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2o6 <br /> <br />April ~6, 1918 <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of <br /> <br />the City Council April 16th there were present: <br /> <br />C. Ho Herb&r~, M. P, C!aud,~. H. Culpepper, <br />D. D. De,us, J. T. Hanvey, E, HoWright~ 8. <br />Also the City Nanager. <br /> <br />No report. <br /> <br />REPORTS OF DEPART~NTS <br /> <br />Public Service-- <br /> ~ No report. <br /> <br />Public Property-- <br /> No report'. <br /> <br />Puhiic Safety-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />Public Welfare--- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />Finance-- <br /> <br />Referred April 9th <br /> <br />A petition of the Clerk of the ~rket for an increase <br /> me recommend no increase at this time. <br /> <br />in salary. <br /> <br /> (With Health Deps~tment) A petition of Dr. <br />increase in salary. <br /> We recommend no increase at this time. <br /> <br />J. C. Phillips, <br /> <br /> -0· <br />Physm lan to tho Poor, for ~u <br /> <br /> (W_th PuBlic Welfare Department) Recommendation of the Health Department that the salary <br />of the Ci~ty Bacteriologist be increased to tVS. per month, t~ be paid out of funds already ap- <br />propriated to the Health Department. <br /> We recommend no increase at this time. <br /> <br /> (Witim City Manager and City Attorney) Claim of J. T. Stafford for d~ages against the City <br />inj-~ry to his pr-sporty at the ~ortheast co~e~ of South and Pearl streets. <br /> l~ogress as to same. <br /> <br /> (Wit~ City. N.a~ager) A.petition of R.. P. Sebrell and J. F. Bas, etd, firemen who have been <br />indueted mnto NmlitaryServmee~ to be compensated for the tb~ee last day~ in Marchwhen at C~mp <br />Lee. Progress ~s to s~e. <br /> <br /> A petition of N. E. Nichols, for the J. T. Nichols Estate, to be re~u~_~ed $10.80, paid in <br />error for soil tax on No. 1~28 High street, for the yea~s 1912-13-14-1~-18 17. <br /> Progress. <br /> <br /> -A petition of the Merchants National B~uk of Richmond to be paid-for t~ee coupons, $10~ <br />each, on Portsmouth RedemD$ion Bonds Nos. 29,30 and 31, due JanuaNy l, 19~O;. which coupons have <br />been lost. Progress. <br /> <br />the (With City ~anager) Bill of R. E. Glover, to amount of $1~9.19, for blankets furnished <br /> City Jail and tinware to be used for th~ chain gang, for which ~here is no appropriation. <br /> Progress. <br /> <br /> 'A-bill of F. P. Baldwin to amount of $I.00, for soil tax paid in error 6n NO. 2016 Queen <br />street, for the year 19!7. Progress. <br /> <br /> petition of J.' Prank Hedges to be refunded $~7.80, paid ~n error for soil tax on Nos. <br />1624-i828 High street, for the yea~s 1912-13-14-15-16-1~. ProgPess. <br /> <br />A l~etition of the City Clerk & Auditor for his salary to be mncrea~ed to 0198. per month. <br /> me rocoym'aond no increase at ~s time. <br /> <br />(Signed) <br /> <br />Co Ho ~.e. ocr% ~hamrman. <br /> <br />(Signed) <br /> <br />T. A. B-~nting, Vice-Chairman. <br /> <br />On motion, the report of the Department was adopted. <br /> <br /> And~ in t~-ms connection% the ~nairman of the Department of Fin~ce presented <br />resolution, w_~ch was adopted: <br /> "Be It Resol~ed~%he City Council of Portsmouth, <br />no more increases in salary will be allowed durmng the current year 1918." <br /> <br />the following <br />Va. ~ That <br /> <br />Special Water Co~uittee-- <br /> <br />Referred Apr.! 9th <br /> <br /> A co--carmen from E. W. Bemis, consulting engineer, as to being third ~bmtrator in <br />the water proposition for the City. <br /> We have ~eferred tl~is con~aun_ication to the City ~bitrator C. F. Harper. <br /> <br /> (With City ~.~anager & City Attorney) To take sU~n action as may be necessary to protect <br />the City's-interest in the matter of regulations and tariff of rates for water in the City of <br />Portsmouth, to take effect April l~ 1918. <br /> We report that every-hhing is be~g done to protect the City~ interest. <br /> <br /> <br />