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J~nle 18, 1918 <br /> <br /> "in this particular it is not the desir~ of the Comp~ to make a~y further improvements <br />I than are necessary to meet the present and growing necessities of the Compare, in which plan <br /> believe that we will have the co-operatiOn of your honorable body. <br /> "~The completion of these improvements so far contemplated rests lsrgely, however, upon the <br /> securing of Government in f~.~z~ucing the same. <br /> '~¥~e are req~esting our attorneys to take this m~tter up with the Co~ucil, with a vie~ t~ <br /> ha~i~g a satisFactor~ contract made. <br /> "Tours truly, <br /> <br />"G. E. Hoffmaster, ~resident.~ <br /> <br />~Ne~ York, JUne 13, 1918. <br /> <br />W~he Honorable ~he Council <br /> The City of Portsmouth; <br /> Portsmouth, irgln~a. <br /> <br /> '~Gent iemen: -- <br /> Referring to the resolution adopted at your regular meeting ~v lSth, 1918, <br />,o~.~ +~* +~o ~ ~f oro~e~ties for appraisal be Completed withi~ thirty days, etc., we ~e- <br />I~+~ ~a~ *.~t lists of the d~str~out~o~ systems in Portsmouth, Ber~tey and Suffolk, and <br /> <br /> Harper, the City's arbitrator, for ~necking, ~nmch checking nas no~ ye~ oeen comp±e~ea ~y ~r. <br /> Kirk. <br /> ~The portion of the schedule of t~ae distribution system given to ~. Kirk consists of more <br /> than fiftypages and will be illustrative of the~amount Df ~ork involved inprepa~ing the full <br /> schedule. <br /> <br /> '~he s~neduie of the ~nysical property will be s~b-divided under ~e following headings: <br /> <br />A- Real Estate a~d Rights of ~ay <br />B- T~ansmissionandDist~ibutionS~Jstems. <br />C- Buildings sa~d S~c't~r~es. <br />D- Machiner~ ~d Equipment. <br />E- ~ific~tiUnEcf~ipment. <br />F- Non-operating Equipment'. <br />G~ ~aterials and Supplies~ <br /> <br /> =Ne ~Jyou herewith a portion of Schedule D, Machinery'and Equipment, consisting of eighty- <br />ni~e pages of typewritten m~.tter, which we-will appre?i~.te Yg~-de!iv~ri~ <br />such chec~g as he may desire, ~ reas~ f~:tr~tt~th~ s~e <br />honorable body be~ so as to give the Co~cil a f~ idea of th~ ~o~t of work~oz~ea ~ pre- <br />p~ t~ proper shhedule of the ~sical prop~t~es of the comp~. <br /> <br /> "We de,ire to assure the Council that there is no purpose to delay the arbi~a$ion .pr~oceed- <br />ings in the preparation.o£ t~ nec?SsarY ~s?hedul~es_ w'nioh~e to be~ co~sidered~ by ~he ~b~tr~tgrs. <br />~ the contr~, <br />ly endeaM~g to ~ompile a sched~e ~f its properties, so <br />the Oil's ~bi~at~, ~d we <br />~des~e to do, ~d upon ~ication fr~ h~m as to ~ p~tmc~ ~p t~t~e m~ ~smre to check, <br />we will de~ote o~sel~es p~ticul~lY to the co, lotion of the z~ne~e~ ~t p~ti~l~ ~tter. <br /> <br />~Yours truly, <br /> <br />~:G. E. Hoffmaster, President." <br /> <br /> The following letter was read f~om F. R. Harris, President of the Board of Control, War <br />Censt~ctien Activities, Hampton Roa~s District; and same was referred to the' ~ater Cemmittee~ <br />City ~nager, City Attorney, and City's arbitrator: <br /> '~Norfolk, Va., J~e lVth, 1918. <br /> "~he Honorable City Council of <br /> Portsmouth, ~. <br />"Gentlemen:- <br /> For your inf,rmation I am forwarding herewith ~ letter ~d~essedhy me to <br /> the ~resident of the Portsmouth, Berkl~y and Suffolk Water Co., relative te his commmu~ication <br /> to me of June 13th in regard to the mete~ir~ of water and other e~tensio~s req~i~ed to increase <br /> the supply available to the Government needs essential to the car~y~ ~n ~f the ~ar. <br /> <br /> ~h~. Hoffm~ste~'s letter is along t~e li~es of cure, discussion. It will be apparent to <br />that.since ~h? Go~er~ment re?st ~ssist.~.~e ~i~noi~ Of these ~roVe~S, it ~il! <br />~equ~e ~e ~% to su~r~mse ~stallat~ o~ ~pro~ements.~d ~e e~e~t~e of f~s <br />~ed-the~e~ <br /> '~V. ry tr~y <br /> <br />~F. R. Harris, President." <br /> <br />T~e fo!lo~ing is the letter enclosed: <br /> <br />~Mr. G. E. Hoff~aster, Pres,, <br /> P. B. & S. ~ater Co~oar~, <br /> #~0 B~oad Street, <br /> New k~ork City. <br />"Dear <br /> <br />~Nca~£olk, Va~, June !Vth, 1918. <br /> <br />of two co~wmr~uications <br /> <br /> <br />