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at Portsmouth, <br /> <br />Virginia, <br /> <br />this first day of Jttly, 1918. <br /> <br />Jttue !8, 1918 <br /> <br />ATTEST. <br /> <br />Pi~ESIDENT OF ~; CITk~ COLvNCIL <br />OF T~[E CITk- OP PORTSMOUE, <br /> <br />NO. <br /> Upon th~ first day of Jant~y <br />pay to bearer, bt Portsmouth, Va., the <br />due on its Redemption b~ud, numbered <br /> <br /> COUPON <br /> $ <br />(July], 19 , the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, will <br /> sum of $ ~ being six months interest then <br /> dated July l, 1918. <br /> <br /> Ci~f iY~EASU~. <br /> BE IT ~-URi~ER RESOL¥~D', That contemporaneously with the detive~ of said bonds, the o~ig~a! <br />~edemPtion bonds to re.nd ~nich the b~nds herein ~efe~ed to ~e issued, shall ~ cs~celled <br />~ d~st~oye~.~ <br /> <br />On r~otion, the resolution was adopted by the following vote: <br /> <br />A~es-- Buntir~, Claud, Ee~bert~-~Deans,~ Hanvey, Wright, 6. <br /> <br /> The following communications were. read from the City M~uager: <br /> First.' Submitting a com- <br />mtmicatien i~om the Co~.ittee on PUblication, Central Labor Union, asking a ~w~ite up~ of the <br />City for the Union's ~Labor Day Bul!e~mn, and san~e was re~erred to the City <br /> <br /> Second. Submitting a billf~om the Central Labor Union to amotmt of $30_0.00, as subscrip- <br /> ' e <br />tion by ~h City to ~Ad~ertising P~uud.~ <br /> O~ motion, said bill was referred to t~he Finance Depar~ent. <br /> <br /> NEW BUSINESS, <br /> <br /> A b~l~ of The K~ugs-Daught. e~s Hospital to sauotmt of $~06.65, for expenses of Harry Nail <br />at said Hospital, wa-s referred tot he Finance Department. <br /> <br /> The followin~ co~aemications' were read from the PortSmouth, B~rkley & Suffolk Water Company, <br />and same were referred to the Special Water Committee, City Manager, City Atfcrney, and the <br />City's arb~rato~: <br /> <br />~'New York, June 13th, 1918. <br /> <br /> · Tlae ~no~able. The Conhc~± of <br /> <br /> Po~ t~s~u~, Vil~ginia. <br /> <br /> Regarding the ~bitrat~m proceedings to asce~ta~ the value of ~e prope~ <br /> this Co~ ~t to the option set forth ~ ~e contract with the Water Comp~, we <br />~erst~d~t ~traDo~ will de.mmic the val~e as of April tst, 1918. <br /> <br />as <br />as <br /> <br />the' Goverrsment?s requirements for water, the Company feels it necessary to <br /> the prevention- of waste and as much of the ~mnecessary use <br /> make available from the p~esent capacity o£ the plant as much water <br /> ~g~eati~ inoreased z~eds o£ the Government. <br /> <br />~This ~a~ be done' %~omg~ ~%he placing of meters upon the service pipes of various consEners <br /> <br />the <br /> <br />of <br /> <br />m~nt~ <br />off Al~il <br /> <br />~ Of <br /> <br />so~e <br /> <br /> the erection o£ an additional boiler at the 5~n~folk <br /> ~he pumping station building at Stiff elk to house this <br /> to the filters and boilers, and it feels also that <br /> Station should be constructed, so that a greater volume <br />in~ case of need. It may also be deemed advisable to <br />the Po_rt.smouth end~ where o~y a single main now exists. <br /> entered upon, are estimated to cost a~out $250,000. <br /> these needs. <br /> <br />~ property <br /> <br />it has been deemed desirable to determtlne ~.,nApril ts~, 1915, <br /> understood that the cost of the addmtions and improve- <br /> 1st, t918, can be ~dded to the value fixed as: <br /> <br />th~ City will t~ltimately get the benefit cf 'these improvements if it becomes the owner <br /> · , it would be'advisable to have some form of a supplemental contract as to the <br /> mad~ subsequent to April lsd, 1918, ex~cuted between the City and the~Compa~y. <br /> <br /> <br />