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April 16, 1918 <br /> <br /> On motion, the report was adopted. . and in this conuection, the privilege of the floor was <br />granted to Chas. p. Harper, the Czty s arbitrator in the water matter. <br /> 2~. Harper reported that the Water Oompany's arbitrator and h~mse!fhad met April !Sth <br />at l0 o'clock a:~E., and would report progress on the water situation. <br /> He asked authority to employ such helD as may be needed to check un the Scofield Enginemr- <br />lng Company's reports a~ to q~antity and quality of material. - <br /> 0n motion, the matter was referred to the Special ~ater Committee with power to <br /> <br /> The following reports were received from the City Manager: <br /> <br /> 1st. He presented an ordinance <br />requiring every dealer in ice to have at his place of business or upon his wagon delivering ice <br />to customers suitable scales for weighing same. <br /> On motion, s~me was ordered to lie on the table until the ne~t meeting of the body and <br />re~erred to the Department of Law ~ud City Attorney for approval. <br /> <br /> 2nd. He asked for ~Lspecial appropriation of $1,800. for purchase of asphalt, and same <br />was referred to the Finance Department. <br /> <br /> 3rd. He stated that he had received estimates for painting houses in the CiSy Cemeteries <br /> and whitewashing the walls of the Cemeteries, and asked that an appropriation of $330. be allow- <br /> ed for the work.- <br /> 0n motion, same was allowed, and by the following vote: <br /> Ayes-- Claud, Culpepper~ <br /> Deans, Hanvey, Herbert, Wright~ 6. <br /> <br /> *th. The City Manager presented the following resolution, which was referred to the Spec- <br /> ial ~ater Co~ittee EO~ i~estzgation and report:. <br /> "V~hereas, Your City Manager has been in close <br />touch with the water situation~ and is in possession of information of value to the City's in- <br />teres~ at this time, and <br /> <br /> "~hereas, It is necessary to negotiate and confer with private parties interested in the <br />water supply in this vicinity, <br /> <br /> "Therefore, Be It Resolved, That the City ~anager be and is hereby authorized and empower- <br />~d to negotiate terms with any or all parties.' · ~ <br /> _ mn~ereste~ in the water supply~ including ~nici- <br />palities, gorp~rations or the Goverrnv. ent, and to engage the services of technical experience <br />necessary' to safeguard the City's interest, provided the cost of sa~e does not exceed the sum <br />of ~l,000~ and to report his negotiations to the city Co~eil from tine to time at any call <br />or regular meeting, for consideration s~d action by the City Co~cil." <br /> <br />(P~esent Mr. B~u~ting) <br /> <br />U~INISHED BUSIneSS <br /> <br /> Reports of certain Officers for the month of March, 1918, were presented and were ordered <br />to take the usual course. <br /> <br /> The License Tax Ordinance for the Tear 1918-!9, ordered to lie on the table April 9th, <br />was taken up and read. <br /> The Privilege of the floor was granted to Mr. C. F. Bonney, Dm~trmct Nanager ~of The Ches- <br />apeake & Potomac Telephone Co., to make a statement with reference to tax on telephone companies. <br /> Then the Ordinance was adopted, as amended, as follows: <br /> <br /> 0RDiNA~CES FOR IMPOSING ~D COLLECTING TAXES ON ~ICENSES, REAL ESTATE, PERSONAL PROPERTY <br />AND B~NES WI~IN THE CIT!- OF PORTSMOUTH FOR ~Y~AR BEGINNING ~lY l, 1~18. <br /> <br /> Be it ordained by The Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, That for the Year begin- <br /> !~lS, and thereafter until annulled by ordinance, the following occupations, acts <br />ning ~a~ i, o <br /> and busmness transactions sb~ll be deemed privileges and shall not be pursued or done within <br /> the limits ~o~ said city of Portsmouth, without payment of a license tax therefor, and the license <br /> tax thereon shall be paid e~nualty, unless otherwise specifically directed, and as .follows: <br /> <br /> On every license to a merchant or mercantile firm there shall be paid a specific license <br />tax of $10.00 and an additional tax of 10 per cent. on the ~al rental value of the place of <br />business. <br /> <br /> Merchan~ tailors~ lu~ber merchants, f~niture merchants, butchers, green grocers, huck- <br />sters and dealers in coal, ice, wood or soft ~rinks shall be embraced in this section. <br /> <br /> The tax hereby imposed shall be in lieu of all tax upon capital actually e~ployed by said <br />merchant or mercantile firm in sai~ business, and shall be paid when the license is issued. <br /> <br /> Every merchant, firm or corporation applying for a license shall be required to produce <br />a bona fide rent receipt, agreement or check, showing the amount of rent paid per month or year <br />by him or them; and, if, in the judgme~ of the Cormui~sioner of the Revenue,.he.or they a~e seek- <br />ing to evade the !tax by not producing the proper recempt, then the said Com~zssioner shall refuse <br />to grant him or them the required license until he shall have investigated the application there- <br />for in order to ~scertain the ~rue ~m~o~ of~J~en%~l pa~d'by~said applicant. <br /> <br /> If the merchant, firm or ?or,oration applying for a license ovm the place of b~siness, <br />and~ in the judgment of the Commmssmoner of the Revenue, he Or they do not put a proper rental <br />value on the property the s~id Commissioner shall have authority to investigate and ascertain <br />the true rental ~alue of such property before grahting the application. <br /> <br />Each commission merchant, <br /> <br /> ~ertili~ing companies, manufacturing or selling, their r~presentatives or agents b~ying <br />t materma! to resell or manipulate, but to sell on con~r~ssion.. <br /> <br />267 <br /> <br /> <br />