issue Committee of the Federal Reserve Board: <br /> ~Wnereas~ One year ago it becam~ <br />an absolute necessity for the City to build an additional school btuilding or go backward in <br />our school work, and <br /> <br />. '~Yhereas, The S~hool Bo?d was authgrized to build a high school building and land to cost <br />$150~000.00, with the intemtmon to sell $180,000. City boz~ts to pay for same, and <br /> <br /> ~W_P~reas, Through an omission in <br />sehoot p~pOses, and <br /> <br /> ~V~ereas, ~he 1918 session of th~ <br />the s~me, giving the City the authorit <br /> <br /> "Be !$ Reso!ved~ That the Capital <br />ed to approve the issue of $150,000.00 <br /> <br />~he City Charter we had no authority to se~l bonds for <br /> <br /> State Legislature ~assed a bill and the Governor approved <br /> to issue $150~000. School Bonds~ '. <br /> Issue Committee o£ ~e Federal Reserve Board be petition- <br /> School Bo_~ds of the City o~ ~ortsmouth, Va., for the <br /> <br /> <br />